Monday, August 26, 2013

Area Museum Looking for some HELP!

Your Versailles Area Historical Society is announcing items they are looking for several upcoming displays and that are needed very soon!

We are looking for:

  1. Great band & team photos from 1940’s/50’s/60’s
  2. Toy farm trucks and wagons from the 1950’s/60’s or earlier
  3. North Star, Willowdell, Yorkshire, & Webster items.
  4. Annie Oakley items
  5. Town fire items
  6. Tobacco harvesting items to help tell this agricultural story
  7. Homecoming pictures and Versailles Annuals from 2004 to the present
  8. Early village street/road signs

I also need two or three small bails of straw and several pumpkins.

If you are interested in loaning any item, please contact the museum at 526-4222 and leave a detailed message. We appreciate your help!

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