Monday, April 1, 2019


March certainly came in like a lion, turned to a lamb for a few days, then back to a lion, and started back as a lamb…..and now is back to a lion! March seemed aboulomanic this year! (look it up, I had to!) It will not matter as long as the weather will eventually be getting warmer, and stays that way. (P.S. - aboulomania means a person is indecisive! You’re welcome!)

There is not a whole lot to report this month. We have had the usual meetings that lead to more meetings and things. The second CHIP hearing was on March 25th at 10:00 a.m. in our office, and that went very well. Since we are partnering with the City of Greenville, we can apply for $700,000. If we applied individually we would only receive $500,000: $300,000 for the County, $200,000 for the City. Currently, on the CHIP waiting list there are 33 owner home repair requests: 13 in Greenville and 20 in the County. We have 22 owner rehabilitation requests: 8 in Greenville, 14 in the County. We will know in September if we will receive our funding request. Thanks to Nicki Reese for helping apply and manage the program.

March is always FFA month. We attend most, if not all of the yearly FFA banquets, and it is a pleasure to see the young women and men who participate in the program. These students work hard all year and the rewards they receive at these banquets attest to that hard work. Congratulations to the seniors, and to all who make the Darke County FFA programs a statewide success!

On March 22nd, Commissioner Stegall, H.R. Coordinator and Business Manager Kelly Hiatt, Maintenance, Safety and facilities manager Carl McCullough, and Dave Keiser, our local CORSA representative, went to Columbus for the annual CORSA renewal meeting. CORSA is our liability and Facility insurance provider. Darke County is one of the original nine counties to found this organization, and it has helped us keep our costs at a minimum over the years. This year, although the numbers haven’t been confirmed yet, it looks like our insurance will go up about 1.3%, not bad considering we had more claims this year than any in the past 5 years. CORSA continues to have been a wise investment for the county.

March 26th saw us attend the Township Fish Fry, which is always a great event. The event this year was at the VFW in Greenville, and very well attended. Thanks to the township trustees for a great evening.

We have had several meetings with Mote and Associates on the new Courthouse security entrance to be located on the rear of the building. Matt and Mike Rhoades have received the final drawings, and will be meeting with the Sheriff and the Courthouse Security committee for their input. We will then put it out for bid, and hopefully begin Construction 30 days later and be finished by October. This has been a long process and we are happy to have it done!

Although we always seem to be doing something, some months more than others, people are always welcome to stop in anytime, and feel free to attend one of our public sessions. We meet every Monday and Wednesday at 1:30 in the Commissioner’s office, located at 502 South Broadway, Just south of the Courthouse in Greenville. Hope to see you there!

The Darke County Commissioners

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