Thursday, August 12, 2010

Citizen Patriot (by Albert M. Bliss)

Preface: This letter should be addressed to every citizen (51,814 per the last census) in the almost 600 square miles of Darke County. But based on the number of folks that voted for the President of the United States in the last general election (25,838 voters or 74.6% of the registered voters) and considering the number of individuals that exhibit interest routinely in our governmental process, it has been suggested that statistically, only 5% or 2592 Darke County citizens would demonstrate an interest 83 days before the next general election. The DARKE T.E.A. PATRIOTS sincerely hope that more Darke County people care about our County, our State and our Country than the 5% identified.

Dear Darke County Citizen Patriot,

The purpose of this letter is respond to a question asked today and based on the question, explain to all Citizen Patriots what the DARKE T.E.A. PATRIOTS believe and hope to accomplish. The question, asked by a long time friend, was basically – not a quote—aren’t you just another political organization?

Our Mission Statement clearly states the first part of our response to this question. “The Darke T.E.A. Patriots Organization, a non partisan group, exists for a single dedicated effort to return Darke County, the State of Ohio and the United States of America to the fundamental principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the freedoms stated therein.”

As a part of our Articles of Organization and included in a handout given many Darke County folks, our Basic Policy Statement reflects the fundamental beliefs of this organization. This handout is printed at our cost and is immediately available upon request. One belief that was actively discussed, but not included in the list on the handout, is adherence to the oath of office by all elected officials as well as all individuals sworn into the military service. The first sentence of the oath starts as follows: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. This oath has real meaning but to hear elected officials that ignore or do not understand their obligations is the basis for real fear regarding the future of our county, state and country.

As included in our Mission Statement, the Darke T.E.A. Patriots is a non partisan group. This means we are not a political party. This also means that this group will not have a candidate for any office but we will perform in depth assessment of candidates from any party and report to our fellow citizens the conclusions reached. If for example four candidates are competing for a single office, each candidate would be evaluated based on a common criteria of 10 to 18 elements of character, conduct and experience.

Our organization is reviewing the eight school districts and nine school superintendants in Darke County and will prepare on-going reports of our findings and recommendations.

Candidates for certain state offices will receive conscious deliberation and a statement of support or opposition.

The Darke T.E.A. Patriots Organization is made up of Active Members who have participated in the past. We welcome new members who share in our beliefs. Join us and work with us toward common goals of individual responsibility and freedom.

Albert M. Bliss


  1. Soooo your a political organization and not a political party; Rather than putting up a candidate you support an existing one. Got it.

    And you also believe you can judge the school districts and tell them how to improve because your obviously the best person to judge them, since that has everything to do with "supporting and defending the constitution."

    Maybe I'll start an evaluation on your political party and make some recommendations.

  2. So let me get this don't want the politicians that were elected by a majority of the voters to make decisions that you don't agree with, but you feel that somehow it's your job to decide which school systems and their administrations are doing a good job and which are not? What qualifications do you hold to do this? I don't want nor do I need the opinion of your knee-jerk group when it comes to my school system.

    Your organization is a joke. You continually complain about office holders of one party over the other but claim to be a non partison group. Yeah, right. You may think you are fooling people but only foolish people believe your rhetoric. If you are serious about getting rid of career politicians why not start with the one that affects us the most - Boehner. Oh, I forgot, he's Republican.

    Do us all a favor and admit your goals are totally partison. At least then people can respect your opinions even if they don't agree with them.


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