The Ohio State University’s 48th annual Farm Science Review will be bigger and better than any review in previous years. This year promises to bring together the best new products, technologies and research to improve your operation and lifestyle. This year’s Farm Science Review theme is “I’m More Than A Farmer,” emphasizing the multitudinous roles farmers play on the farm, in the family and community.
The Review begins Tuesday, September 21, and lasts until Thursday, September 23, 2010, at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center in London, Ohio. The Farm Science Review is sponsored by the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, The Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. There will be several hundred demonstration plots and several million dollars worth of machinery on hand for viewing by the 140,000 plus attendees. Programs and demonstrations will be held on farm safety, conservation practices, GPS technology and there will be chances for hands on demonstrations with the latest equipment and technology. Attendees can view these demonstrations, starting at 12:30pm daily, for corn harvest, followed by GPS, manure application equipment, variable rate lime application, tillage, and finishing with soybean harvest at 2:30 pm.
To see the latest offered by OSU, stop by OSU Central, which is comprised of the McCormick, Bailey, Firebaugh Buildings and the Utzinger Garden. This year's displays focus on farm health and safety, cancer prevention, farm management programs, financial and economical information, the environment and human and community development. Outside, in the Utzinger Garden, sessions offer tips about home yards and gardens.
Conservation programs this year will highlight how to manage invasive plant species, and how to increase wild life species and diversity on your property. The Ohio Land Improvement Contractors will be on hand to demonstrate drainage technologies and control structures. They will also have additional resources and experts available at the grain drying facility. Visitors can also learn about rain garden installation from the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts on Friday Avenue.
One of the best kept secrets of the review is the ATV/UTV Ride and Drive Area. This year the area will feature Yamaha and Honda products. Attendees can test drive selected models inside the enclosed Ride and Drive Area, and also learn about ATV/UTV safety.
To view more information on the Farm Science Review, log on to The Farm Science Review hours of operation are from 8:00am to 5:00pm, September 21-22, and 8:00am to 4:00pm on September 23. Tickets are $8 at the gate or $5.00 when purchased in advance. Children five and younger are admitted for free. Farm Science Review tickets may be purchased in advance from OSU Extension, Darke County, 603 Wagner Avenue, Greenville. The tickets will be available from OSU Extension until noon on September 20. OSU Extension is open Monday through Friday from 8:00am until 4:3 pm. Please contact us at 937.548.5215, if you have any questions regarding purchasing your FSR tickets in advance.
Justin Petrosino, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources
OSU Extension, Darke County, Top of Ohio EERA, 603 Wagner Avenue, Greenville, OH 45331
August 10, 2010
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