I'm a GHS graduate, spent two years at Sinclair, and this fall I'm transferring to Chicago to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. It's one of the top schools in the US and is internationally recognized. I've received a lot of generous scholarships and grants covering nearly $32,000 of my tuition. I'm nearly able to afford it, and I just need a small helping hand to get me from Almost to Affordable. And what would be more appropriate than an art installation? It's titled Ephemeral as a tribute to the truly special moments in life that you don't realize are special until they're already gone. I'll have 8' sculptures, suspended sculpture, lights, fabric, and installation works that will change your mind about the "weird" world of concept art. Donations can be made at the door, but I really encourage everyone to read about SAIC, my goals, and to walk around and really soak up the experience before they make a donation in whatever amount they feel comfortable. There will be refreshments every night and children are encouraged to come. It will be a great experience as they can touch and interact (as long as they're careful not to break anything!). Pieces for sale will be clearly marked. I doubt anything quite like this has ever been seen in Greenville. This is an experience anyone can enjoy, so art enthusiast or not- you won't want to miss this!
The Hunt's Farm: 5263 Horatio Harris Creek Rd., Greenville, OH 45331 (inside the barn with a dirt floor)
August 12th-15th, Thursday - Saturday: 6pm-11pm, Sunday: 2pm-5pm
My friends, family, and community have been unbelievably supportive. SAIC is a dream come true for me and coming out to my installation and giving what help you can means the world to me. From the bottom of my heart- THANK YOU! And if you're curious what the picture of the yellow, egg-shaped piece is... you'll have to come and see!
Kindest Regards, Stephanie Pierson
Chicago has the best art schools! Also,check out The American Academy of art as well. MeGwiitch.