Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday afternoon: auto accident at 121 & 36 south of Greenville

A dangerous intersection. [photo submitted by JoJo]


  1. The biggest part of the problem with this intersection is that drivers DO NOT pay attention.

  2. I agree with dg.I drive threw this intersection every day and people do not pay attention.I have avoded crashes by swerving in the ditch to miss them.It is very bad and needs to be fixed.

  3. Sorry but I don't believe they have come up with a fix for stupidity.

  4. How do you fix people not paying attention? How about people put the cell phones down for starters? That intersection should be no more dangerous than most others, people are just careless.

  5. Having driven thru that intersection for most of my shor tdriving life, I have seen more tractor trailers, farm equipment, and pick ups w/ a trailer thinking they can cross 121 before traffic coming at them broadsides them. Multiple occasions I have had to slam on brakes or swerve to miss having my story on There are rumble strips approaching 121 on both portions of 36, so what else is there to really do to make people pay attention. Build a bridge over 121 (or 121 over 36)? Waste of money if people just wouldn't be so lost in themselves in what they are doing while driving.

  6. A stop light could help

  7. I really don't understand why people have a hard time crossing 121 at that intersection?? You CAN clearly see the 121 traffic in both directions on both sides of 36. You just sit and wait your turn...even if you are a tractor, semi or any other form of transportation.
    I've never thought that was a hard road to cross. When I am on 121, I'm always careful to watch the crazies on 36 trying to cross 121 though, cause you can't trust that everyone is paying attention.


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