Wednesday, September 15, 2010

18-year-old in custody on charges of murder/attempted murder

According to information at, an 18-year-old named Mackenzie Lee Gorrell is being held on charges of murder and attempted murder in the Darke County Jail following arrest Wednesday at 11:11 a.m. by the Darke County Sheriff. The public records link is here.

UPDATE: the post below originally appeared on DarkeJournal on August 26, 2010, from a DCSO press release. While unconfirmed, it seems possible that Gorrell may be the juvenile referred to below. Will continue to follow up. Confirmed: the two stories are related, and the charge is attempted murder. Nobody died, and Gorrell may allege self-defense.

The Darke County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the stabbing of a 19 year old male, identified as Leroy Brock Crawford of Greenville, OH.

On Thursday morning, August 26, 2010 at approximately 2:08 AM deputies were dispatched to Wayne Health Care in Greenville, OH in reference to an adult male being there for the treatment of a stab wound; that being Mr. Crawford. Mr. Crawford was later transferred to Miami Valley Hospital by Care Flight and was reported early today in serious condition. Mr. Crawford is expected to recover from his injuries.

Investigation has shown that the assault occurred in the Wayne Lakes area of Darke County. The arrest of one male juvenile, age 17, from Darke County has been made which has also led to his confinement at the West Central Juvenile Detention Center in Troy, OH. Formal charges are pending.

The investigation continues as further leads develop.

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