Monday, September 13, 2010


The Friends of Bear’s Mill will be holding their annual Legendary Fall Open House on Saturday, October 2 and Sunday, October 3 from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day. Guided tours and grinding demonstrations will be offered at 12:00, 2:00 and 4:00. Visitors will be entertained with live music from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. both days. Nancy Rush, author of the book “My Mother’s Child,” will be signing her books Saturday from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. The event is free. Donations are greatly appreciated.

“Harvest time was and is a time of celebration for agricultural communities like Darke County,” said outreach manager Becky Dynes. “In keeping with tradition, we celebrate with tours and grinding demos, bean soup and cornbread (made with our famous yellow cornmeal), apple dumplings and caramel apples (made with Brumbaugh Fruit Farm apples), art and live music, pumpkins and a walk in the colorful woods,” Ms. Dynes concluded.

The Mill Store offers stoneground flours and meals as well as kitchen and gourmet goods, Boston Stoker Coffee and Bake House breads. Original pottery by the Bear’s Mill potters, home décor and handmade jewelry are also for sale. “Interesting new items are arriving every day,” stated Judy Stachler, sales associate. “And of course we have the traditional pumpkins and gourds that everyone looks forward to displaying in celebration of the season,” she explained.

Coinciding with the Fall Open House is the 2010 Ohio Solar Tour, organized by Green Energy Ohio. The Friends of Bear’s Mill hydroelectric project, funded by the Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund, will be featured on the tour. This free statewide event provides the unique opportunity of networking with individuals and organizations who are implementing clean energy technologies. Select guided tours in communities across Ohio feature solar, wind, biomass, green design, energy-saving technologies and much more.

“Bear's Mill has a small hydroelectric generation system installed in the power house located by the dam,” said Ray Lepore, engineer and board trustee. “This site is a wonderful teaching laboratory. The turbine is easily accessible, as are all mechanisms and controls. There is much development work to do yet, but the system is fully functional and generates power,” concluded Lepore.

Bear’s Mill, a working national landmark, is operated by the Friends of Bear’s Mill, a non-profit organization. Bear’s Mill is located at 6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Road about 5 miles east of Greenville. For more information, call 937-548-5112 or visit

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