Listen to Wave 96 all day and when you hear Jerrod Niemann - Lover Lover be the 6th person to text 937-417-4844 and you could win 4 Tickets to Disney on Ice @ the Nutter Center in Dayton Song will play anytime today so make sure you are tuned in
UPDATE: Congratulations to TMR of Darke Journal on winning Disney On Ice Tickets for Thursday, September 30th @ The Nutter Center. keeping watching for contest and giveaways here on Darke Journal and Wave 96 Facebook Page!
Thanks for all the participation in this contest! For the ones who are at work and are limited to computer access I will be finding something for when you are off work, only in all fairness to my listeners!
Wave 96 - we kick the crap out of the competition.
Thanks DJ and Wave are both a part of my day, everyday!!