Saturday, September 18, 2010

Your stimulus dollars hard at work

$184,000 for multi-colored LED lights in Dayton. Is it worth the money?


  1. i wonder how many jobs that saved or created?

  2. I am not going to make a smart remark about this topic but I know Dayton needs help to build and maintain the businesses they have already. Dayton can be a great place to go and as long as the investment is going to help that I am not going to complain about it I read the article and agree with most of it

  3. To answer the question: No. It's not worth OUR money.

    People seem less critical of stimulus spending when it's local. Improve a Dayton business district, expand broadband access to rural Darke and Preble counties...sounds great. But how would opinions change if our tax dollars were going to expand broadband access in rural Wyoming and put LED lights in Allentown, PA?

  4. So our federal tax dollars are only to be used for things that directly benefit us locally now?


  5. There are a lot of infrastructure needs that would have been better choices than these projects.

  6. federal tax money should only be spent on our defense department, public safety and highways...all the other stuff can come from state money or donations.. LED's and broadband? are you kidding me?


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