The Darke Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management would like to thank the many organizations, companies, and individuals that worked tirelessly during recent ice event. Darke County might have missed the full force of the storm however we still suffered power outages and needs for emergency services. It was through the TEAM effort of all the county Fire, EMS, Local Law Enforcement, the Darke County Sheriff’s office and Dispatch Center, the ODOT, County, Township and City snow plow operators, all of the Utility Company’s staff and employees, Darke County Red Cross, Spirit Medical Transport, Community Action Partners, Citizen Corp Volunteers, and many others that we are not aware of who worked diligently and tirelessly to keep the county safe and functioning through and after the event.
We would also like to thank the residents of Darke County for heeding the storm warning and being prepared. The more we are prepared the less the recovery time and costs will be.
Thank you again and please follow us on Facebook for preparedness tips and other helpful information.
Rick Lee, Director, Mindy Saylor, Deputy Director
Someone else needs to be recognized for the outstanding job of organizing the county services well before the storm hit. Rick Lee came in on Monday before the storm at 2:30 to the commisssioners office and related what he had prepared for with the county services. Rick, you did a great job and it is greatly appreciated. You and your staff deserve a lot of credit. Keep up the good work!