Friday, March 4, 2011

Discussion: BYU suspends star basketball player for honor code violation

Standing on your principles? Or a shot at the NCAA basketball title? The choice was simple for BYU. For background on the story, read this.


  1. I guess as much as I disagree with the code itself, I can't really find any fault with BYU's actions, assuming the reports are all correct that this is definitively off limits as far as the code that the student and university mutually agreed upon.

    It doesn't seem like there is much to discuss, he violated the policy and is facing the consequences.

    However, it would be an interesting discussion to talk about the actual honor code. Is it ethical for an institution to impose restrictions on individuals' private lives? Even if the individuals consent to it?

  2. I have read a lot on the Mormon "religion", and to answer your question, Kurt, if you are a true-blue don't have a private life. I guess that means if you are a non-Mormon attending BYU you either play by their rules or you are shown the door - as this kid was.
    I commend BYU (or any other college) that stands by their rules & codes, but like I said, after reading about the Latter Day Saints in some depth, I have come to the conclusion that it is a bit more like a cult than an actual Christian belief. Do I dislike those who are Mormons? Not at all-the ones I know well are good, nice folks. Do I agree with their celestial beliefs, sealing ceremonies, priesthoods, and levels of heaven? No way!


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