Monday, March 14, 2011

Extension News Release: Happy Ag Week!

Let me start by saying Happy Ag Week to everyone! Last week Governor Kasich signed House Bill 89 which designated the second full week of March as Ag Week. The reason for Ag Week is to try and bridge the tremendous gap between the general public, most of whom live off-farm, and Ohio’s farmers. Although Ohio’s farmers only make up a very small portion of our population they help generate $98 billion for Ohio’s economy. That is billion with a B!

Locally the approximate 1,770 farms in Darke County generated $480 million for 2007 according to our last Ag Census. In that year our local farmers produced 20 million bushels of corn, 6.5 million bushels of soybean, and 1.2 million bushels of wheat on 350,000 acres. We also ranked a close second to Mercer County in livestock production.

Our farmers endure constant changes in crop and input costs, drastic changes in weather, and increasing government regulation to produce the food we eat every day. Imagine owning a business where your wholesaler controlled the cost of the product you stocked your shelves with, your customer told you what the sale price would be, and Uncle Sam told you how you could manage your business. The end result: please thank a farmer this week, and every week for the food we eat every day. Without our local farmers here in Darke County, the state of Ohio, and the USA our food would be imported from countries without the environmental stewardship, safety, and quality that we take for granted every day.

For any farmers reading this column Ohio State University Extension, Darke County, has several programs coming up to help you improve your operation.

Still need to get recertified for your private pesticide applicators license for 2011? You have one last opportunity in Mercer County on Thursday, March 17, at 6 pm. For more information contact the Mercer County Extension Office at (419) 586-2179. Please RSVP to the event so we can have the proper documents available for you at meeting.

Through the office we’ve heard there is pressure on farmers to utilize crop protection programs that may not be warranted on wheat this year and some are considering tearing up a good wheat crop to plant corn. OSU Extension Darke, Shelby, and Champaign counties are holding a West Ohio Wheat Production Meeting on March 24, 2011, at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at the Shelby County Extension Office at 810 Fair Road in Sidney. Contact the Shelby County Office at (937) 498-7239 to reserve your seat. You can also call Shelby County to register for the March 22 rainfall monitoring meeting. It is our goal to have a rain gauge in every township to report rainfall online, available to everyone.

The 2011 Ohio Swine Health Symposium is scheduled for March 22, 2011 at the Der Dutchman Restaurant in Plain City, Ohio. To register you can fill out and fax in the form for the symposium available at under “In the News” or call the Putnam County Office at (419) 523-6294. You can’t beat the education you will get plus a buffet lunch at the Der Dutchman for only $10!

Keep an eye out for more great programs from OSU Extension by visiting the Ag Crops website at or the CORN Newsletter at If you are interested in donating money to aid in the recovery of Japan and other countries affected by the earthquake and tsunami both the Red Cross and Salvation Army are accepting donations. To donate you can visit either organizations websites at or To make a quick $10 donation you can text the word “Japan” to 80888 for the Salvation Army or text the word “REDCROSS” to 90999 for the Red Cross.

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