Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ohio Center Building to be renovated before 2011 GReat Darke County Fair

The Board of Directors for the Darke County Agricultural Society are pleased to announce that the Ohio Center Building (formerly the WDRK Building) will be renovated prior to the start of the 155th Great Darke County Fair that runs August 19-26, 2011.

The renovation will take place in order to accommodate the Greater Greenville Ministerial Association during the annual Fair. For many years, the Greater Greenville Ministerial Association and Darke County Veteran’s Organization have shared a building. Due to the continued growth of both of these entities, the need to have separate locations has been discussed for several years.

This renovation will totally enclose the existing structure. Also included in the project will be a new roof, metal exterior siding, insulated interior walls, metal interior walls and ceiling, new entry walk-in doors, two overhead doors, twelve new interior overhead strip lights, two exit/emergency light combinations with remote weather proof heads, one emergency light and new 110 volt receptacles.

Events that were previously held at the Ohio Center during the Fair will continue to take place and have been relocated to alternative sites.

Daniel Wittler's Tae Kwon Do and MMA: Gazebo – Saturday – August 20, 2011 – 1pm to 3pm
Little Mister Contest: Gazebo – Monday – August 22, 1011 – 530pm
Little Miss Contest: Gazebo – Monday – August 22, 1011 – immediately following Little Mister
Human Rooster Crowing Contest: To be determined
Human Turkey calling Contest: To be determined
Human Chicken Dance Contest: To be determined
Square Dancing: Swine Barn - Thursday - August 25, 2011 from 730pm to 930pm

Weather permitting, the renovation will begin the week of March 7, 2011 The Board will use funds that have been placed in an account for a project of this nature to assist with the cost of this renovation.


  1. I was hoping the photo show would have a new and bigger home. It is needed because of poor lighting and a need to display all the shots closer to eye level so they can all be judged equally. Shots hung on the top and bottom row require a judge to get on his knees or a ladder to properly evaluate the composition.

  2. I agree the photo show is very cramped. The photos cannot be displayed so all can be seen. The photo show is bigger than all the art entries in the Fine Arts Building. I'd think the fair board should take a look at what can be done to make the photo show easier for the public to view.

  3. I'm glad the fair board is making renovations, but I agree that they should consider a bigger building or some updates for the current fine arts building if money becomes available. That is always a "must see" when I go to the fair & I know many people who enjoy the photographs, paintings & other artwork.

  4. All art pieces including photographs, 2D and 3D are judge equally at the fine art building. To exhibit photographs, 2D and 3D at eye level would require an enormous building.One solution to the problem is to lower the number of entries, which has been done. Another solution would be track lighting but is expensive.
    The fine art building can always use volunteers.


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