On Saturday April 16th, 2011 at 9:00 am the Darke County Local Emergency Planning Committee and the Darke County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management will be holding its annual Hazardous Materials exercise at the BASF plant at 1175 Martin Street Greenville. These annual exercises are important so our county First Responders can maintain a high level of preparedness in the event an actual chemical emergency occurs. Greenville City and County emergency agencies will be participating in this exercise which will simulate the release of a chemical substance. They will activate their response plans and work together to resolve the simulated spill. These exercises are evaluated and the results are then used to improve policies and procedures for Hazardous Material responses. The exercise will conclude at 12:00 noon.
This Exercise will be contained within the property site of BASF, and for safety reasons the general public will not be allowed on site without prior authorization of the Darke County LEPC/EMA. If you have any questions please contact the Darke County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management at: 548-1444 or www.darkecountyema.org.
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