Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ice Cream Social for Volunteers!

As a grass-roots and volunteer driven organization, Main Street Greenville relies on community volunteers to plan and implement activities for downtown revitalization. No job goes unappreciated from filing papers to watering flowers to conceptual design planning.

With over 1,200 volunteer hours logged in 2010, we would like to thank all those volunteers for their time and talent to downtown Greenville with an Ice Cream Social during National Volunteer Week.

Thursday, April 14 from 4:00-6:00 pm
on the Courthouse Lawn, Main Street Greenville will be serving up ice cream to our volunteers and people interested in learning more about the Main Street Program. This event celebrates our wonderful community and the investment each one of us put forth to make it better. Greenville National Bank is just one great business that will assist in the festivities as they recognize community involvement with Community Banking Month in April.

With Great Appreciation to our 2010 Volunteers:
Alyssa Miller, Ann Hurd, Antonia Baker, Austin & Wes Spencer, Barb Wilson,Julie Horzsa, Ryan & Becky Dynes, Bob Harless, Ken Livingston, Brian Griesdorn & family, Caitlyn Miller, Candice Gibney, Carl Wright, Dalene Thomas, Carol Haworth, Ceil Hosfeld, Chad & Lauren Henry, Christian Kimmel, Christie Randall, City of Greenville Street Department, Dale Schmerge, Dan Rehmert, Dan Young & family, Dave Aukerman, Dave Kaplan, Deanna York, Debby Sodders, Dennis Baker, Diana Spitler, Diane Billenstein, Diane Delaplane, Linda Stachler, Diane Johnson, Diane Wentworth, Don Brickler, Don & Janet Weills, Donna Gasper, Dustin Nealeigh, Eileen Litchfield, Eric Brand, Eric & Lelah Shoop, Eric Stachler, Erin Groff, Gail Godown, Gary Handshoe, Sherry Baker, Hands On West Central Ohio, Gina Miller, Gloria Harpest, Gloria Keller-Brinley, Kevin & Hala Knapke, Heather Quigney, Holly Finnarn, The Wilson Family, Holly Hill, Brethren Retirement Community Residents, Jamie Harry, Jan Boyer, Jane Cleary, High School Career Art Class, Jason Aslinger, Jerry Marker, Jim Zehringer, Steve & Joan Brandt, Joel Allread, Ben & Joelle York, John Baumgardner, John Cook, John Guttadore, Jon McGreevy, Joshua Strawser, Julie Kessen, Katie Gabbard, Keith Fasnacht, Kendra Haworth, Kevin Saintgnon, Kevin Wright, Kirsten Berghoff, Leon Rogers, Leslie Handshoe Suter, Lori Hoover, GHS Interactive Media, Luke Winterrowd, Ken & Lynne Timmerman, Marc Saluk, Mary Lane, Matt Aultman, Merri & Payton Niekamp, Mike & Shelly Mekes, Mike & Kim Bowers, Mike Henderson, Mike Kiser, Mike Pressnall, Mike Snyder, Nancy McClurg, Pam Place, Roberta Feltman, Roger Brooks, Ryan Delk, Sarah Eischen, Steve Fitzwater, Steve Myers, Sue Hans-Darke Co. Democratic Women, Susan Fowble, Susan Smearsoll, Susie Riegle, Ted Abney, Theresa Sarver, Tim & Diana Reeder, Tom & Jackie Soper, Tom Nichols, Tonnya Guillozet, Tracie Hoying, Trent Thompson, Tyler & Nikole Fasnacht, Alex Mikos, Jason Willis, Jenny Harry, Isabell Culbertson, Melanie Nealeigh, Bob Nelson, Heath Riffell, Sandy Brawley, Phyllis Miller, Boy Scout Troop 373, The Haworth Family, & Girl Scout Troup 31293.

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