Saturday, September 3, 2011

Darke County Commissioners and Greenville Mayor Sign Proclaimation for 10th Anniversary of 9/11


The Darke County Commissioners along with the Greenville Mayor signed a proclamation of the 10th Anniversary of 911.

Pictured: Mayor Michael C. Bowers, Darke County Commissioners Diane Delaplane, Michael Rhoades, and Michael Stegall, Sheriff Toby Spencer, 911 Ceremony-Parade Committee Chief Deputy Maark Whittaker, Greenville Fire Captain Troy Wombold, Greenville Police Chief Dennis Butts, Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR Vice Regent Debbie Nisonger, and Greenville VFW Commander Scott Reed.

Click here to view the proclaimation


  1. I think that it is wonderful that the city is remembering the people who were lost on 9/11. However, I do find it ironic that the city is willing to lay off 2 police and fire fighters the next day. Thanks to the DAR and the VFW for all of their efforts in remembering those who lost their lives. THEY are true Americans!!!

  2. Also the MC, Mr. Buchy who is diligently working to lower their pay and fringes. How sad.


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