Sunday, October 2, 2011

Anti Abortion Demonstrators Line Main Street in Greenville

While participating in this morning's Walk to End Alzheimer's, we passed a large public demonstration against abortion. The group was large enough that they stretched for nearly two blocks on East Main Street in Greenville.

They held signs with messages such as "Stop Abortion Now," "Jesus Forgives," "Abortion Kills Children" among others and received many horn honks and thumbs up from drivers passing by.

...AND... gas is only $3.19 per gallon at Circle Mart! Big City Dogs' offer may be a limited time offer after all!


  1. This reminds me of the days before prohibition when all the small towns joined with the religious zealots to ban alcohol and beer and wine come hell or hot water. It took a decade to right those wrongs and it might take a decade to right the wrongs against women's rights if these folks have their dictatorial way.

  2. Is this group part of the awesome guy who stands at speedway dressed like John Wayne spreading his message? I feel like I should stand across the street from their church or home with a sign that says what I feel. Somehow, I don't think they would like that. Woman should just cook and clean. Why do we let them vote anyways? They are just for breeding...sarcasm in case you missed it...

  3. did they have a permit to assemble?


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