Issue 1
- Yes - 38% Overall
- In Darke: 6,059 (36%)
- No - 62% Overall
- In Darke: 10,950 (64%)
- Yes - 39% Overall
- In Darke: 8895 (49.8%)
- No - 61%
- In Darke: 8952 (50.13)
- Yes - 66% Overall
- In Darke: 12923 (74%)
- No - 34% Overall
- In Darke: 4515 (26%)
MVCTC Levy (100% of precincts reporting)
- Yes - 49% Overall
- In Darke: 5250 (58%)
- No - 51% Overall
- In Darke: 3842 (42%)
Darke County Municipal Court Judge
- Julie L Monnin (D) - 9733
- Jessie J Green (R) - 7656
Greenville City Ward Council Members
- 1st Ward
- Isabel U Culbertson (D) - 419
- Clarence F Godwin (R) - 582
Issue 7 - Greenville City School District Buildings Levy
- Yes - 3545
- No - 4194
Boards of Education
Arcanum-Butler (3 to be elected)
- Beverly Delk - 1148
- Ed Everman - 944
- Tracy A. Fout - 1328
- Howie McLain II - 889
- Mark Trask - 1011
Greenville City (2 to be elected)
- Diana L. Banta - 2815
- Fred Matix - 4470
- Joe Payne (Withdrew) - 1375
- Jim Sommer - 3491
Versailles (2 to be elected)
- Gwenn Barga - 1305
- Angie Bruns - 1345
- Cheryl Gehret - 1185
Issue 13 - Arcanum Public Library
- Yes - 1413
- No - 827
Issue 14 - Greenville Public Library
- Yes - 4094
- No - 3671
Local Issues
Issue 4 (Adams Township Fire District No. 1)
- Yes - 548
- No - 157
- Yes - 202
- No - 327
Issue 15 - Darke County Board of Developmental Disabilities
- Yes - 11899
- No - 5628
Issue 16 - Tri-County Board of Recover & Mental Health Services
- Yes - 10906
- No - 6575
- Yes - 161
- No - 115
- Yes - 15
- No - 33
- Yes - 129
- No - 151
- Yes - 47
- No - 9
- Yes - 102
- No - 32
- Yes - 100
- No - 34
- Yes - 40
- No - 25
- Yes - 42
- No - 24
Ansonia Village Council (2 to be elected)
- Danny Brown - 132
- Jeff Gariety - 98
- Dennis Goewert - 89
- Bruce A Siefring - 160
- Wallace N Alderman, Jr.- 141
- Monte L Clark - 278
- Shelley Dottillis - 52
- Judith F Foureman - 369
- Donnie L. Harmon - 40
- Jason D. Lance - 95
- Gary A. Clark - 16
- David H. Peterson - 30
New Madison
Member of Council (2 to be Elected)
- Angela D. Ballard - 214
- Larry E. Cockerham - 165
- Patty Jackson - 107
Union City
- James F. Nelson - 91
- Scott Stahl - 203
Greenville Twp
- Justin Hines - 3212
- Mauri L. Miles - 1854
Mississinawa Twp
- Greg Keller - 109
- Timothy L. Stump- 140
Patterson Twp
Fiscal Officer
- Bill Broering - 70
- Kathleen M. Grieshop - 314
- Daniel Mescher - 148
Richland Twp
Trustee **TIE**
- Dan J. Hart - 157
- Bruce Knick - 157
Fiscal Officer
- Kay Nance - 111
- Dorothy Pope-Goodpaster - 175
- Wade A. Barga - 132
- Larry Bubeck - 270
Any chance you can find the Darke County numbers for how the COUNTY voted on the statewide issues as well?
ReplyDeletePerhaps even break it down by voters of the GCS levy and their opinions of the state issues, if possible.
Sad to see MVCTC levy did not pass.
ReplyDeleteMVCTC and UVCC do great things for these kids!
Greenville City Schools the people have spoken!
ReplyDeletedo you think that the greenville board of education gets it now....i doubt it they will try agian its because its what they want and not the much money was wasted on all these elections...what 4 of them now...that money could have been put into the school and buildings...i am sure now we are going to hear how poor things are going to be...when they make cuts why dont they start with their own salaries and benifits
ReplyDeleteWhen the state steps in and condemns our buildings, the people that continuously vote no will somehow find a way to blame the school board for that too. Care about your community for a change. ITS NOT ABOUT THE SCHOOL BOARD! It is about the kids, YOUR KIDS!
ReplyDeleteI was very sad to see that our school levy has failed again. My daughter is now a Senior at Ohio University and only attended Greenville Public Schools for one year, however I know that our community's future is very important and education is the foundation to that future.
ReplyDeleteDo you people not get it??!!! If we don't have schools and education in Greenville, we will never have new businesses coming to Greenville. I think the people of Greenville should wake up and do what is right for the children but also for the good of the community. Stop living in the past and move forward.
ReplyDeleteThe City of Greenville needs to have a citizen transfusion. We need to take some people from Mercer County, move theme here and get rid of these people who continue to vote down these school levies. Our schools are doomed to mediocrity because so many of our citizens are small minded and selfish. Education is our only hope for the future, and we aren't investing in it here. Thank God for open enrollment!
ReplyDeleteEveryone keeps saying our kids need an education. They are getting an education, just not in a new school building.
ReplyDeleteI will gladly wake up and pay up when my pension gets a pay raise. I do get it but my wallet along with alot of other citizens have spoken again. Do you not get it when people cannot afford another tax increase???
ReplyDeletelets see now...i dont see alot of new business going to our neighboring cities with thier nice new say the businesses are staying away becasue of our old building is totaly false...alot depends on taxes from the city and county and what incentives on tax breaks they can get...not new school buildings...we could have the new buildings but would still have the lower test scores and all the same buildings dont teach kids..teachers..and parents do......
ReplyDeleteMy children were mistreated in Greenville City Schools. They were not given the opportunity to learn. I will never vote for a Greenville School Levy.
ReplyDeleteschools need to step up and do more with less. just like everyone has to do. Give the kids an education. not an attitude! start spending all this time on improving attitudes. nobody cares about money you may need if they can't see the care for the kids. schools with almost no money outperform g-ville. prove you are worthy and the money will come. people will go out of the way to help. if they see you trying to help yourself. not one kid i know has had any school pride instilled in them. and it has nothing to do with money! all anyone ever hears is the bad. lets start building some self-esteme and pride. get the trash out of the streets and peoples yards. i don't know where the new low-class people of greenville are comming from but we need them out of here!
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty pathetic, selfish, and ignorant for people to vote against the school levy. Punishing the children, what a great way to treat the community. A new school is necessary. Maybe once people take the time to educate themselves (God forbid, I know) they'll make the right choice. I hope they keep "wasting money" on campaigns, because it will eventually pay off.
ReplyDeleteI want to start off by saying that my user name on here is: GMBird. I did not want to be just "anonymous".
ReplyDeleteI was not born and raised here, but I am here now. My husband and I do not have children- yet. We are both willing to pay a tax for YOUR children, who are in desperate need of a new school. I am very confused to why new technology that would be offered has such a lack of acceptance. Kids find learning and educating boring a lot of the time. New computers and interactive ways of learning could at least make kids want to learn. Books? Books are boring, whether people are willing to admit it or not. We are living in a world with technology advancing everyday. I guess they can always count with their fingers and toes. That's a free option for them.
People who have the excuse "I can't afford this tax" are ridiculous. It is that simple. What would the tax be? $11-ish a month? It's funny what people "can't afford." It leaves me wondering what they CAN afford. Beer, cigarettes, dining out, an X-Box, the newest iPhone? Often times, yes, they can afford these things. But to be fair, they need all of these things, right?
My grandmother (who does not live in Greenville or Darke County) "lives week to week." She has no idea how she's going to survive a month from now. She'll tell you this all day. This same woman bought a brand new car... with cash. She is a liar, or delusional, or whatever adjective you'd like to use, but she would at least have enough sense to vote for a school levy.
A lot of the people who choose to vote have absolutely zero integrity, and it is truly saddening.
In closing, I will repeat myself. I do not have children, I am not rich, but I would still support the children who live in a community very new to me.
"My children were mistreated in in Greenville City Schools". Really? Or were your children butt holes and you were an enabling parent who felt that your kids could do no wrong.
ReplyDelete@ ANON 8:35 mean the Village IDIOTS have spoken....but then again you can't fix stupid....please Greenville School District DON'T give up
ReplyDeleteOur 5th grader doesn't know her multiplication facts. Do you think a new school building will teach her them?
ReplyDeleteThe money "gone to waste" for campaigning wasn't the school's money, the city's money, or the county's. It was DONATED.
ReplyDeleteIf you're not capable of paying $11 a month, a school levy is the least of your problems.
You are correct in that the village "idiots" have spoken. They did vote themselves a tax increase when they defeated Issue 2!
ReplyDeleteTo GMBird
ReplyDeleteIs's not just about all the tax or money.
Your not going to get the right reasons from the source of the problem . I hope "truly informed" voters "continue" to hold ground to send the message. One new board member can't fix the problem, they will convert him in time as well.
I will be serprised otherwise but will be the first to praise him if he can. Good job voter's
LOL! So, who is the chosen one that's going to try to solve the problem? And what is the real problem since it isn't taxes or money?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to know what it's really about then since the majority of complaints have been regarding both taxes and money.
And to the comment about a 5th grader not knowing a multiplication table... couldn't part of that problem be yours? Or do you not know how to multiply either? Schools aren't just free babysitters, that parent has to teach, too.
Until the teachers actually start teaching again, and stop indoctrinating our children with everything but the 3 Rs, we will never pass a levy!
ReplyDeleteSome of you need to spend a day in the classroom or try to walk the halls of Woodland during lunch and restroom breaks. Music had to be put "on a cart" and the media center moved to the stage. There are not enough restrooms for almost 700 children. As to the "multiplication facts", help your child learn with flashcards at home.
ReplyDeleteThose of you who voted "no" will pay more in years to come. We don't like paying more taxes but our grandchildren will be attending these buildings for the next 18 years and we are willing to provide for them as others did for our education.
People that call children butt holes, parents village idiots have no right to judge people for their beliefs and Darke Journal should read read their GUDELINES when they say keep your comments smart and civil. These SMART ass and CIVIL idiots are the ones who think we need a new school. And Darke Journal should think twice , when they delete other peoples comments.
ReplyDeletePeople have a fundamental misunderstanding of the issue before them. This school thing is not going away. It's like a hole in your roof. You can pay now or you can pay later. If you don't pay now, two things happen--1)in the short term, your living conditions are substandard and your quality of life suffers; 2) in the long term, you face the possibility that your decision to ignore the issue results in more serious damage and the price tag goes up.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't care less about any other arguments, pro or con. This school is going to be built whether we want it or not. The State will not continue to subsidize our local educational district and let us have rain pouring in the roof. Eventually, the State will dictate how this is going to be handled and we will pay the price--literally. The best the no voters can hope for is that when the day of reckoning arrives, they are gone and won't be responsible to pay the bill.
I understand the frustration on both sides of the school issue. Perhaps, the people FOR the levy should donate each year, individually, to fund the new schools. That way, no money will be wasted on pushing the tax levy each election cycle. I'm sure your money won't be turned away.
ReplyDeleteAll of the money that is given away for welfare checks should be repaid, by the individuals taking it. That way money isn't wasted.
ReplyDeleteWhat is needed is new leadership and NOW!!!The idiots are the ones in charge take a look.You have people at the top who dont have a clue.Their background is in shop and phys ed,how does this qualify them to run a school system!!!
ReplyDeleteWake up!! NEW SCHOOL BUILDINGS DO NOT BRING NEW JOBS. Want to save money, tell the school board to quit busing these troubled kids on a different bus. If they can not ride with the other kids on the normal routes, then make the parents get them to school. How many people knew they were running extra routes?
ReplyDeletei agree new schools dont bring new business...if that was true then darke county should have 0% unemployment with all the OTHER new schools in the county....i wasnt aware that greenville was making special route for special kids...i know i have seen numerous times of buses leaving the schools and only having a few kids on them and was thinking why isnt the bus full...greenville needs new leadership thats for sure..all changes need to start at the top and trickle downward....greenville board needs to make efforts to utilize the current buildings and show improvement to EVERYONE instead of simply cryinghow bad they are and letting them go further in the hole...maybe agian if the board tried using the old more efficienctly then shoving the new schools down our throats every 3 months things might change...
ReplyDelete"maybe agian if the board tried using the old more efficienctly then shoving the new schools down our throats every 3 months things might change..."
Haven't the powers that be been behind changes and advancements that have elevated the district to an Excellent rating from the state despite sweeping cutbacks and extended budget cuts?
What exactly should the district do that it hasn't yet done to show that it can be more efficient in the old buildings?
It seems like the NO voters have a continuously-shifting finish line.
Here's the deal folks, schools are not going to teach anything that will help your kids have a meaningful career in the near future. My kids go to a million dollar school now and they can hardly read or write and this argument that you should be teaching your kids all of this defeats the purpose of sending them to school in the first place, it's real simple get the government out of the schools. Come on folks have you all forgot about the no kid left behind legislation that was passed years ago?