Friday, November 4, 2011

Guest Post: Elect Isabel Culbertson to City Council

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Easy to remember and hard to forget, Isabel Culbertson has probably visited city council more than anyone else in Greenville. No matter what cause or controversy she is for or against, she is not afraid to make her voice known and her opinions heard.

Whether she is marching against CO2 sequestration in downtown Greenville or speaking out for a better maintained city park, her thoughts are first and foremost for the betterment of the community and the safety of its citizens.

A talented artist, who deplores eyesores that lower property values and take away from the scenic beauty of the city, she is also a senior citizen, who thinks seniors need more say on city council. This makes sense, particularly since research has shown that Greenville is fast becoming a naturally occurring retirement community.

As a long-time resident of Greenville, she and her husband, David, have raised their children in Ward 1, which now has a vacancy on Greenville’s City Council. She would like to fill that vacancy and can if elected in November.

My husband, John, and I are also residents of Ward I. We can’t think of a more dynamic or more deserving person to represent us on Greenville’s City Council. Witty with the wisdom that comes from living life to the fullest, Isabel Culbertson has what it takes to help make Greenville a better place in which to live and work. She has our vote on November 8.

Anne Vehre


  1. I agree. Council needs an intelligent, interested person like Mrs. Culbertson who is not afraid to speak her mind. Not voting for her is a vote to continue the status quo.

  2. I just viewed her opponent's blog. He states that he will not raise taxes. He obvioulsy is not equipped to serve mentally as he cleary does not understand how our taxes are raised in the municipality. I also question if he understands council's role as he states he will work with department's heads to cut waste and save jobs. He is not running to be a administrator, he is running to be a legislator. Also, there are 7 council members, not 8 as he has stated. He also states he wants to see more folks at the Council Meetings, while I agree, the irony that his opponent has been going for years sends a red flag that his ideas on his blog were not well thought and something he just threw out.

  3. All I remember about Culbertson is her saying...."I don't want those kind of people in my neighborhood." Speaks volumes about her and her snooty attitude.

  4. There are 8 City Council members. 4 ward, 3 at large, and the President of Council that votes to break a tie. Duh.....

  5. 2:36pm-- You're right - that speaks to her character. Reminds me of another candidate whose child recently went to school and told all of her little friends that she didn't want to move, because "My mommy said that if she doesn't win, we are moving because she doesn't want to live in a place with that many stupid people."
    Nice. Real nice.

  6. Anonymous
    November 4, 2011 2:36 PM
    All I remember about Culbertson is her saying...."I don't want those kind of people in my neighborhood." Speaks volumes about her and her snooty attitude.

    We need more of that, less welfare housing, less section 8 housing and more middle class families. Letting this town get flooded with low income families is what helped get us to this point.

  7. Only 7 vote, he said he had to convince the other 7 to vote his way, duh! Maybe we can get a tie out of the 7 so the President can vote! My guess is the president will be busy explaining things to him!

  8. All of your behavior and talk is sickening. This type of behavior and talk is why this community is in this shape. I thought it said senior citizen not a senior high school. I have 14 year old children more respectful than all of you.

  9. I wouldn't let Culbertson watch my dog let alone be on City Council. Vote her in and the town will go further down into the sewer.

  10. Nothing brings up property values like low income apartments and section 8 housing. Look how well it's helped this community so far.

  11. 5:47 PM the one person who voted that down obviously lives in such housing.

  12. I think it's very sad that people belittle whomever is running for any type of elected seat. I believe that the two individuals that are running for any type of seat, is only trying to help or do what is helpful to our community. Everyone is so eager to put there comments out there but there are only two individuals that are wanting to run for a position. There should be more individuals names on any ballots. At least these individuals have the guts to put themselves out there. Good Luck to all individuals whom are running for any type of elected seats. I wish you all the best of luck.

  13. I agree there is no need for this behavior.I think Mrs. Culbertson would be an asset to the city council.She is running for the betterment of the city and park areas.I only disagree with her stand about the school levy,but you cannot agree on everything.I will still vote for her tomorrow..... I still laugh at her remark about fertilizer.......


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