Darke County Engineer Jim Surber sent us his annual report for 2012. Below is the preface to the report, along with a high level summary of receipts and expenditures. Click here to download the report in it's entirety in Word format. - JohnL
Motor License Fee $2,320,143.56 Resurfacing & Reconstruction $1,951,019.15
Gas Tax $2,294,859.36 Bridge Construction & Maint. $ 266,517.59 Recycling & Sales $ 89,350.34 Labor & Salaries $1,311,028.68 Reimbursements $ 374,813.89* Fringe Benefits $ 480,352.98 Interest $ 83,382.71 Equipment & Repairs $ 392,954.69
Fuel (All Co. Departments) $ 391,232.92
* Fuel = $ 222,717.29 Road Maintenance Materials $ 381,842.58
Grants = $ 46,699.14 Utilities/Office/Bldg. $ 72,500.32
Projects & Misc.= $ 105,397.46 Culverts & Tile $ 40,820.10
Misc. expenses $ 28,028.41 Total Receipts: $5,162,549.86 Total Expenditures: $5,316,297.42
(2011 Receipts: $5,440,261.14) (2011 Expenditures: $5,419,431.93)
(2010 Receipts: $5,130,487.80) (2010 Expenditures: $5,108,337.70)
(2009 Receipts: $5,092,452.52) (2009 Expenditures: $4,876,878.41)
(2008 Receipts: $5,429,9040.00) (2008 Expenditures: $5,436,072.59)
(2007 Receipts: $ 5,489,589.47) (2007 Expenditures: $5,365,189.14)
(2006 Receipts: $5,183,892.03) (2006 Expenditures: $4,784,692.36)