We have Josh at the Darke County Animal Shelter. He is a 3-year-old Spaniel. He is black and white with long hair. He is a friendly guy and loves people. He will make a great friend and companion. He is ready for adoption.
We also have a Husky mix, a black Lab adult and a puppy, a Basset Hound and numerous other dogs. We also have cats and kittens for adoption. The Shelter hours are 8am till 4:30pm Monday-Friday and 9:00 till noon on Saturday. The Shelter is located at 5066 County Home Road in Greenville, and the phone number is 547-1645.
ALL DOGS OVER 3 MONTHS OF AGE MUST HAVE A LICENSE. For more information you can contact the Animal Shelter at 937-547-1645. To see the dogs we have, go to our web site at www.darkecountyanimalshelter.com