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This past weekend was a long one thanks to the recognition of Labor Day being September 1st. As Ohioans celebrated with a day off from work or school, Governor John Kasich remained busy focusing on Ohio’s job market and working on bringing more jobs back to Ohio. Governor Kasich spent last week in Euclid while Lt. Governor Mary Taylor was in Youngstown, and both of them focused on meeting with local businesses. It was also announced that John Kasich and Mary Taylor were endorsed by the Ohio Manufacturer’s Association because their leadership has brought manufacturing jobs, as well as jobs in many other fields, back to Ohio. It has been noted that “Manufacturing jobs in Ohio have increased by more than 2 percent annually since 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statics.” This announcement reinforces the idea that Kasich and his goal is to bring jobs back to Ohio while also expanding businesses both big and small here in the Buckeye State.
On Facebook, Governor Kasich posted a picture of his Labor Day Resolution with the caption “Since January 2011, Ohioans have created nearly a quarter million new private sector jobs.” Kasich has also reformed government programs that were actually creating barriers for Ohioans to find a job. One of these reforms was the creation of JobsOhio which replaced the inefficient Department of Development. JobsOhio has been a big help in the success of Ohio’s job growth and reduction of Ohio’s unemployment rate, as Ohioans have access to more resources they may use to find employment. Governor Kasich emphasizes not only on expanding the businesses that are already here in Ohio, but he also cares about bringing new businesses to Ohio and creating a low-tax atmosphere, yielding new businesses to start-up in Ohio. Governor Kasich noted that, “In 2013, 89,735 businesses were created in Ohio – the most in state history – surpassing the old record set in 2012.” Kasich’s attitude towards making Ohio a better place for everyone, along with the statistics, prove that Kasich’s stances on low business and personal taxes are helping Ohio become economically rejuvenated. Kasich further credited Ohioans, having stated that “[Ohio’s] comeback wouldn't be possible without the spirit, ingenuity and skill of the Ohio worker.” Governor John Kasich and Lt. Governor Mary Taylor are hardworking individuals who strive to bring jobs to Ohio, and truly recognize it wouldn’t have been possible without you and your hardworking neighbors.
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