As a reminder, you can subscribe to this website simply by filling in your email address in the box on the upper-lefthand portion of this page. By doing this, you will receive a daily email of all DarkeJournal stories - and on occasion, other special stories or announcements.
But keep in mind ... the subscription emails are convenient, but also typically inferior, to what you get on the website itself - as the emails do not include video, slideshows, reader comments, obituary links, and anything else that might be included on the left sidebar of this site. The emails, however, do provide links to the site - so click away if something looks interesting.
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Update/speed issues: A few people have commented that the webpage is loading slowly. This is a tough thing - because it's all the fun/interesting items that slow down the webpage: videos, pictures, widgets, feeds, etc. The biggest offender was probably the WHIO news ticker, which requires a flash player. So we have removed the ticker - and have also reduced the number of frontpage stories from 30 to 25. If you get to the bottom of the page and want to keep reading, click on "Older Posts," and the next batch of stories will open in a new window. If anybody has further input on speed issues, leave a comment.
Update II: The WHIO ticker was removed - as were the bookmark badges (facebook, digg, etc.) which nobody seemed to use anyway. The speed seems much improved.
Thank you for the time you put into the Darke Journal, I really appreciate it and know many others do too. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI thank you as well. When our source of printed information in the county is the Advocate, this site is a relief to come to for the superior writing and greater objectivity (and certain issues).