Monday, November 30, 2015

Wayne HealthCare Participate in Great American Smokeout

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Wayne HealthCare Pulmonary Rehabilitation Specialists Linda Fridley and Karen Lockhart pose with Bryan Horner, winner of turkey raffle.

Every year, on the third Thursday of November, smokers across the nation take part in the American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout. The Great American Smokeout event challenges people to stop using tobacco and helps people learn about different tools they can use to help them quit.

On November 19th, Wayne HealthCare participated in the event and offered local smokers the chance to join others across the U.S. in taking steps to start living a tobacco free life. Whether you stopped by the awareness table to make a pledge to quit or made a self commitment you’re taking important steps toward a healthier life.

The observance was started by the American Cancer Society in the 1970’s and has since helped change the nation’s perception of tobacco use. The day has been used to draw awareness to the health risks associated with tobacco and secondhand smoke, even leading to many state and local regulations.

Individuals who talked with our pulmonary rehabilitation staff about programs or reasons to quit using tobacco were encouraged to make a pledge. Individuals were also entered into our “Quit Cold Turkey” drawing to win a free turkey for Thanksgiving.

9th Annual Turkey Trot Raises Funds for State of the Heart Hospice

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Pictured, left to right, presenting a check to State of the Heart: Caitlin Langenkamp, HR Assistant for Cooper Farms;  State of the Heart Hospice employees Pauline Faller, Volunteer Manager and Erica Wentworth, Business Development Specialist; Beth Rammel, HR Assistant for Cooper Farms.
The Ninth Annual Cooper Farms Turkey Trot was held Saturday, November 7th. 350 participants set out on the 3.1 mile course in St. Henry and raised $2,500 for State of the Heart Hospice. Since its inception, the event has raised more than $21,000 for the nonprofit agency which has offices in Coldwater, Greenville and Portland, IN. As a company, Cooper Farms focuses on many things including employee wellness, family activities, and community involvement. The 5K is one of the many ways Cooper Farms is involved in the community, and also a great way to encourage the Cooper Farm team members to work on their health and well-being, as well as encourage family fun time.

When asked why State of the Heart was chosen as the benefactor of this event, Susie Fortkamp, organizer of the event stated, “Unfortunately, most people at some point in their lives will have some sort of involvement with hospice care-whether it is through a sick family member, friend or neighbor. Hospice touches so many lives by being there for families in the time of need.”

“We are very appreciative of not only the donation to our cause, but of the hard work and coordination the staff at Coopers puts into organizing this event each year,” stated Erica Wentworth, Business Development Specialist for State of the Heart Hospice. State of the Heart is a nonprofit agency that cares for patients and families in eastern Indiana and western Ohio who are confronting a life limiting illness. The agency is nonprofit and never turns away patients due to the inability to pay. Fundraisers like the Turkey Trot help the agency carry out their mission. Susie also shared, “I am extremely proud to be a part of the Turkey Trot for the past 9 years.  This event focuses on families and having fun while completing the trot.”

Family Health After Hours Closed Thursday, December 10th

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Grows give presentation to Fort GreeneVille DAR

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The Shelby County Vets to DC Committee has just completed its eleventh trip to DC. A total of 110 persons, WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam/Vietnam-Era Veterans, made this trip in September to see their memorials. Fort GreeneVille Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution gave a donation that went towards sponsoring three Darke County Veterans. The local veterans that participated were John Berger, Korean War Veteran, from Versailles; Richard Grow, Jr., Vietnam Veteran, from Ansonia; and former Darke Countian George Monnier, WWII Veteran.

Fort GreeneVille DAR was honored to have Vietnam Veteran Richard Grow and his wife Kate share their D.C. trip experience at the chapter’s November meeting. Richard and Kate presented a video highlighting the D.C. trip.

Pictured: Mary Jane Dietrich, Betty Brodrick, Karen Burkett, Michelle Alderman, Doris Aultman, Caroline Petitjean, Penny Weaver, Shirley Hughes, Chris and Taylor Nehring, Helen Wright, program speakers Kate and Richard Grow, Debbie Nisonger and Brenda Arnett.

Pictured: Vietnam Veteran Richard and Kate Grow at the Navy Memorial. (picture by Shelby County Vets to DC Committee)

“Surviving WWII as a Paratrooper” at Library

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Joe Bredeson in 1940.
The Greenville Public Library is offering a special program on Saturday December 5th at 1:00 p.m. in the upstairs meeting room. Joe Bredeson of Greenville will recount his experiences as a WWII paratrooper who landed in Normandy France on D-Day June 6th, 1944. Joe turned 95 this November 20th but remembers the details like it was yesterday.

Joe was the manager of the Swift Fertilizer Plant on Ohio Street (now Conagra) until 1985. He & his young family came to Greenville in 1961 after he worked for the company in several different locations. Joe is originally from Wisconsin and had started at the U of Wisconsin in 1939 before deciding to enlist in 1940.

He trained with British commandos for nearly four years before transferring to the 82nd US Rangers then to the 101st Airborne. Of the 143 men in his unit who jumped on D-Day only ten survived. Due to bad weather and wind they were carried off course. When he woke up he was in a cow barn with cows eating hay above him. A farmer and his wife had carried him there in the dark and would bring him food and water in buckets so the Germans wouldn’t guess. Finally the 7th Corps liberated the area and Joe fought with them as they moved on to free Paris then Dachau.

Joe went through rehab in Paris after the war and met his French wife Denise whom he married in 1945. They were married 62 years when she passed away in 2007. They had two children, Maxine and Jack, then grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Joe & Denise resided in France while he worked for the Civil Service. In 1947 they came to the US and he began his career in the chemical division with Swift. Joe was awarded the Silver Cross and Purple Heart for his service.

The couple returned to Normandy in 1986 which prompted Joe to start compiling his memoirs in three big notebooks of stories and photos. At the present time Rose Benanzer takes care of Joe in his home as she did with Denise. Don’t miss this personal account of courage and survival during an important time in world history. RSVP’s appreciated by calling 548-3915.

Reid Health to open home medical equipment store in Greenville, Ohio

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Greenville, Ohio, residents soon will have an easy, convenient way to purchase home health supplies. On Nov. 30, Reid Health will open Reid Health Medical Equipment & Uniforms, a 1,500 square-foot-retail store.

Located at 999 Sweitzer Ave. in Greenville, the store will offer items large and small for healing, safety and comfort, including:

  • Home safety aids
  • Aids for daily living, such as door knob turners and grooming accessories
  • Oxygen units
  • Positive airway pressure (PAP and BiPAP) machines
  • Hospital beds, walkers and wheelchairs
  • Braces, crutches and canes
  • Diabetes care supplies, such as blood glucose meters and test strips
  • Mastectomy prosthetics and other mastectomy supplies
  • Compression hose
  • And much more

“Certified, professional fitters will be available by appointment for people who need compression hose and mastectomy supplies, as well as for diabetics who need therapeutic shoes,” said Frank Bohman, director of home medical equipment. “Our store also will sell uniforms and work shoes for medical professionals, including Reid Health employees and those who work for other health organizations.”

The store opens five months after the grand opening of Reid’s $11 million medical office building in Greenville, located at 1101 Jackson St. That facility offers appointments with physicians from various specialties, including cardiology, neurology, urology, orthopedic surgery, rheumatology and others.

Reid Health Medical Equipment & Uniforms hours will be Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The store participates in most insurance plans, and will accept physician orders from any health care facility. The phone number is (937) 548-4411, and the fax number is (937) 548-4414.

Project FeederWatch

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One of the many bird species we hope to count during FeederWatch,
a Carolina Wren feasts on peanuts.
Calling all birders! Join Darke County Park District, and participate in Project FeederWatch, every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30-11:30am. This is a unique ‘Citizen Science’ program organized by Cornell University which studies winter bird populations. Observations from here in Darke County may be used in scientific journals and shared with ornithologists and bird lovers nationwide. No matter your birding level, beginner or expert, we need YOUR help! Bird watchers will gather inside the Nature Center at Shawnee Prairie Preserve (4267 St. Rt. 502 West) and count the birds that visit the bird-feeding station. Drop in anytime on Tuesday or Wednesday from 9:30am-11:30am to help with the project. There will be warm drinks and goodies available for those enjoying nature from the comfort of an armchair on a cold winter’s day.

For more information on Project FeederWatch or if you have any questions about any of the many other programs offered by the Darke County Park District, call the Nature Center at (937) 548-0165.

Benefit Breakfast Set For December 6th

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A benefit breakfast is set for Sunday December 6, 2015 to benefit the Versailles Council of Churches’ food pantry.

Serving will be from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the Versailles K of C hall on St. Rt. 47 west of Versailles. It is a joint effort of the St. Denis Council #1756 Knights of Columbus and the Versailles Lions Club. Chairing the event this year will be Luke Subler and Brian Heitkamp of the Knights of Columbus and Larry Roll from the Lions Club.

This year we will be having a “Free Will Donation” buffet style breakfast bar. Some of the items on the bar will include: whole hog sausage, ham, scrambled eggs, pancakes, French toast, biscuits & gravy, juice and coffee. All you care to eat and carry-outs are available.

This is the 25th year for the joint effort of the two service organizations, which share some common members and a common goal of helping out the less fortunate in the community with a little Christmas boost. The food pantry assists in emergency situations to those who reside in the Versailles School District, Webster, North Star, Brock, Osgood, Yorkshire, and Willowdell.

Versailles area Ministers, the Council of Churches, the Lions Club, and the Knights of Columbus are lending their full support and urge the citizens of the community to come out and enjoy the breakfast and aid the less fortunate in the district.

Also Santa Claus will be making a pit-stop at the breakfast to pass out some treats to the children.

Any questions call Luke Subler (937) 726-0468 Brian Heitkamp (937) 459-2141.

Garst Museum Holiday Open House

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Garst Museum’s annual Holiday Open House will be held on Sunday, December 6 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. Everyone can tour the museum and the National Annie Oakley Center at no charge on this one afternoon.

Highlights of the afternoon include live seasonal music, light refreshments and beautiful decorations. Also artifacts from the museum’s Christmas collection will be used for decorating. Plan to do a little Christmas shopping in the Museum Store, as there will be a 20% discount on all items.

The museum features a number of beautifully decorated Christmas trees illustrating the theme “The Heroes and Legends of Darke County.” Trees were decorated by the following groups: The Wildflower Garden Club, the Junior Butterflies Garden Club, the Sun and Fun Garden Club, the Ladybug Garden Club, the Wood Sprite Garden Club, the Garden Girls Garden Club, the VFW Women’s Auxiliary, and the Fort Greene Ville Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Plan to stop by and enjoy the fun, shop, and also take advantage of the free admission to tour the museum.

The Darke County Historical Society (the Garst Museum) has as its mission to collect, preserve, exhibit, study, and interpret materials relating to the history and culture of Darke County, Ohio as part of the development of the crossroads of the American experience. Permanent exhibitions of national significance include the National Annie Oakley Center, the Treaty of Greenville, Lowell Thomas, and Ohio Native Americans.

Image Caption: Christmas tree decorated by The Wildflower Garden Club located in the Garst Museum’s parlor.

The Garst Museum is located at:
205 N. Broadway, Greenville, OH 45331

MV FFA Hosts October FFA Meeting

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This year the Mississinawa Valley FFA, a satellite program of the MVCTC, held its annual Halloween meeting on October 26th at Stocksdale's Shaded Acres. All FFA members were invited to wear a costume and attend the meeting to eat, play games, and take part in our monthly business. The evening started off with a chili dump. The officers then led games including a costume contest and a corn-hole tournament. The students were very creative this year as there were many different Halloween costumes including Einstein, Elsa from Frozen, farmers, and one student even dressed up as our ag advisor, Carmen Hartzell! A special thank you goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Stocksdale for letting us use their facility. The MV FFA had a successful Halloween meeting once again this year with over 40 members in attendance!

Parish Mission at St. Mary’s Catholic Church

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Parish Mission at St. Mary’s Catholic Church at 233 W. Third Street, Greenville, Ohio.

St. Mary’s Catholic Church will present a Mission for the beginning of the Year of Mercy. It will take place in the church on Sunday – Thursday, December 6 – 10, 2015. The topic is “Seven Capital Virtues: Overcoming the Seven Capital Sins,” The presenter is Fr. Ben Cameron, C.P.M., a priest of the Fathers of Mercy.

Confessions with Exposition will be available before and after Holy Hour each evening. On Monday-Thursday morning there will be 8:00 a.m. Mass with homily by Fr. Cameron.

Sunday: 7:00 Mission Holy Hour with talk on Humility and Meekness

Monday Evening: Mass for Feast of Immaculate Conception with talk on Generosity and Temperance.

Tuesday: Mass for Feast of Immaculate Conception with talk on Chastity.

Wednesday: Holy Hour with talk on Brotherly Love and Diligence

Thursday: Closing Mass with talk on Fount of all Virtues

For more info call 548-1616, 9 – 3 Monday-Friday.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Trinity Invites You to Celebrate 100 years with Us

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On December 6th Trinity Lutheran Church will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the dedication of their current building. On a snowy, cold Sunday in 1915 over one thousand guests, community, and parishioners filled the just completed church for its first worship service.

On our special anniversary we will once again dedicate our building to the mission establish 100 years ago of worship and service. We invite our community to join us in this special day of celebration, reflection, and thanksgiving.

Our traditional morning worship will be a mirror of the decades past. Pastor Bob Akins our 23rd Pastor since our founding in 1874, will bring an inspired message of God’s continuing work through us. Traditional hymns of our faith will be sung.

We are inviting everyone to dress in the style of 1915, right before the Great War. A reception will follow the service with the opening of the copper time capsule not viewed since being placed in the cornerstone in early 1915 which was removed from the sealed cornerstone earlier this autumn.

Several displays will be available to look at as well as a wonderful power point presentation of “Trinity Through the Years”. Also a commemorative booklet with Trinity highlights will be available to all.

Please plan to join us for this very special day!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


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Before I became Commissioner, I decided I would go out once a month and try and meet people over coffee and breakfast to let them know what I thought, and let people tell me what they thought a commissioner should be. I called those events “Coffee with the Candidate”. They were always entertaining, and let me reach people so we could share ideas and concerns. This January, I start my sixth year as Commissioner. I have continued this tradition, now known as “Coffee with the Commissioner”. I intend to do so as long as I serve, because I believe that people deserve to be able to talk with their elected officials face to face, in an informal setting where you and I are both more comfortable. I want the people of Darke County to have access to me, and to realize that all of our elected officials are also willing to meet with people and discuss their jobs. They may not do it like I do, but they are always willing to help, if you just ask.

Over the years, I have learned what people think, and what they want, and what they see as problems we need to solve. I appreciate the honesty. I have been told everything, as you can imagine, but I do not mind criticism. I try very hard to do the right thing, but nobody can do things right all the time, especially when you are trying to represent 53,000 people! By my doing these “Coffee’s” I am giving you the chance to speak your mind, good or bad. This is what I think I am supposed to do, be accessible, and listen! Communication is the key to understanding each other.

I want to take the time to say “Thank You” to the people of Darke County for making these visits informative and worthwhile. I am truly thankful for all of you who take the time to participate on those Saturday mornings. Meeting elected officials I am sure ranks right below having a root canal, but I think it is important that we continue to talk. I will continue with these after the Holidays, resuming on January 9th 2016, at the Wayne Lakes Park Gatehouse from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

May God bless all of you this Thanksgiving and Christmas Season, and may 2016 be the best year you have ever had!

THANK YOU again for making this job the best with your kind words, deeds and suggestions.

Commissioner Mike Stegall

Darke County Civic Theater Holds Auditions

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Darke County Civic Theater will be holding auditions for the beloved family classic "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Rhoald Dahl and dramatized by Richard George on Sunday, November 29th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club on Broadway in Greenville.

The play features many zany characters from Willy Wonka to Violet Beauregard to Oompa Loompas and of course, Charlie Buckett himself. DCCT is looking for actors of all ages and is always welcoming new members. No prior preparation will be needed to audition, simply show up during the allotted audition period and be ready to read select excerpts from the script provided.

The show will be performed in late winter at an annual event that will be discussed with auditioners at the time of auditions. DCCT is a non profit organization and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is being performed in conjunction with special arrangements from Dramatic Publishing Company of Woodstock, Illinois. The show will be directed by DCCT member Chris Chapa and produced by DCCT President, Dane Leeper.

For additional information, please visit or call (937) 423-5183.

Edison State Ceramics Sale to Benefit Program

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Stephanie Beiser, Adjunct Professor of Ceramics, throws a ceramic piece on the potter’s wheel.
The Ceramics Department at Edison State Community College will be selling hand made ceramic pieces, glass gifts, and jewelry on Tuesday, December 1 and Thursday, December 3, from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. in the West Hall at the Piqua Campus.

Items for sale have been crafted by students and instructors of Edison State as well as local artists. Proceeds raised from the event will help the Ceramics Department to fund equipment and materials for the program.

“We have been fundraising for the ceramics department for over six years now. Raising over $5,000, we have purchased four potter’s wheels, extruding systems, and a slab roller. We have also paid for educational workshops for the students to take and purchased many tools and supplies for students to use,” said Stephanie Beiser, Adjunct Professor of Ceramics.

“We have a clay club that donates their time to help with these events and that is a large part of the reason why we’ve been so successful.”

Art classes, including ceramics, at Edison State Community College are made available throughout the year to those interested in working toward a degree as well as those seeking a new hobby.

For more information about this event, contact Karen Baker, Academic Project Specialist by calling 937-778-1502 or emailing To learn more about the fine art classes offered at Edison State visit

100+ Year Old Sleigh on Display at Versailles Area Historical Museum

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This beautiful cutter style sleigh from the Yorkshire area has cut through much snow in the last 130 years. Originally owned by Frank Oliver today his Great, Great Grandsons Terry & Roger Oliver own the sleigh and we are proud to have it on display at the museum. Come by during Sundays of this holiday season to enjoy this and all the other surprises waiting for you to discover!

Christmas Concert to benefit the Jason Daughtery Family at Pitsburg Church of the Brethren

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The Pitsburg Church of the Brethren will present their annual Christmas Concert at 6:00 PM on Sunday, December 6, 2015. This year’s program will include special solos by several local artists as well as congregational participation in singing some of the all time favorite traditional Christmas hymns.

The prelude, performed by pianist Norma Baker and organist Lois Stickley, will begin at 5:30 PM. This year’s concert is designated as a benefit for the Jason Daughtery Family. Jason, an employee of the Village of Arcanum, has been off work since suffering a medical issue earlier this year. The proceeds from this concert will go to help Jason and his young family.

The community is encouraged to come and listen to the Christmas story in song, while helping the Daughtery family. There will be refreshments served in the fellowship hall immediately following the concert. The public is invited to come and share in the ‘kick-off’ of our Christmas season.

The church is located at the west edge of Pitsburg at 8376 Pitsburg-Laura Road. For additional info, contact Bruce @ 564-2891

Pets of the week

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GREENVILLE - The Darke County Animal Shelter has many pets available for adoption, including several breeds of dogs, as well as cats and kittens. The Shelter chooses pets to feature each week, this week they've selected:

Amos and Andy are Chihuahua mixes, both black and brown. Andy is 6 years old and Amos is around 10 years of age. We think Amos might be Andy’s dad. They are both attached at the hip and love to be together. They bark a little but are very sweet. It would be nice if they could be adopted together. They are current on their shots and waiting to be adopted.

Frosty is an 8 month old Boxer mix. He is white with short hair. Frosty is a sweet guy and loves to play. He is current on his shots. He will make a wonderful companion and friend. He is a little calmer than most boxer pups. He is waiting to be adopted.

Princes is a 3 year old Beagle mix. She is black, white and brown with short hair. She is a quiet girl and very friendly. She is current on her shots. She loves to be around people and have some fun. She will make a wonderful companion and is waiting to be adopted.

They also have a Rat terrier, a Mastiff mix, Border collie mix, a boxer, 2 boxer mix pups and numerous other dogs as well as cats and kittens for adoption.

The Shelter hours are 8am till 4:30pm Monday-Friday and 9:00 till noon on Saturday. The Shelter is located at 5066 County Home Road in Greenville, and the phone number is 547-1645.

Winter is fast approaching, be sure your companion animals have nice warm and well insulated houses.

You can get your license online at . ALL DOGS OVER 3 MONTHS OF AGE MUST HAVE A LICENSE. For more information you can contact the Animal Shelter at 937-547-1645.

To see the dogs they have, go to their web site at

Please visit also the website of the Friends of the Shelter:

Christmas Carry-In and White Elephant Gift Exchange

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Local Cancer Support Group to hold Christmas Carry-In on Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 7 p.m.

The cancer support group will meet for the annual Christmas carry-in at Wayne Health Care. The carry-in will be held in the Board Room on the first floor down past the lab.

Chicken from Eikenberry’s will be provided along with drinks and table service. The public is invited.

If possible, please bring a dish to share with the group. If you aren’t able to bring a dish, please come and join in the fun anyway. The group will be exchanging white elephant gifts also. Just bring something wrapped in Christmas wrap, newspaper, etc. that you no longer can use or a silly gag gift. (Please make this a very inexpensive gift.) There will be Christmas music and some Christmas games and a time of food and fellowship.

The Cancer Association is a non-profit organization which provides benefits to cancer patients living in Darke County. The association partners with United Way and is not affiliated with the American Cancer Society or other cancer organizations.

If you know of anyone living in Darke County that is battling cancer, have them call the office and ask about what benefits are available. PH 937-548-9960

The association is always looking for volunteer drivers and volunteers to help with fundraisers. If you would like to volunteer your time for a very worthy cause, just call the office for further details.

Thank you for your continued support.

Tri-Village MVCTC FFA Members get National Recognition

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Tri-Village MVCTC FFA Members that attended the National FFA Convention were (Front LtoR) Kina Hill, Marissa Roark, Courtney Banis, Brittany Brewer, Riley Hollinger, Kara Hollinger, (Back LtoR) Gabe Watern, Garrett George, Michael Marcus, Tanner Jones, Tyler Martin and Josh Hollinger.
New Madison, Ohio - - The 88th National FFA Convention was held in Louisville Kentucky October 28 – 31, 2015. This year’s theme was “Amplify” and was attended by more than 60,000 FFA members, teachers, and guests from across the country. The four-day convention included Powerful Speaker, National Agricultural Career Show, National Officer Retiring Addresses, Award Presentations and the installation of six newly elected National Officers.

This year there were twelve members from Tri-Village in attendance for the four day trip, October 28-31. These members were then able to take the information learned and bring it back to share with the rest of the FFA chapter. Because of hard work and dedication 2 members of the Tri-Village MVCTC FFA were recognized on stage for their accomplishments. The Tri-Village-MVCTC FFA was represented by Gabe Watern as he was a National Proficiency Finalist in the area of Outdoor Recreation. During convention Gabe was interviewed and was recognized on stage for his accomplishments. The Tri-Village-MVCTC FFA was also represented at convention by Dylen Price. Dylen received the American FFA Degree, which is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a member and is earned by less than 1% of FFA members.

The convention was packed with loads of highlight for the Tri-Village-MVCTC FFA members. Some of the highlights for the students include hearing retiring addresses from National Officers who shared how the FFA and Agricultural Education made a huge positive influence in their lives. Members also heard from nationally renowned motivational speaker Rick Rigsby. Mr. Rigsby was able encourage and empower the students to transform their lives by making an impact. In between a busy convention schedule, students were able attend the Annual FFA National Career Show and were also able to learn more about agriculture with tours of Consolidated Grain and Barge, Taylor Cattle Tours, and the Louisville Science Center. The knowledge and experiences gained by members in attendance for the National Convention was extraordinary. These members saw agriculture from a national perspective and met FFA members from every corner of the country.

For over 40-years, MVCTC has been providing career technical education for 27 partner school districts encompassing five counties in Southwest Ohio. MVCTC is dedicated to providing in-demand workforce training for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley.

For more information about MVCTC Satellite programs visit,


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The therapists at The Rehab Clinic at Versailles Health Care Center recently received specialized training from Accelerated Care Plus (ACP) for herpes zoster (shingles) and postherpetic neuralgia. Shingles is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles is the reactivation of the virus which remains dormant in nerve tissue near the spinal cord and brain. Mostly the cause of reactivation is some form of metabolic stress on the patient, but often, the cause is not identified. Around 850,000 people in the United States are affected each year by shingles.

Intervention within the first 72 hours at the wet seeping stage of shingles is important in preventing the development of postherpetic neuralgia (severe pain associated with shingles). Patients are treated with ultrasound over posterior nerve roots and around vesicles. However, if shingles is not caught within 72 hours, therapy can also assist patients with the neuralgia pain utilizing electrical stimulation for pain relief.

Versailles Health Care Center is excited to offer help for patients suffering from shingles. Please contact Rehab Director, Shannon Condon, at 937-526-0130, for more information. The Rehab Clinic at VHCC offers outpatient and inpatient therapy services to people of all ages and offers a flexible schedule.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tickets for Final Bow's Christmas Musical the Nutcracker are Now on Sale!!!

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Final Bow annual Christmas performance is coming up quick and you don't want to miss out on this reinvented Christmas classic tale of The Nutcracker!! The Nutcracker is more kid friendly with acting, singing and dancing helping the younger children know the story and meet a few new characters along the way. Final Bow has collaborated with Pioneer Drama to bring you the musical version of the Nutcracker.

Tickets are $10 for all adults and children 3 and up until Thanksgiving and then are $12 and limited numbers will be available at the door. Your ticket includes dinner of Marinated Chicken Breast, Red potatoes, green beans, salad and a dinner roll.

Performance dates are December 11th, 12th and 13th at Lighthouse Christian Center in Greenville. Doors open at 6pm and dinner begins at 6:30pm. Performance is immediately following dinner at 7:30pm. Reserve your tickets today. 937-459-8078

PART-TIME HELP WANTED at Mote & Associates

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Mote & Associates, Inc. is accepting resumes for a part-time position involving miscellaneous office duties. This position would be ideal for a hard-working high school student looking to earn some extra cash after school (hours can be flexible). Duties may include, but are not limited to, washing company vehicles, scanning drawings, landscaping, painting, AutoCAD work. We are looking for an energetic individual with good communication skills, computer knowledge including familiarity with Word, Excel and AutoCAD, and the willingness to perform various indoor and outdoor office tasks.

Resumes can be sent to Mote & Associates, Inc., 214 West Fourth Street, Greenville, Ohio 45331, or e-mailed to

Equal Opportunity Employer

Board Certified Music Therapist Ashlee Carder Speaks to Local BPW Club

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Board Certified Music Therapist Ashlee Carder leading a
demonstration of music therapy before Greenville BPW members.
Greenville, OH. Ashlee Carder was the featured speaker for the Greenville Business & Professional Women’s (BPW) Club monthly meeting on November 12th. The Individual Development Program Committee hosted the meeting that was held at the Brethren Retirement Center. The IDP committee consisted of Jane Carroll, Brenda Miller, and Marilyn Emmons.

Ashlee is a Board Certified Music Therapist with State of the Heart Hospice where she started in 2014. Ashlee studied music therapy at Ohio University for four years, completed a six month internship at State of the Heart Hospice, and took the board certification exam in 2014.

Carder informed the group that music therapy began in the 1940’s with the soldiers coming home from World War II with post-traumatic stress disorder. It was found that music helped with quicker recovery; thus started ‘music therapy’. Carder spoke of the different conditions that she helps treat with music including stroke patients, those with asthma, dementia, pain management, and children with autism. All patients receiving hospice care are offered music therapy. Music encourages social stimulation and is also used for wellness and can be calming and relaxing. Ashlee is a Grief Support Specialist and helps the family deal with grief through support and counseling even after the death of the patient. She has helped patients write songs about their families and also the surviving families write songs about their lost loved ones.

The Greenville BPW Club’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. The Club holds fund raisers throughout the year to raise money to grant scholarships to the young women of Darke County. The Club meets the second Thursday of every month for a dinner meeting. Those interested in learning more about the club can contact Membership Chair Brenda Miller at 937/996-1741 or

Help Wanted at Performance Mortgage

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Assist Senior Loan Processor and Loan Officers in the processing of home loans.

Processor is required to have excellent communication skills as they will be communicating with all parties relative to the loan process. Processor will be responsible for ordering all necessary items required by the loan product i.e.(Home Insurance, Title, Appraisal, verifications of employment, rent etc.). Applicants must have skills in Word, Excel, and Power point. Must be able to pass a Federal Background check.

Processor should have excellent organizational skills and the ability to multi-task.

Please send all resumes to
or by mail:
Performance Mortgage
700 Wayne Street
Greenville, Ohio 45331
Or Fax: 937-548-8322

KTL Performance Mortgage, LTD 700 Wayne St, Greenville, Ohio 45331 NMLS#114045

The “Rock Man”

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On Thursday December 3rd at 6pm the Darke County Parks District is thrilled to welcome Mike Manning, aka The “Rock Man.” Mike has been studying rocks for 40 years. He has traveled all around the world in search of geological treasures. His collection, which he will be bringing to the Nature Center, is second to none and includes fossils, minerals, rare specimens, and unique finds. It is a special treat to be present for Mike’s presentation as participants will be able to obtain a large geode after the program. Mike also has a very extensive rock gift shop and will be bringing items for sale! Rocks make perfect Christmas gifts for the rock hounds on your list. Though this program is free to the public, preregistration is required.

For more information about this program, to preregister, or for information about any other program offered by the Darke County Parks, please call the Nature Center at (937) 548-0165.

Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland

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The Darke County Park District is thrilled to announce their 8th annual Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland holiday celebration taking place on Saturday December 5th from 6-9pm at Shawnee Prairie Preserve. There will be over 350 luminaries lighting the way along the wooded trails, allowing for a peaceful winter’s night in nature. As families hike along the illuminated trail toward the log house and blacksmith shop, they can enjoy the crisp air, the bright stars, and perhaps the light crunch of snow on this early December evening.

In the log house, the fire will be warm with holiday snacks and drinks to sample. Visitors can enjoy pioneer music of Christmas’ past as they relax in the comforts of the 18th century. Holiday crafts for all ages will be available upstairs in the log house and in the nature center to fuel memories of this staff favorite event. The nature center and gift shop will be open throughout the evening, offering a chance to discover a selection of unique gifts or that perfect holiday stocking stuffer. The Friends of the Darke County Parks will also have a separate table set up offering a wide selection of gift baskets, one each for babies, toddlers, and older children, and two for adults, one of which featuring local made gifts. The baskets will range from $8-$35 apiece. The Friends will also have beautiful door wreaths for $10 apiece which were made from the seed heads of the sorghum plants removed before pressing.

Roger Van Frank, director of the Darke County Park District, says he and the public have both grown to love this holiday event. He’s seen families make Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland an annual tradition and encourages everyone to join them for a peaceful evening filled with holiday cheer. “The log house is my favorite part,” Van Frank admits, “Seeing it decked out in Christmas splendor and the public having such a great time making memories stringing popcorn and cranberries for the tree is what it’s all about.” He also mentioned that Bear’s Mill will be having their open house the night before on December 4th from 6-9pm, and that Darke Countians could make a weekend of holiday family fun to kick off the season.

For more information about Walkin’ in a Winter Wonderland or any other program or event offered by the Darke County Park District, please call the nature center at (937) 548-0165 or visit their website at

Monday, November 23, 2015

Jay Montgomery is Utterly Frustrated with New Rail Road Crossing Signs

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Guest posts are welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say and are able to do it in a respectful, reasonable way, send your piece to The contents of guest posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of  

My outrage at the waste and stupidity of the recent installation of STOP signs at railroad crossings can no longer be contained.

You would have to be blind, deaf, drunk, and high to hit a train at one of these crossings.

Indeed, the train moves so slowly and makes so much noise, I don't believe the train could actually hit you unless you parked on the railroad bed. Even then it probably wouldn't work as the train can see you unobstructed from a very long way so as long as the operator is also not blind, deaf, drunk and high they would likely find a way to stop the impending accident long before it got to the crossing. 

I am going to be mightily upset if I am ever stopped for running one of these STOP signs. These signs are a menace to common sense. Who ever installed these signs needs to remove these insults and return to us the tax money used to make and install this idiocy.

Jay Montgomery

Walmart Assault Suspect Identified and Charged

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Greenville Police followed up today that the suspect shown in security footage attacking another customer at Walmart on November 13th has been identified and charged.

Melissa Werts, age 46, has been charged with Assault.

Related: Greenville Police Looking for Help Identifying Assault Suspect


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Through our doors you will find the new career opportunity that you have been looking for! At Heartland of Greenville, we make a difference in the lives of our patients every day. Here, you will find a rewarding and stable career that allows you to take part in the patients’ journey back home. Our goal is to get patients back to their lives and you can help us make that happen!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 from 10am – 3pm at our facility location
Come dressed for success and have the chance to complete an application, interview and meet
members of our management team! Snacks will be served and there will be a drawing for great
fall door prize!
Full-time, 2nd Shift
Part-time, all shifts
Sign-on Bonuses available for FT and PT if application is completed by 11/24.
New (as of June) Starting rates for STNAs!
We also pay based on years of licensed experience!
Shifts operate: 6a-2p, 2p-10p & 10p-6a
All positions include every other weekend and every other holiday
Will Reimburse for Classes/Test if meets criteria

RN or LPN Nurse Supervisor:
Full-time, 2nd Shift (1:45pm – 10:15pm)
Sign-on Bonus available for FT position if application is completed by 11/24.
PRN, for experienced nurses
We also pay based on years of licensed experience!

Dietary Aide:
Must have availability to work within the hours of 5:30am – 7:30pm.
Hours may vary based on assignment.
Includes every other weekend and every other holiday.

Interested candidates may also apply in person or on-line at
Complete your application today to join our team of excellent care givers!

HCR ManorCare provides a range of services, including skilled nursing care, assisted living, post-acute medical and rehabilitation care, hospice care, home health care and rehabilitation therapy. Our candidate is a state-licensed nursing professional and will be accountable for providing care in order to maintain the patients’ physical and emotional well-being. In return for your expertise, you’ll enjoy excellent training, industry-leading benefits and unlimited opportunities to learn and grow. Be a part of the team leading the nation in healthcare. Join our team today!

Heartland of Greenville, 243 Marion Drive, Greenville, OH 45331
For more information, please contact Human Resources: 937-548-3141
Apply online at ∙ EOE AA M/F/Vet/Disability

Woodland Primary Students Talk about Numbers

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Ohio’s New Learning Standards for Mathematics call for students to be problem solvers. One way teachers at Woodland are answer this call is by teaching their students to be independent problem solvers through the use of Number Talks. This teaching resource was chosen because many teachers recognize the need for all students to be fluent with math strategies, they also recognize that not every child thinks about math in the same way. Teachers are responding to the different mathematical needs of the students in the classroom by implementing this resource to aid in student growth.

Number Talks is a 5 to 15 minute problem solving lesson that helps students make sense of mathematics, develop efficient computation strategies, communicate mathematically and provides opportunities for students to reason and prove solutions. Mental math is a key part of number talks because it encourages students to build on number connections to solve problems instead of relying on memorized procedures. One of the purposes of a number talk is for the students to focus on number connections and use these connections to solve problems. Communication is also a key component. Throughout a number talk students may be asked to share their strategies and respond to other students’ strategies as well. This communication is an important way to establish productive conversation around mathematics.

Students use dot images, rekenreks, five and ten frames and strategies for solving to build their knowledge of how numbers work together. Each year these strategies build on each other in order to help the students develop mental computation skills. Questions such as, “How did you solve that” and “Can this problem be solved a different way?” help students communicate their mathematical thinking. This allows the teacher to understand how the students are making sense of mathematics and offer support as needed.

It is so exciting to hear students talk about their thinking and to learn from each other. Through the use of these standards based, problem solving strategies, teachers are fostering little mathematicians at Woodland.

Full Beaver Moon Hike with DCP

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The full beaver moon rises on a cold November evening.
Autumn offers some of the absolute best hiking in Darke County. The bugs are nearly gone, humidity is a memory, the landscape is full of fantastic colors, and the crunch of leaves underfoot pleases the soul every step of the way! On Wednesday November 25th at 6pm join a naturalist at Routzong Preserve on Routzong Rd. just 3 miles south east of Greenville on St. Rt. 571. Hikers may experience all sorts of sights and sounds not found during the daylight hours. With any luck the full beaver moon will be shining bright, but flashlights might prove useful if it is not such a clear night. Remember to dress for the weather as things are turning colder. For more information about this hike, weather updates, or information about any other program offered by the Darke County Parks, please call the Nature Center at (937) 548-0165.


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Free tax assistance available for households ‘Married Filing Jointly’ earning less than $90,000 annually and all other filing status’ earning less than $65,000 annually.

Tax season is quickly approaching, and thousands of Ohioans will soon begin the filing process to ensure that they receive their refunds. To save taxpayers a little extra money this year, when individuals and families can use every extra dollar, Fish Choice Pantry is partnering with the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Food banks (OASHF) to help low and moderate income Ohioans obtain free Federal and State income tax return assistance and to identify if they are eligible for other work support benefits.

Free tax assistance is provided through The Ohio Benefit Bank (OBB), an Internet-based, service that connects low-and-moderate-income Ohioans to potential work supports, such as health care coverage, home energy assistance, child care subsidies and food assistance.

Eligible individuals can obtain free tax assistance by visiting The OBB website at The website is designed , not only to help individuals and families prepare and electronically file their taxes, but also enables Ohioans to claim all credits for which they are eligible at no cost, as well as review potential eligibility for other community supports. If clients choose to use direct deposit, they can receive their refund in as few as seven to ten days.

Trained counselors at Benefit Bank sites and clinics throughout the state will help Ohioans prepare and file their tax returns at no cost if they meet the income eligibility requirements. If eligible, clients can also claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), as a special tax refund program for working families and individuals. The Benefit Bank does not support tax forms for farming or rental income.

“Too many Ohio tax payers miss out on receiving free tax assistance each year just because either they don’t know it’s available or they don’t know where to get this valuable service,” said Kristy Cutarelli, Director of the Fish Choice Pantry. “In addition, at least one in every four taxpayers eligible for the EITC fails to claim the credit, which is why we are urging residents to come and visit our location to learn more so they don’t miss out on potential benefits and tax savings this year.”

Each year, more than $1.7 billion dollars in tax credits and other supports go unclaimed by eligible Ohioans who do not apply for it. More than 95 percent of these unclaimed funds are federal dollars. Claiming these dollars will bring more federal money to Ohio, therefore helping to boost the state’s economy.

If you are interested in serving your community by becoming a tax counselor, please contact Laura at 937-547-9730 for information on The Benefit Banks free online tax training.

The Fish Choice Pantry is a registered 501©3 food pantry located at 400 Markwith Ave in Greenville. They are open to the public for food distribution on Mondays, 1-2 pm, Wednesdays, 10-11 am and Fridays 4-5 pm. They also deliver food to shut-ins Monday through Saturday each week. Clients are eligible for food once a month. Please contact Fish at 548-2000 for further information concerning the Pantry.

City of Greenville to Hold Exam to Hire Emergency Communications Operator

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Notice is hereby given that the Civil Service Commission of the City of Greenville, Darke County, Ohio, will hold a written examination for the position of Emergency Communications Operator (ECO) for the Police Department of the City of Greenville, Ohio, on Wednesday January 27,2016 at 6:00 pm at the Greenville Municipal Building Basement Classroom, 100 Public Square, Greenville, Ohio 45331. Applicants must have attained the age of 18 on or before the date of the written examination. Applicants must have a valid driver's license and a high school diploma or GED as of January 27,2016, must be citizens of the United States of America or have legally declared their intentions of becoming United States citizens, must pass the Civil Service written exam, background check, polygraph, medical and psychological exams, and a drug screen. A minimum score of 70olo is required to pass the written exam. The 2015 Satary ranges from $14.36 to $20.83 hourly, plus benefits;2016 salary to be determined.

Job description: ECOs will be assigned to Dispatch duties, Records Clerk duties and are responsible for the same basic duties as sworn personnel: protection of life and property, preserving the peace, preventing crimes, detection and apprehension of violators. ECOs have no arrest powers, but their use of communication skills (via phone and radio) is necessary to accomplish the listed duties: must answer telephone complaints, dispatch the proper police, fire and/or rescue personnel, maintain radio contact with the proper emergency personnel, operate the LEADS/NCIC computer systems, keep records of calls for service and abide by the rules and regulations established by the FCC. ECOs must also obey the orders and instructions of the shift Officer in Charge for business related to the particular watch and perform other functions that the administration deems necessary for the efficient operations of the Greenville Police Department.

Addition of credits: in order to be considered for a Uniformed Service credit of 20%, the applicant must be a resident of the State of Ohio and submit a copy of their certificate of service or honorable discharge from active duty. To be considered for a reserve component of the armed forces, including the Ohio National Guard, credit of l5%, must submit proof of completion of initial entry level training with completed application. Applicant must pass the written exam before credits are added.

Any interested person can obtain an application on-line at or from the Office of the Mayor, City of Greenville, Municipal Building, 100 Public Square, Greenville, Ohio 45331, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday and from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm on Fridays. The application must be completed and returned to the Office of the Mayor no later then Tuesday January 19,2016 at 4:00 pm to be eligible to take the examination. An application fee of $25.00 must accompany the application upon submission. A government photo I.D. must be presented to the examining officer to gain admission to the exam.

John Hensley, Chairman
City of Greenville Civil Service Commission

The City of Greenville is an Equal Opportunity Employer, m/f

State of the Heart Hospice Announces New Hires

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Left to Right: Gary Snowden, Erica Wentworth, and Jennifer Stewart
State of the Heart Hospice is excited to announce three new staff members that have recently joined their team. State of the Heart, with offices in Greenville, Portland and Coldwater, cares for patients and families in eastern Indiana and western Ohio who are confronting a life limiting illness.

Jennifer Stewart is a Registered Nurse at the State of the Heart Care Center located at Wayne Hospital. Jennifer had worked for the agency previously and rejoined the team in June. “I absolutely love hospice care,” Jennifer shared. “I feel that this is my calling.” Jennifer lives in Versailles and enjoys traveling and spending time with her Husband, Antrum, and children, Madelynn and Logan.

Joining the agency as the Business Development Specialist is Erica Wentworth of Ansonia. Erica brings with her experience in grant writing, fundraising and public relations for non-profits. “I believe in the mission of State of the Heart Hospice and I enjoy working where I make a difference for local families,” Erica said of her new job. When not working, she enjoys being outside, reading and spending time with her husband, Kyle, and daughter, Avery.

Working out of the Greenville and Coldwater Offices, State of the Heart welcomes a new Chaplain, Gary Snowden. Gary has a lot of experience and a love for helping people. He received his Doctor of Ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation in 2008. When asked why he came to State of the Heart Gary said, “To see the pain and heartbreak gradually lessened and to feel that I have made someone’s life a little better brings me joy.” In his free time he enjoys fishing. Gary lives in Portland, IN with his wife Kimberly and together they have 3 children.

For more information about any of the services offered by State of the Heart, visit the nonprofit agency’s web site at

GTI donates to Cancer Association of Darke County

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Kristen Gosnell, (on the right) Quality Control Technician, Greenville Technologies Incorporated, presents donation to Christine Lynn, Executive Director of Cancer Association of Darke County

During the month of October, Greenville Technology, Inc. (GTI) held its annual Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. GTI’s Health and Wellness committee coordinators Kristian Garwood and Kristen Gosnell planned a month full of activities to try to meet the goal of $3000. With the help of the committee, GTI held a soft pretzel day, popcorn day, bake sale, and several raffles. Local vendors helped out by donating prizes for their Fight for a Cure raffle. GTI employees also purchased badge holders, lapel pins, and t-shirts. The t-shirt sale was a big hit. On October 30 GTI held their first “Go Shirtless for Breast Cancer” day. On this day, the associates who purchased the Breast Cancer T-shirt, could wear the t-shirt in place of their company uniform shirt. This year’s campaign was a complete success thanks to all their employees. GTI surpassed the goal of $3000. On November 18, 2015, they were pleased to be able to give the Cancer Association of Darke County a check for $6188.06.

Edison State Welcomes Military Veterans

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Miami County Foundation Helps to Support Lounge

Pictured left to right in the recently upgraded Veterans Lounge: James Harter, former Edison State student and U.S. Marine Corporal veteran from Sidney; Cheryl Stiffel-Francis, Executive Director of the Miami County Foundation; and Craig O’Meara, current Edison State student and U.S. Air Force veteran from Sidney.
On the dry erase board in Edison State Community College’s Veterans Lounge reads a heartfelt message from United States Marine Corporal veteran, Troy Flenar. “I’ve recently discovered the Veterans Lounge. It is beyond words how much I appreciate a quiet place to read before class. Thank you for setting this up for veterans to use!”

The same gratifying remarks are echoed across campus from veterans of all United States military branches. “When separating from the armed forces, it becomes exceptionally difficult finding the appropriate amount of time required to become familiar with the benefits and entitlements available post separation,” said Craig O’Meara, Edison student and U.S. Air Force veteran.

“Edison’s staff was able to quickly identify and educate me on my individual benefits, taking the burden almost completely off my shoulders,” added O’Meara. “Their dedication to meeting the needs of military veterans and their ability to do so puts them on par with any military education office I've had the pleasure of working with.”

Established on Veteran’s Day of 2010, Edison State’s Veterans Lounge serves as a retreat for veterans to congregate and study. The area has recently seen upgrades thanks to the Miami County Foundation, including a new microwave, refrigerator, and a collection of professional student-veteran photographs displayed on the wall.

Hundreds of books have also been added to the Lounge ranging in topic from war and history to crime novels and literature. Additionally, the Lounge is now equipped with a new coffee pot and high-definition television.

In addition to supporting the Lounge, the Miami County Foundation has also contributed to numerous veteran programs that have been put on throughout the year, including the most recent event that paid tribute to seven Miami Valley World War II veterans.

Edison State Community College recognizes the tremendous contribution that veterans and reservists make as citizens and students and is proud of the level of diversity, experience, and academic excellence that they bring to campus.

The Office of Veterans Services at Edison State provides a single point of contact for military veterans and their families. In addition to providing academic, referral, and personal support services to help ease access to higher education, the office also networks with area veteran organizations to provide support services to veterans on campus.

For additional information about the services and amenities available to veterans at Edison State, visit

County Offices to Close for Thanksgiving

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The County Offices will be closed on Thursday & Friday, November 26 & 27, 2015, for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

FOL book donation request

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Have books too good to throw away? Fall housecleaning turned up books you no longer need but want to share with others?

Friends of the Greenville Public Library urge you to drop off good books for their 2nd Floor Used Book Library. This area is located in the Computer Room on the 2nd Floor and a large selection of books, both fiction and non-fiction are offered for donation only.

FOL used books for donation have been so popular that shelf space is now open for additional books, CDs, DVDs and Books on Tape in good condition. No magazines, Readers Digest or encyclopedias, please.

For questions, call Dede at 937.417.3546.

Thanksgiving Day Meal at First Presbyterian Church in Greenville

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Turkey, dressing and all the trimmings, plus pumpkin pie and other desserts are free to the community as we celebrate our blessings on Thanksgiving Day

From 11:30 until 1:00 on Thursday, November 26th at First Presbyterian Church, 114 East 4th Street in Greenville, a traditional Thanksgiving meal will be served. All are invited who want to share this special meal with others or just want to enjoy a good meal. Donations will be accepted but not necessary.

Call 937.548.3188 to let us know you will be joining us on Thanksgiving Day.

Road Trip to Arcanum

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Written by Cynthia Vogel, Submitted by The Versailles Area Historical Society

The Versailles Area Historical Society October Road Trip was to Arcanum in southern Darke County. Nine people enjoyed this trip, which included several stops in Arcanum as well as a stop at Bear's Mill on the way home.

Fred Troutwine of the Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society was our guide at the Historical Society building and a walking tour. The walking tour included several old and interesting buildings, the deserted area where a railroad track once went through Arcanum, the lot where the log cabin owned by the town founder, Bill Gunder, was located, and the public library. At the Arcanum Public Library, library Director Marilyn Walden was our tour guide.

The Arcanum Public Library was once the home of the Ivester family. The Ivester House was built in 1874 by George Ivester. The Arcanum Public Library moved into this location in 1963 and has since experienced renovations and additions. Quite impressively, the original home of the Ivesters is well maintained and cared for. Director Marilyn Walden and members of the Arcanum library have left areas of this beautiful home intact for visitors to enjoy.

After lunch at the Old Arcana Restaurant we visited the All-American Clothing Company on Pop Rite Drive. (So named because the warehouse once was a pop corn plant.) Lawson Nickol was the tour guide in this facility. We visited a Show Room and the warehouse. This company supervises the manufacture and the distribution of clothing products that are 100% Made in the USA. The motivation for the sale of All-American Clothing is to provide an outstanding product and provide jobs for people in the United States. Very interesting and inspiring part of the trip. Check the label of the clothes you are wearing. Was it made in the USA? Probably not.

After a brief stop at Brumbaugh Fruit Farm, where several bought some goodies, we headed home. We stopped at Bear's Mill, located on Arcanum-Bear's Mill Road. We visited the Vietnam Memorial, the water falls on Greenville Creek, and toured the old Mill.

Several people in the group had never been to any of the stops we made on this trip. Amazing to me since it is only a short trip from Versailles to Arcanum.

Special thanks to the tour guides. They made this road trip very special!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

A Man Was Shot Yesterday in Greenville, Suspect Arrested

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Charles Braumiller
On November 17,2015 at approximately 3:33 p.m., Greenville Police officers responded to the area of Harrison Avenue near Fair St. on reports of shots being fired. Upon arrival, the suspect, Charles W. Braumiller, from Phillipsburg, Ohio, was detained. The victim is Carl E. Smith from Greenville, Ohio.

Charles W. Braumiller has been charged with Felonious Assault and is currently incarcerated in the Darke County Jail.


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The Glenn Miller Orchestra will bring its legendary sound to Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Saturday, December 19 with their holiday program, “In the Christmas Mood.”

The Glenn Miller Orchestra will bring its legendary sound to Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville on Saturday, December 19 with their holiday program, “In the Christmas Mood.” The second presentation of Darke County Center for the Arts 2015-2016 Artists Series, the show will feature the 18-member ensemble playing many of the original Miller arrangements as well as modern selections performed in the Miller style. “These musicians do much more than recreate the past,” said DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins. “They make music that may take listeners back to another time, but also entertains the socks off us right now!” he concluded. The concert begins at 8 p.m.

Glenn Miller was one of the most successful bandleaders of the Swing Era, scoring a matchless string of hit records as well as maintaining a constant musical impact with popular radio broadcasts and appearances at theaters and dance pavilions around the nation. According to Mr. Rawlins, the Glenn Miller Orchestra, now under the direction of Nick Hilscher who also performs as one of the group's vocalists, remains the most sought after big band in the world today. “This band does almost as much traveling as Santa Claus, covering over a hundred thousand miles each year and reaching an audience of more than half a million people,” Rawlins explained.

Greenville National Bank is sponsoring the Glenn Miller Orchestra “In the Christmas Mood;” also, the family of Gene Oda is honoring his memory with sponsorship of this show. Additionally, the Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. DCCA also receives operating support from the Harry D. and Esther Stephens Memorial as well as funding from the Ketrow Foundation and Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund.

Tickets for the show cost $20, and can be purchased by contacting DCCA at 937-547-0908 or at DCCA's office located within the Greenville Public Library, as well as online at If any remain by showtime, tickets will also be available at the door prior to the performance.

School Attendance = Academic Success!

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Showing up for school on time, everyday helps students succeed. Research shows that children who miss 10% or more of the school year are far more likely not to be good readers in 3rd grade. School habits are learned at a young age and I would like to share the importance of getting children to school every day. Our Kindergarten through 2nd grade absenteeism rate is as high as those in high school. Many of these absences are excused, but they still add up to a lost time in the classroom. Why it matters? If children don’t show up for school regularly, they miss out on fundamental reading and math skills and the chance to build a habit of good attendance that will carry them into college and careers. Preliminary data from a California study found that children who were chronically absent in kindergarten and 1st grade were far less likely to read proficiently at the end of 3rd grade.

Many parents and students don’t realize how quickly early absences can add up to academic trouble. In Kindergarten through 2nd grade we teach our students the foundational skills of Reading and Math. It is very important that students are in the classrooms learning these foundational skills.

At Woodland we will have assemblies honoring good behavior and good attendance. The NED Show is scheduled for December 10th. NED stands for “Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best”. We are promoting positive behaviors and high attendance rates. Students who demonstrate positive behaviors and attend school on a regular basis will be rewarded.

It is important to keep your child home from school when they are sick or contagious, but we are encouraging parents to send their child to school on a regular basis, and understand the importance of being in school. The benefits of regular attendance in these early educational years will pay off in the education years to come for the students. Thank you to the parents who send your child to school on time and ready to learn on a regular basis. Thank you to the community members and those that support helping families with needs so that they are able to send their child to school ready to learn. We are blessed to be part of such a community!

Dates and Times of the Arcanum Historical Society's Annual Christmas Bazaar

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(L to R) Sharon and Dick Troutwine,
Chairmen Annual Historical Society Christmas Bazaar
Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society hosts their annual Christmas Bazaar on November 27th at 6:00 to 8:30 and again on November 28th,

9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Location of the bazaar is 123 West George Street in Arcanum. New this year will be the expansion of two rooms of Beck's Boutique with never seen before tops, accessories and more in sizes petite to 1X. Look for the new featured item of mini easel Christmas Art and plus a forest of Christmas trees will be available in every size imaginable and again low, low prices and items too numerous to mention.

Edison Foundation Hosts 18th Annual Holiday Evening Event

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2015 Holiday Evening entertainment The Jakarta Band.
The Edison Foundation’s 18th annual Holiday Evening event will be held on Thursday, December 3, 2015, at the Piqua Campus and will feature the renowned Jakarta Band, as the headlining entertainment for the night’s festivities.

Proceeds from Holiday Evening directly support Edison’s General Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to more than 4,000 traditional and non-traditional students throughout their academic pursuits at Edison.

The evening’s festivities begin with hors de ‘oeuvres at 6:30 p.m., followed by a special performance from The Jakarta Band at 8 p.m. The Jakarta Band is a highly sought-after old-school funk and R&B band that plays a variety of music ranging from disco to soul, to hip-hop and soft rock.

Band member Isaac Points has been performing for 35 years and his expertise of funk has been proven time and time again. He has opened for Stanley Clark and Herbie Hancock, played bass with Chuck Berry and Tony Bennett and performed on USO tours with Joe Clemons. Band member Jeffrey Young has enjoyed a nationally celebrated career as a sought-after trombone player and performer and has worked with Ray Charles, Natalie Cole, Peaches and Herb and Bobby Vinton to name a few.

The cost to attend is $125 per person. For more information, visit or contact Julie Slattery at or 937-778-7805.


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The Fish Mitten Tree once again needs donated gloves and mittens to decorate its empty branches; these donations will be distributed to the children enrolled in Darke County Head Start programs. In addition to the Mitten Tree located at Montage, 525 South Broadway in Greenville, a Mitten Tree also will stand inside the Brethren Retirement Community, 750 Chestnut Street, Greenville, and in the Ben Franklin store, 4 West George Street, Arcanum. Many churches and organizations also erect trees which collect gloves and mittens from their members; these donations are then passed on to Fish to be given to the little Head Start participants. The Mitten Tree has been an annual holiday project of the local Fish organization for almost fifty years.

“The Mitten Tree provides the opportunity for people of all ages and incomes to participate in the true spirit of the season,” said Marilyn Delk, the Fish volunteer coordinating the Mitten Tree project. “We sincerely hope that our generous neighbors will once again this year be able to spare the relatively small amount required to purchase a pair of mittens or gloves and bring joy and warmth to local children who may not receive many other gifts this Christmas,” Mrs. Delk concluded.

To best meet the needs of children directly served by Head Start programs, donated gloves and mittens should fit boys and girls between the ages of 3 and 5; however, donated items in larger or smaller sizes will be shared with Head Start families. So that the mittens and gloves can be distributed prior to Christmas, contributions should be made by December 14. For more information regarding the Mitten Tree, contact Mrs. Delk at 937-548-2482.

Fish is an ecumenical volunteer organization which responds to emergency food needs; the Fish Choice Food Pantry, located at 400 Markwith Avenue, is open on Mondays from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Wednesdays from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m., and on Fridays from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. No appointment is necessary to visit the Food Pantry; clients are eligible for help once every month. The Fish phone number is 548-2000.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


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GREENVILLE, Ohio - It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The 2015 Hometown Holiday Horse Parade returns on Saturday, November 21st at 7 pm in downtown Greenville! This annual tradition in Darke County has kicked off the holiday season for the downtown district the past 12 years!

The 2015 Grand Marshal will be State Representative Jim Buchy. When selecting the Grand Marshal, Representative Buchy was a natural choice. “Representative Buchy has served on and off in public office for our community since 1980, in that time he has made countless contributions to our community and equestrian agriculture throughout the state,” said Amber Garrett, Executive Director for Main Street Greenville.

The lighted event boosts 80+ entries and brings an estimated 8,000+ spectators into the downtown area. The parade will travel down South Broadway, travel around the circle, and return back up South Broadway.

The committee would like to remind spectators to stay off of the street during the parade and do not try to cross S. Broadway once the parade has begun. In addition, please do not dangle your legs over the edge of the curb. “We want a safe environment for everyone. For those who are watching the parade and for those who bring their horses to participate,” said Chief Dennis Butts, Chief of Police for the City of Greenville.

Main Street Greenville, the non-profit organization that has been coordinating the event since 2004, and the Hometown Holiday Horse Parade Committee utilizes many volunteers within the community to make the event happen, as well as provide multiple entertainment options leading up to the parade. “This event helps to highlight our beautiful downtown to those who live here and those who visit. It is a great way to start your family’s holiday celebrations,” said Diana Stebbins, 2015 Parade Chairperson.

Below you will find the current list of entertainment / events for the day, please follow Main Street Greenville's Facebook Page to receive updates as they occur.

1-6 PM
Christmas at the historic St. Clair Manor | 224 E. Third St.
Horse & carriage rides, raffle prizes, Flashbox photo booth, free cider & cookies, reflexology, chair massage & facials, and of course many unique gifts offered by local businesses!

4-6:30 PM
Romer's Catering Delightful Dinner Buffet | 118 E. Main St.
Reservations required, includes FREE premier parking!

4-7 PM
Shop & Dine downtown before the parade
Over 30 independent shops and dining establishments!

5-7 PM
FREE Pony Rides | 115 W. 5th St.
Located on the side lawn of First Congregational Christian Church.

5-5:30 PM
Storytime at Readmore's Hallmark | 534 S. Broadway
Storytime with the Grinch!

5:45-6:45 PM
Joelle York | At the fountain on the circle (intersection of Broadway and Main St.)
Local singer performs your favorite holiday hits!

6:00 PM
Storytime at Bread of Life | 107 W. Main St.
Storytime featuring The Legend of the Christmas Tree.

6-8 PM
HER Realtors Open House | 537 S. Broadway, Suite 202 (upstairs of the Palace Building)
Stop by for refreshments and appetizers before the parade!

6:15-6:45 PM
Calliope Performance from Firehouse Pipes of Union City | Annie Oakley Park (intersection of Martin, Washington, and S. Broadway)
Upbeat high energy performance!

7:00 PM
12th Annual Hometown Holiday Horse Parade! | S. Broadway
Over 80 lighted horse drawn carriages, hitches, and riders illuminate downtown Greenville for a grand holiday tradition!

Main Street Greenville would like to thank the families who bring their horses to this parade event. “It is a lot of work for them. They arrive at the staging area as early as 3 pm to prepare for the event. The parade simply would not be possible without their commitment. They do an amazing job,” said Amber Garrett, Executive Director for Main Street Greenville.

Main Street Greenville also thanks the local businesses who help to sponsor this annual event, a full list of sponsors can be found on their website. This year's Platinum Parade Sponsors are Wayne Healthcare, Greenville Federal, and OneMain Financial. “We are thankful for our sponsors’ support. Many are continued sponsors who help us create this event for our community each year,” said Dave Ernst, Board President for Main Street Greenville.

Please visit or for more information about Main Street Greenville and the 12th Annual Hometown Holiday Horse Parade. If you have any questions, you can contact them at 937-548-4998 or

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