Monday, November 23, 2015

Jay Montgomery is Utterly Frustrated with New Rail Road Crossing Signs

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My outrage at the waste and stupidity of the recent installation of STOP signs at railroad crossings can no longer be contained.

You would have to be blind, deaf, drunk, and high to hit a train at one of these crossings.

Indeed, the train moves so slowly and makes so much noise, I don't believe the train could actually hit you unless you parked on the railroad bed. Even then it probably wouldn't work as the train can see you unobstructed from a very long way so as long as the operator is also not blind, deaf, drunk and high they would likely find a way to stop the impending accident long before it got to the crossing. 

I am going to be mightily upset if I am ever stopped for running one of these STOP signs. These signs are a menace to common sense. Who ever installed these signs needs to remove these insults and return to us the tax money used to make and install this idiocy.

Jay Montgomery

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