Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Hearing... But Not Listening" - A Guest Post from Mike Stegall

Guest posts are welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say and are able to do it in a respectful, reasonable way, send your piece to The contents of guest posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 

I had an interesting conversation with a good lady friend of mine the other day. It reminded me of how hard it is to get through to people on some subjects. This lady, who is a wonderful, smart person whom I respect, started talking about the sales tax hike the State has advanced. We talked about it a little bit, and then she said that high taxes is why Darke County has lost so many businesses in the last 3 years.

SAY WHAT? I asked her what businesses and she replied that I should tell her what businesses had come into the County, and how many had gone bankrupt!

REALLY? So, I explained the tremendous growth that we have experienced, and the continued expansion going on in the County. I do not know how many I named, maybe 6 or 7 off the top of my head, plus all the expansion from our manufacturers. I did not hear a reply back from her.

What gets me though is the fact that for 3 years, myself, the Partnering 4 Progress group, and the C.I.C., have constantly touted how much growth we have experienced in the County, and how many articles in the Advocate and Early Bird, Facebook posts, photos, Darke Journal entries, etc. we have put out about the growth. I would think that everyone would know by now. Heck, Darke County has even been in National papers Like the Wall Street Journal, and on television, locally and nationally! I am sure she had to have heard of it, but she really wasn't listening to it. It did not fit her concepts.

That is the problem. All of us hear things every day. Some of it is pure rumor, some of it true, and some a combination. We hear it, but are we listening? In my position as Commissioner, I hear an awful lot. Some of it is complete lunacy, some of it scary, some of it true. I hear it, and I try to listen to it. Don’t get me wrong, I can be as guilty as the next person sometimes. I make mistakes too, but all in all, I listen. I listen because I want to learn. That way, if I hear something, I can research the truth of it or not. Listening has become a lost art. We all hear, but do listen, absorb it, and research it? Most things we hear are easily checked for accuracy. We hear it, but it is just easier to accept it, truth or lie. It takes too much time to check out things. We hear it, but we don’t listen. And that leads to what we see too much of; misinformation and bad feelings about our surroundings.

Love for Lauren Cancer Fundraiser Raffle Tickets Available

Click to enlarge
27 year old wife, mother, and missionary Lauren Harman is in the fight of her life. Lauren was diagnosed in June of 2010 with CTCL – Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the white blood cells. CTCL is generally a slow growing cancer but is without a cure; what’s more, Lauren was diagnosed with Folliculotropic CTCL, an aggressive form of the disease.

In light of all this, Lauren has sought treatment at an integrative cancer clinic in Mansfield, Ohio and is showing marked improvement. The Get Well Center has had much success treating Lymphomas such as the type Lauren has. They specialize in treatments that incorporate insulin potentiated therapy (IPT) and high-dose intravenous Vitamin C with oxygenation therapies, immune therapies, and multiple alternative treatments.

Since much of Laruen’s treatments are not considered conventional methods, her insurance does not cover the expense of the treatments. Therefore several fundraisers are being done to help with the expenses. One of the current fundraisers is a Raffle for several Great Prizes. Grand prize is a 4 day 3 night stay at a Luxury Cabin in Gatlinburg Tennessee. 2nd prize is a 60” Flat screen TV, 3rd prize is a Mini Ipad and 4th prize is an Apple TV. Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 tickets for $20.00. The drawing will be held on September 8th.

If you are interested in purchasing tickets you can purchase them from LWM Community Church in Versailles on Wednesdays from 10am till 6pm or by calling Carol at 937-526-3050 or Cindra at 937-467-7944. You can also email us at if you are in the Greenville area.

If you would like to make a donation, you can make your check out to “Love For Lauren” and mail it to: U.S. Bank, 1231 East Main Street Versailles, Ohio 45380.

100% of the funds raised in these fundraisers will go directly to the family to offset these expenses.

Fort GreeneVille DAR Wins Awards in Annie Oakley Days Parade

The Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR participated in the 50th Annie Oakley Days Parade. The chapter's float won two awards; the Best Non Commercial Float award and Miss Annie Oakley Choice award. The float was decorated with the Festival's theme for its 50th anniversary and "Aim High" slogan.

Besides the banner walkers and the float itself, the chapter incorporated a miniture horse unit as part of their float. The miniture horse unit was led by DAR member Cindy Austen. Riding on the cart were Brooklynne Austen, Alexa Nisonger, and Abby Nisonger (pictured). The horse unit was provided by Jeff Nisonger and family.

Pictured with the float are Regent Chris Nehring, Linda Bundy, Shirley Hughes, Linda Riley, Bella Hartzell, Helen Wright, and Taylor Nehring.


Community Blood Center congratulates all of the following donors for reaching their milestones. Thanks to the generosity of all donors many lives have been saved.

Donors are recognized for their Life Time Donations (LTD) Milestones. Every time a donor donates any blood product it is a donation. Life Time Donations are a total of all your blood product donations.

Jeffery Adams, Tom Babylon, Tiffiny Barnett, Melissa Begoon, Christine Borchers, Jesse Brents, Sara Bunger, Melissa Christian, Diana Cook, Thomas Cook, Amy Crowe, Alex Dearing, Samuel Everhart, Alyssa Garber, Deb Gehle, Paige George, Shelly Geyer, Elizabeth Hart, Michael Higgins, Heather Hine, Kimberley Hummel, Nick Jacobson, Torri Keaser, Michael Koenig, Susan Kramer, Joshua Long, John Marchal, Nathanael Marley, Meghan Mestemaker, Taylor Meyers, Jessica Miller, Sandra Miller, Cole Morrie, Chad Penix, Leah Poling, Jenny Puthoff, Sarah Rock, Jackie Sanders, Kate Schmitmeyer, Wade Schroeder, Phil Seger, Sunni Tomlinson, Brooklyn WAmpler, Goldie White, Keith Wuebker, Kayla Widener

10 LTD
Adam Barga, Diane Bickel, Linda Boltin, Marsha Boyd, Bethany Brown, Michael Cowan, Melissa Hawes, Robert Hull, John Keller, Susan Kauth, Mark Mangen, James Mayo, Hilary Pohlman, Joel Protzman, Mary Richards, Jena Rindler, Kevin Schlater, Katy Smith, Shane Stachler, Jim Thornburg, Cherri Turner, Michael Warrell

"The Gauntlet" is This Saturday!

GOP Men hear Ohio Anti-Agenda 21 spokesperson

Submitted on Behalf of the Darke County Republican Men's Club 

“I hope today to give you a ‘big picture’ understanding of how Agenda 21 came into being and how it has rapidly advanced during the last two decades. When I am done speaking, I hope you will go to my website and further your knowledge of Agenda 21 so that you can share your knowledge with your neighbors, religious leaders, educators, fellow workers, and politicians, in the hope that we can stop this train wreck.” was the opening used for the presentation given by Eileen DeRolf, a retired science teacher with a Master’s Degree in Natural Resources. She spoke recently to the Darke County Republican Men’s Club (DCRM).

People with conservative views often take exception to many of the things that are being done by government at the current time – health care, zoning, private property rules, regulations regarding small businesses, anti-fossil fuels, political correctness, etc. These are all symptoms of the Agenda 21 (A21) disease. Without A21 to drive them, these things would not be happening.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crop Duster, a photo submitted by Jean Davidson

Pulled Pork Diner to Benefit Local Family

GOP Women to host garage sale

The Ways and Means Committee of the Darke County
Republican Women’s Club is planning a garage sale as
part of “America’s Longest Garage Sale”. Committee members
(L to R) are Pepper Wright, Betty Hill, Dorothy Oda and Committee
Chair Pat Faulkner.
“This will be the first year the Darke County Republican Women’s Club (DCRW) has participated in the Longest Yard Sale.” said Club President Sally Zeiter.

DCRW will be setting up the items they have for sale in the Activities Building of the Congregational Christian Church. The church is located at 115 West Fifth Street in Greenville and the Activities Building is directly behind (south) of the church.

The sale will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, August 2; and 8:30 a.m. until sold out on Saturday, August 3.

“We are looking forward to having a lot of items for sale – at very good prices.” said Garage Sale Committee Chair Pat Faulkner. “Anyone wishing to donate a pre-priced item is welcomed. But, please know that items not sold will be donated to either Goodwill or Grace Resurrection Community Center - depending upon what the item is.”

For further information regarding the garage sale, please contact Faulkner at (937) 548-1710.

The DCRW club is a group of Republican Women who meet monthly and work at the grass-roots level to elect Republican candidates, provide political and legislative knowledge and provide community service. For further information, contact President Sally Zeiter at (937) 423-2391 or email her at:

Cancer Association of Darke County Moves to New Location

The Cancer Association of Darke County has moved from 209 E. Fourth Street, Greenville, to 1111 Sweitzer St. They are located in the new Wayne Cancer Center with Dayton Physicians and Premier Health.

The days open are the same as before ~ Monday~Wednesday~Friday, but the hours are a bit different with the office now being open 9:00 a.m.-4:30. (No longer closed for lunch.)

The association invites the public to stop in and visit some time and see the new office area that is very spacious with lots of light.

The office is located at the front of the cancer center, through the entrance to the right.

If you know of anyone in Darke County that is battling cancer, please have them contact the office and speak with Christine Yount, Executive Director, at 548-9960 and get signed up for benefits.

Remember, where there is help, there is hope.

Fort GreeneVille DAR Holds Story Time at the Gathering at Garst

Left to right: Pictured with the children were Karen Burkett, Taylor Nehring, Shirley Hughes, and Helen Wright, Pictured with the children playing whirligigs is Regent Chris Nehring., Pictured is Karen Burkett teaching the game Graces.
The Fort GreeneVille DAR chapter held a storytime with games during the Gathering at the Garst. Member Karen Burkett gave a storytime about the 1700 and 1800 time period of children. Afterwards chapter members played games of that period with the children. The games included whirligigs, hoop & stick, Graces, and Apple Snap (marshmallows).Two books were given away as door prizes. The books of early period games were donated by the Garst Museum Gift Shop which can be purchased at the Gift Shop.

Help Wanted at State of the Heart Hospice

Cancer Support Group to meet Thursday, Aug. 1

The Cancer Association of Darke County will hold their monthly support group on Thursday, August 1, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at Wayne Health Care on the 3rd floor in the Conference Room.

This month will be an open forum and participants are encouraged to bring at least one thing in printed material which deals with cancer in some way. The topic can be on treatments, nutrition, stress, pain, infection or any other topic which relates to cancer. The group will share information, experiences, etc. with the goal of helping each other during their cancer journey.

Many groups and individuals donate to the Cancer Association to support Darke County residents. All donations, no matter whether large or small are always appreciated.

The current 2013 Corporate Sponsors are American Legion Post 140, Carlos and Patti Menendez, Diane Evans Insurance Agency, Family Health, 5th 3rd Bank, FOE 2347 Charity Fund Versailles, FOE Ladies Auxiliary Greenville, First Assembly of God, Francis Furniture of Greenville, Johnston Chiropractic Clinic, Leis Realty, Osgood State Bank and Second National Bank.

If you would like to donate to help your neighbors with cancer in Darke County, please send donations to Cancer Association of Darke County, PO box 781, Greenville, OH 45331 or call Christine Yount at the office with any questions at 937-548-9960.

The Cancer Association is a non-profit organization which provides benefits to cancer patients living in Darke County. The association partners with United Way and is not affiliated with the American Cancer Society.

If you know of anyone living in Darke County that is battling cancer, have them call the new office located at 1111 Sweitzer St. in the Wayne Cancer Center and talk about what benefits might be available.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Race to Remember Raises Funds for Miami Valley Alzheimer's Association

Sterling House/Clare Bridge of Greenville and Spirit Medical Transport, LTD sponsored the annual “Race To Remember” scavenger hunt event which raised funds for the Miami Valley Alzheimer’s Association.

During the scavenger hunt, teams were given clues they had to decipher to find different locations in Darke County. They began at Spirit Medical Transport with a kick off luncheon and ended at Sterling House/Clare Bridge of Greenville for a celebrations reception which included cocktails and hors d’oeveres.

This years event included 19 teams and 74 participants. 1st place winners were Poly One & Whirlpool #2, 2nd place winner was Greenville National Bank #2 and 3rd place was Whirlpool #1.

GCS Levy Guest Post - Joan Klein

Guest posts are welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say and are able to do it in a respectful, reasonable way, send your piece to The contents of guest posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 
Dear Editor,

As a retired teacher, I strongly urge YOU to vote YES for the Greenville Schools levy on August 6th! I can speak from experience since I taught in all the elementary buildings during my teaching career. There are many problems in all the old buildings which can never be corrected!

Our students depend on us to replace the outdated buildings with up-to-date facilities so they will be able to compete with students from other communities.

As you know, education is more important now than ever before. We cannot let our students down, as their future depends on us! It is TIME to pass the levy on August 6. Yes, good schools are essential for a Strong community!

Thank you for your support; it is very much appreciated!

Joan Klein

St. Paul's Episcopal Church to Host Saturday Community Eucharist Service

Darke County Parks—Through the Years

This is the fifth installment of a series featuring Darke County Park District’s twelve park areas. The mission of the Darke County Parks is to acquire and preserve land areas possessing special natural and historical features and to manage and maintain these resources for the benefit of its residents through appropriate educational and passive recreational programs and activities. The Park District was created in 1972 when the honorable Judge Williams ordered the formation of the Park District. The Park District is now comprised of over 1,000 acres.

Worth Family Nature Preserve is located on Springhill Road. Worth is 35 acres of mosaic floodplain, hardwood forest, pine plantation, managed prairie and thickets that opened in 1998. There are 1.2 miles of trails through these varied habitats that will lead you to the eastern border of the park where you will find a stretch of scenic Greenville Creek. This is a unique portion of the creek in that it remains in its natural state, having never been dredged or channelized. A gift to the Park District from the heirs of Robert Worth, the meandering stream and the diverse flora and fauna make Worth Family Nature Preserve an exceptional area to visit any time of the year.

All of the Darke County Parks are open sunrise to sunset. For more information on Worth Family Nature Preserve or any Darke County Parks, call the Park Office at 937.548.0165 or visit our website at


Everyone who registers to donate will get the new, limited edition Community Blood Center (CBC) “King of the Road Blood Drive – Route 56” t-shirt in Harley-Davidson colors. They will also be automatically entered into the summer blood drive drawing to win a Harley-Davidson Road King Classic motorcycle. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment online at Locally donors can contact Dana Puterbaugh, Darke County Account Representative at 937-997-2199 or
CBC has partnered with Gover Harley-Davidson in Piqua and REACH Magazine on the “King of the Road Blood Drive” campaign. Everyone who registers to give blood at any CBC Donor Center or mobile blood drive now through Saturday, Aug. 31 automatically qualifies for a chance to win the Road King Classic motorcycle.

Ten computer-selected finalists will be invited to a special envelope-opening announcement event in September to decide the winner. (Must be 18 to win. Official rules available at

Please always allow 45 minutes to 1 hour to get through the entire process, even if you have an appointment.


Do you know the education level of your child’s preschool teacher? Do you know that research shows it does make a difference in what your child learns in preparation for kindergarten?

It is widely recognized that qualified teachers are an essential part of preschool programs that show improved outcomes for young children. Children who are educated by teachers with both a bachelor’s degree and specialized training in child development have been found to be more sociable, have a more developed use of language, and perform at a higher level on cognitive tasks than children who are cared for by less-qualified adults (Bowman, Donovan, & Burns, 2001).

According to Dr. W. Steven Barnett, PhD from National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER), “Research shows that teachers with college degrees and specialized early childhood training have more positive interactions with children and provide richer language experiences.” Unfortunately despite the research results current education requirements for a preschool teacher in a state licensed facility only demands that the teacher/teacher assistant have a high school diploma.

In a federal Head Start preschool program, the Department of Health and Human Services requires half of their head teachers hold bachelor’s degrees by 2013. In recent federal documents it shows that as a national program, Head Start has surpassed that requirement of bachelor’s degrees and is now at 62%. This is an impressive improvement that has increased from 50% since 2009.

At Kids Learning Place, we believe this requirement to be a critical part of a young child’s education; in our current child care and education classrooms 92% of our head teachers have bachelor’s degrees or higher (includes 10% with masters degrees) and 96% of our teacher assistants have at least an associate degree or CDA (Child Development Credential).

Are you also asking your child care center about the education curriculum your preschool uses - does it follow Ohio’s Early Learning and Development Standards? Again this is an important part of an outstanding preschool. Quality preschools help children find answers through exploration, experimentation, conversation and asking questions. Kids in preschools discover that they are capable and can do things for themselves, from small tasks like pouring their own juice, to bigger issues like deciding how to spend their free time. The preschool staff helps kids to ask wonderful questions and search for the answers through discovery.

Kids Learning Place uses Creative Curriculum® with intentional planning for individual children as well as groups, we use the Project Approach for child discovery and also use the Conscious Discipline© approach for healthy emotional expression; these methods seem to be catalysts for growth. Children move on to kindergarten well prepared for the next phase of the learning journey.

As we move towards Fall, now is the time to make sure your child gains the knowledge to be ready to thrive as they grow towards school readiness, For more information or questions you may have about school readiness and early childhood education standards and programs call our main office at 937-778-5220 and talk with Liz Schoonover Early Childhood Director. If you are interested in enrolling at Kids Learning Place call our local toll free number 1-866-627-4557.

You can also check our website at for information. The Kids Learning Place Education and Care Centers in nine counties are operated by Council on Rural Services … programs for innovative learning.

Summer Reading Winds Up!

Last week's “Family Fun Day” at Greenville Public Library was a hilarious blend of magic, puppets, and storytelling as crowd favorite Jim Kleefeld entertained with tricks, tales, and laughter. A beautiful cool morning brought out the biggest audience yet.

The season finale for “Family Fun Days” and the Summer Reading Program “Dig Into Reading” is Wednesday July 31st. In his breathtakingly fun adventure, “Space Painter” Tom Sparough will explore underground juggling. Tom's shows always include tons of laughter, audience participation, and skill.

Stick around after the show as Miss Julie presents this year's grand prizes. In addition to the two big prizes, a bicycle and four tickets to Kings Island, she'll be awarding lots of t-shirts, book bags, and other great prizes.

In case of rain we'll meet at the First Congregational Christian Church Activity Building on Fifth Street. Many thanks to the Friends of the Library and the Steyer Family Trust for their generous sponsorship of “Family Fun Days.”

Sunday, July 28, 2013

GCS Levy Guest Post - Ben Studabaker

Guest posts are welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say and are able to do it in a respectful, reasonable way, send your piece to The contents of guest posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 

I would like to give you some facts concerning the upcoming Greenville Schools bond levy. Our oldest building is South School, which was built in 1911. The Junior High School was built in 1923 and East School was built in 1950. Woodland Heights was added in 1962, formerly built in 1956 as the consolidated township school building. Our newest building, the High School, was built in 1962. In an act of fiscal responsibility, Gettysburg merged with Greenville City Schools in 1972. At this point, an addition was added to the High School to accommodate the freshman class. The decision was made in 2007 to close North School, built in 1901 and Gettysburg School, built in 1924, because of needed updates and financial reasons. This act allowed the consolidation of seven buildings into five buildings, saving the taxpayers approximately $500,000 each year by reducing staff positions, utilities, and annual maintenance costs. This reconfiguration also allowed the district to combine grade levels for better teacher collaboration.

Seeing the need statewide for new school facilities, the State of Ohio formed the OSFC/OFCC in 1997. This program provided co-funding for new school buildings in the state of Ohio. Wanting to be proactive in looking toward the future needs of our district, the Board of Education first attempted a building levy in 2003. After an extensive search, the Board of Education purchased additional acreage adjacent to twelve acres already owned by the district on St. Rt. 121 in 2005 to be used for a new building site. With the age and structural issues at the Junior High and Elementary buildings, the need for a new K-8 facility became apparent.

I see the Greenville School District spending excessive tax dollars on building maintenance and upgrades every year because of the age of our buildings. In the last ten years the district has spent $3,966,851.97 on school building upgrades, such as asbestos removal, electrical, plumbing, etc. In the last five years, because of the age of the buildings, the district has spent $352,914.38 on non-custodial, non-routine maintenance which is over and above ordinary costs just for the Junior High and Elementary buildings. This does not include the excessive utility costs in our inefficient buildings. Because it becomes increasingly more expensive to repair older buildings, this figure will become increasingly higher as time goes on. The district is currently in the process of replacing the boiler at East School at a cost of $80,000. The district is also doing upgrades costing $37,025.00 at the Jr. and Sr. High buildings to provide better security for our staff and students. There is blacktop and roof repair being done at the High School. There has been ongoing repair of the heating and water treatment systems at Woodland Heights. The steam pipes are corroding and over 150 holes have been repaired so far. The cost of just monitoring the water treatment system is $8,000-$10,000 each year. Every building has asbestos, which must be inspected periodically at an average cost of $5,200 per year. When repairs are made, because we are a public entity, the buildings must be brought up to current building code. This inflates the cost of the repair even more. I feel that it is misuse of taxpayer dollars to continue spending as much money as we have to spend in order to maintain our old buildings.

The residents of the Greenville School District have and are continuing to fund new school buildings all over the state of Ohio. Tax from this levy, unlike most others, stays right here within the Greenville School District. It does not go to Columbus or Washington D.C. It stays right here to benefit our students.

The August 6th bond levy is the sixth building levy Greenville Schools has placed on the ballot in the lastten years. The average cost of the prior five levies is $9,010.05. The need for a new building is not going to go away. Why continue spending tax dollars on election costs, high utility costs, and upkeep of old buildings. Let’s take advantage of the low interest rates, low construction costs and state co-funded dollars. We can also take advantage of the 12.5% rollback if we pass this levy now.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-3 states that “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is time for every event under heaven…A time to tear down and a time to build up.” My prayer is that this is our time. I feel certain that if we wait, it will cost us all more later.

“If not us, who? If not now, when?” -John F. Kennedy


Ben Studabaker
Member of Greenville Schools Board of Education

Hummingbird Banding First Hand

53 times a second... that’s how many wingbeats a Ruby-throated Hummingbird averages. Join the Darke County Parks on Saturday, August 3rd at 9:00am as we welcome Alan Chartier.

Alan will once again attempt to band the “hummers” of Shawnee Prairie Preserve. After an introductory presentation explaining his on-going research on hummingbirds, Alan will check his specially designed hummingbird traps.

his program offers a unique up-close look at our fascinating hummingbirds and a lucky individual may even get to help release a bird after banding. Due to the stress placed on the birds and bander, we regret that we must limit ages to 8 years old and up. Call the Nature Center TODAY at 937.548.0165 to reserve your spot as space is limited in this extremely popular program. The fee is $2 per person.

For more information on this and other programs offered by the Darke County Park District, call the Nature Center or visit our website at

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cookbooks now available!

The Greenville High School Music Boosters now have cookbooks available for purchase at the Kitchenaid store, downtown Greenville and at The Flower Patch on Rhoades Ave.

For just $7.00 each, you can get a cookbook and support a great organization in Greenville.

Stop by and get yours today!

DCSA Annual Meeting to be Held: Monday, July 29th

The Darke County Soccer Association will hold its Annual Meeting at the Fairgrounds soccer fields on Monday July 29th at 6:30pm.

The meeting will discuss the status of DCSA and the upcoming seasons, volunteer opportunities, leadership positions and growing soccer in Darke County.

The public is invited to attend the meeting. Please bring a lawn chair for the meeting. The meeting should take no longer than 30 minutes.

All parents of players are required to attend.

GCS Levy Guest Post - Gary Lloyd

Guest posts are welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say and are able to do it in a respectful, reasonable way, send your piece to The contents of guest posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 

It Matters!

We all strive to give the best we can to our children. It’s time our community gives the best it can to our children. We have the opportunity to do this with the new proposed K-8 school building. Yes, obtaining the best facilities for our kids really does matter. It opens up the best opportunities for them and builds a better community for everyone.

Our kids really do matter. Let’s do the best we can for them. Please vote For our school levy on August 6th.

Gary Lloyd
Greenville, OH

A stroll on the Prairie

Join a Darke County Parks’ Naturalist on Monday, August 12th at 7:00pm for a hike through the “back 40” prairie. These grassland ecosystems don’t stretch for miles as they once did so don’t miss this opportunity to “wander” through and see what flowers are in bloom, what birds are active and what butterflies are feeding.

Bring your camera and/or binoculars. Meet at the front of the Nature Center. 

For more information, please call the Nature Center at 937.548.0165 or visit our website at

Upcoming Events at the Greenville Boys & Girls Club

You could win this bike in the Boys & Girls raffle...
The Greenville Boys & Girls Club has 2 events coming up to raise funds for their programs.

First, they will be holding a "Garage Sale" during the 127 World's Longest Yard Sale event. The sale will be held at the Boys & Girls Club's location at 613 South Broadway in Greenville on August 1st & 2nd (and maybe the 3rd). You can learn more about this event by clicking here.

Second, they are holding a raffle for the grand prize of an All Black 2006 Schwinn Cruiser SSX Bicycle that was never used (and has a retail value of $250).  Tickets are $1.00 for 1, or $5 for 6. All proceeds again will go to help fund the activities of the Boys & Girls Club. Make sure to purchase your tickets at the Boys & Girls Club now, as the drawing will be held on August 29th. Learn more about this event by clicking here.

And be sure to like the Greenville Boys & Girls Club on Facebook to follow all their events and activities.

Friday, July 26, 2013

One Week Left to Submit Letters for the GCS Levy

Please note that next Friday, August 2nd, will be the last day to submit your guest post regarding the GCS building levy. Submitting by then will guarantee it will be published prior to the election.

If you have a post to submit, email it to

Click here to read the posts that have been published thus far.

Tree Troubles—Forest Entomology and Pathology

Having Tree Troubles? Join Darke County Park’s summer intern, Lucas McCabe, to learn about the common insects and diseases that might be invading the woods or trees in your backyard.

Lucas, a forestry student at Hocking College, hopes to educate you on the possible ailments you may encounter on your next journey into the woodlot. Have a trouble spot on a tree that doesn’t look quite right? Then take some photos or bring in some samples and Lucas or one of the Naturalists can help you after the program. Please place specimens in a plastic bag or trash bag to prevent the spread to Shawnee Prairie!

This program will occur on Monday, August 5th at 7:00pm at Shawnee Prairie Preserve Nature Center (4267 State Route 502 West).

For more information, please call the Nature Center or visit our website at

August’s Lunch on the Lawn

This summer’s third & final “Lunch on the Lawn” at the Greenville Public Library will be held Friday August 2nd from 11:45 to 1:00 p.m. Again this is a great chance to enjoy the shade under the trees and hear great music on your lunch break. Lunch will be available for purchase from Montage at the white tent - or bring your own!

The menu is: Sandwich (choice of chicken salad crois-sant, turkey wrap, or ham wrap); Salad (choice of bacon tomato ranch, garlic fettuccine, or fruit salad); Choice of Cookie; Drink (lemonade, water, or iced tea). Cost is $7 with $1 going to Main Street Greenville.

The Library partners with Mainstreet Greenville by providing an event every “First Friday.” And many thanks to the Friends of the Library for sponsoring all the excellent entertainment!

Another cool band will play on the 2nd made up of Larry Riley, Jason Page, and Alex Shimp - known as “Singing for Sanity." Larry and Alex have been playing together 7-8 years since middle school and Jason joined in high school.

At first they were known as “Division Three” then recently changed their name. Larry plays percussion - drums & the cajon - and sings backup; Jason plays bass; and Alex is guitar and lead singer. They’re recent graduates of Union City.

They’ve released a CD You Hold the Strings which will be available. It can be described as alternative, acoustic rock, with a few original songs. They’ve also signed a record contract with the label Butta Love Music in LA and plan to move there in August.

Larry said they want to pursue a career in music and eventually study music in college. Already they've played at The Coffee Pot, Hallmark’s, and many Greenville parties. Come and enjoy hearing these young men!

Couple to Celebrate 50 Year Anniversary

Wayne and Dee Baker of Greenville are celebrating their 50th anniversary. The couple was married July 30, 1963 in Dayton, Ohio.

Wayne has been a presence in area farm service for more than 30 years, as well as a former firefighter for the City of Greenville. He served several terms as Washington Township trustee. Dee is a former telephone operator with Dayton’s Bell Telephone and homemaker. Through the years the couple has been active in coaching youth sports.

Together they raised four children, Donald Baker and wife Kristen of Milford, Ohio; Kristi Baker of Mt. Healthy, OH; Scott and wife Kim of Greenfield, IN; and the late Michael Baker. Wayne and Dee are the proud grandparents of eight grandchildren.

Cards and letters may be sent to: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Baker, 2118 Wildcat Road, Greenville, OH 45331

City of Greenville Waives Permit Process for World's Longest Yard Sale

Residents of the City of Greenville can have a garage sale during the 127 World's Longest Sale, August 1st through 4th, 2013 without obtaining a garage sale permit. All rules have been suspended for this sale ONLY! If you put up signs to advertise your sale, please remove them when the sale is over.

For more information, contact the mayor's office, 937-548-1819.

GCS Levy Guest Post - Bill Osterbur

Guest posts are welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say and are able to do it in a respectful, reasonable way, send your piece to The contents of guest posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 

Dear Editor,

I am writing in favor of the Greenville School Bond Levy issue on August 6 and to encourage all Greenville residents to vote YES for this issue.

I believe in public education. It takes at least two main components to make it work...the facilities and certainly not the least of these two, the people who teach and administer that education. This bond issue addresses providing new and updated facilities to the Greenville School System to replace structures that were already far along in their process of being outdated and wearing out over 20 years ago when our children began their education in Greenville Schools. Trying to extend the lives of the current buildings as they are is wasting the best opportunity in terms of cost that we have to give this city a school system that kids, parents, teachers and the community can be proud of. This system will help provide a better education than what is available now and the tools to strengthen this community where it is sorely needed.

Please join me in voting YES on August 6!

Bill Osterbur

Health Dept. Urges Homeowners to Act before Sewage Rules Change

Aeration system with required upflow filter
DARKE, COUNTY- On January 1, 2014, new septic regulations may go into effect in the State of Ohio. Within the proposed rule package, the way the Health Dept. may allow the alteration of septic systems will change. Existing homes with aeration systems that lack the required upflow filter that go through a Health Department inspection will no longer be able to add the upflow filter. This is significant for homeowners considering room additions, remodels, land splits or home sales involving Health Department approval of the septic system.

If there is adequate space and soils are approved, the entire septic system will be converted to an on-lot system (i.e. leachfield or mound). If the lot is too small for an on-lot system, or if the soils are not adequate, the system will have to be replaced with a system that meets National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements and must be permitted through the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The NPDES system requires a service contract with a registered service provider, annual sampling, and possible upgrades every five years to meet current Ohio EPA NPDES regulations.

The Health Department recommends homeowners with aeration systems that do not have the required upflow filter consider adding it to their system now. If a homeowner is approved to add the upflow filter by December 31, 2013, they have until December 31, 2014 to purchase their septic alteration permit. Once the permit is purchased, the homeowner has one year to install the upflow filter.

Any questions regarding the changes in the sewage regulations or about septic systems can be directed to Liz Farver, RS at the Health Department (937) 548-4196 ext. 233.

Courtney Osborne is 2013's Miss Annie Oakley

Chris Norris provided photos from the finals of the 2013 Miss Annie Oakley Shooting Competition held Thursday night at the fairgrounds. Courtney Osborne won the title of "Miss Annie Oakley" with the winning shot coming from 90 feet.

Check out the photos below, including first runner up Alyssa Baumgardner and second runner up Allison Osborne, 2012's Miss Annie Oakley Elisabeth Harless, and a few others.

Congratulations to everyone!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

National Media Sing Praises for Eldora After Truck Race

Photo: Andrew Weber, USA TODAY Sports
Last night's much heralded return to dirt for NASCAR has been met with rave reviews. The truck series race held at Eldora was the first of any of NASCAR's series to race on dirt in 43 years, reportedly drawing fans from 48 states to watch the weeknight race in northern Darke County.

Jeff Gluck of USA Today wrote that "NASCAR should learn lessons of Eldora," stating that the environment, competition, and fun of the event should be "the kind of moment that lays the groundwork for the future."

Quoted in an Associated Press piece, race winner Austin Dillion said, "This is real racing right here,"  but perhaps this passage was the best of all:
There sure seemed to be more excitement for the Truck Series race than the Cup stop Sunday at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Leave Indy, get off the highway, and there's nothing but farmland, corn, a small town that could be mistaken for Mayberry -- and then, Eldora.
The question everyone seems to have now is when will they be back? The pure levels of anticipation of the event could have warranted more races, but the fact that the event seemed to blow all of those away seems to guarantee they will be back at some point.

Did you watch or attend the race? What did you think?

"Dollars For Deb" to Raise Funds for Local Resident Recovering from a Lung Transplant

Dollars For Deb
Friday August 2nd, 2013
PAWS Bingo

June 2nd, 2013 Deb Davidson-Smith received her lung transplant, and the battle to recovery started. What a blessing this surgery has been. Unfortunately the medical expenses have gotten out of hand and we are asking for your help!

We Knead U Massage & Reiki Center is hosting “Dollars For Deb”, a night full of great food, yummy desserts, games and donations. ALL Proceeds go directly to Deb.

Spaghetti Dinner starting at 4pm * Silent Auction * 50/50 Raffle * Cake Walk * Door Prizes
Chances to win Massages for a Year!!

GCS Levy Guest Post - Lynne Hawley & Julia Bowlin

Guest posts are welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say and are able to do it in a respectful, reasonable way, send your piece to The contents of guest posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 

We would like to ask for your support regarding the school bond levy. We feel our county's future begins with the success of each and every one of our children which is a reflection of not only our homes but also our school system. Please join us by voting yes on the bond levy as a wonderful new investment into the Greenville school system and future!

Lynne Hawley
Julia Bowlin

A Gathering of Friends

The Friends of the Darke County Parks will be at the Gathering at the Garst this coming weekend. For this weekend only Friends Memberships will be half price, Individual Membership will be $5.00 and Family will be $7.00 at the Gathering. All membership fees go straight back into the park. So please come and help us gather more Friends.

Fee Appointed to Mercer Savings Bank Board of Directors

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Mercer Savings Bank is pleased to announce the appointment of Kristin Fee to the Board of Directors.  Kristin joins current board members: Thomas A. Knapke, Retired, Wright State University, Thomas L. Krick, Bob’s Audio Video and Appliances, Thomas D. Lammers, Purdy, Lammers & Schiavone, Richard A. Mosier, Mosier & Byers, CPA’s LLC, J. Douglas Temple, Retired, Mercer Savings Bank.

Board Chairman, Richard Mosier stated, "Mrs. Fee was a unanimous appointment as a Director of Mercer Savings Bank. We welcome Kristin's dynamic prospective and community involvement, recognizing MSB's ongoing commitment to provide deposit and lending services at our Darke County Banking Center in Greenville."

Kristin and her husband, Eric, own the Braund Pope Funeral Home in New Madison, Ohio.  Also, Kristin is the operations director at the Evangelical United Methodist Church in Greenville.  Kristin received her education from The University of Dayton and World Harvest Bible College.  She brings with her over 10 years experience in sales, marketing, and customer care.  She is involved in her community through serving at her church and volunteering at her children's school.  She serves on the boards for Darke County American Red Cross, Greenville Rotary Club, and Darke County Recovery Services.  She is anactive member of the EUM Church.  Kristin lives in Greenville, Ohio with her husband and two children Grace, 13, and Ethan, 10.

Mercer Savings Bank is a mutual bank specializing in mortgage loans. Mercer Savings Bank has served Mercer and Darkecounties and surrounding communities since 1888.  To find out more information about Mercer Savings Bank and what we have to offer to you, stop by one of our convenient locations in Celina, Ft. Recovery, and Greenville, or call us at 1-877-672-4543

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

6 Finalists Move on to the Second Round of the Annie Oakley Shooting Contest

Chris Norris sent along photos and a brief description of the first round of the 2013 Miss Annie Oakley Shooting Competition that was held Wednesday night at the fairgrounds.
The nice, cool temperature brought out a large crowd tonight for the Miss Annie Oakley Shooting Competition. 12 young ladies started this evening, but only 6 remain for the final round tomorrow night: (In shooting order)
  • Hannah Gulley, Courtney Osborne, Kayla Knapke, Mariana Ramos, Allison Osborne, and Alyssa Baumgardner.
Allison Moore won the Best Dressed/Best Costume Award this evening.
The ladies will be back at the Fairgrounds Thursday night, starting the second round of competition, at 6:00 p.m.
All photos by Chris Norris.

GCS Levy Guest Post - Krista Stump

Guest posts are welcome and encouraged. If you have something to say and are able to do it in a respectful, reasonable way, send your piece to The contents of guest posts do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 

The time is now to build a new school for Greenville City Schools. My name is Krista Stump and I have devoted almost half my life to Greenville City Schools as a teacher and administrator. You don’t dedicate 25 years of your life to a place and not still care. Even though I no longer draw a paycheck from Greenville Schools I still love the staff members I served and the students that were under my care.

When Greenville City Schools closed two buildings and reorganized a few years ago, I was the principal of Woodland Primary. While walking through Gettysburg Elementary looking for classroom clocks that I could use in the modulars that had been recently delivered to our school to use for the increased number of students to be arriving in August, I realized what an old, dark, and dingy place this building had become. Then I wondered. Would people go to a bank that looked like this? Would they go to a doctor in a building that looked like this? Would they go eat at a McDonalds that looked like this? Yet, we send our most cherished possessions, our children to old and decrepit buildings. All the other county schools have built new schools. As the principal of Ansonia Elementary built about 10 years ago, I have had the chance to see first hand the benefits of a new building. Our kids deserve updated buildings like the rest of the students in our county. So I ask you, are we willing to let our actions say, “The children in our school district don’t matter?”

Please make your vote say that children and their education are important in our community. Vote yes for a new school.


Krista Stump

GCS Levy Guest Post - Ed and Becky Peltz

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We are writing in support of the bond issue on August 6th. Please join us in voting YES for building a new school that will provide a vital future for the children and community of Greenville: "

S - safe and secure K-8 educational environment
T - technologically current
R - renovated high school
O - Ohio paying 43% of the costs
N - need your YES vote to continue
G - Greenville pride in our schools and community

Ed and Becky Peltz
Greenville, Ohio

Tax Reforms to Alleviate Stress on Household Budgets

Guest Column from State Representative Jim Buchy

Tax reforms in the new operating budget are meant to help alleviate stress on our household budgets. In Ohio, we are committed to improving the jobs climate and for that reason we took a series of steps to simplify the tax code and increase transparency. As a result Ohioans are receiving more than a $2.7 billion tax reduction.

The FY2014-15 state budget builds on previous successes such as eliminating the Death Tax. The new package will provide working Ohioans with a $2.7 billion tax liability reduction. It includes a small business income tax cut of 50% and a 10% income tax cut for working Ohioans. The state sales tax will be increased by one quarter for every 100 dollars you spend. Transparency is increased by removing the 12.5% state rollback on future property tax levies, which allows Ohioans to track how their tax dollars are spent. In addition, loopholes have been closed to ensure programs serve their intended purposes.

Small Business Tax Reduction - Small businesses are responsible for a large portion of Ohio’s economic activity. A 50% tax reduction on income up to $250,000 will help Ohio small businesses keep employees and hire new ones.

Personal Income Tax Reduction - The tax reforms are focused on reducing personal income tax because an income tax punishes hard work and reduces your choices in how you spend your money. The reduction is a 10% tax cut for working Ohioans.

Sales Tax Changes - Unlike, the original proposed budget, this package does not include any new sales taxes on services. The income tax reduction will favor economic growth, allowing you to determine how you spend your money. A slight increase in the sales tax is not enough to dramatically change spending habits, but it enables Ohio to move towards continued reduction of the income tax. In this case you will be asked to pay an additional quarter for every $100 you purchase worth of goods that are subject to state sales tax.

Phasing out of the 12.5% Property Tax Rollback - Increasing transparency in Ohio’s tax system was a key goal of the tax reform package. Currently, the state pays 12.5% of Ohio’s property tax levies by using the tax dollars they collect from your pay check. This is an outdated commitment that has grown from a commitment of just over 61 million paycheck tax dollars in 1970 to over 1.2 billion paycheck tax dollars in 2011 (the most recent figure available).

  • The State will Honor Existing Agreements - The state will fund the 12.5% state rollback for existing levies and any passed before the effective date of the measures. Levies on the August ballot will qualify for the 12.5% roll back. However, levies on the November ballot will not be eligible and any renewal or replacement levies will no longer have the 12.5% rollback.

Loopholes Closed - In addition to equalizing the tobacco tax on cigarillos, so that sales tax for cigarettes and cigarillos is the same, the new package closes a loophole that extended the Homestead Property Tax Exemption to all seniors no matter their income level. Elimination of credit for gambling losses has been closed as well.

  • Homestead Property Tax Exemption - This exemption was intended to reduce the burden of increasing property taxes on seniors with fixed incomes. The previous administration allowed the income requirements of the program to expire allowing all seniors to incorrectly receive the exemption. This package closes the loophole by grandfathering seniors currently receiving the Homestead Exemption and requiring future applicants to have an income of less than $30,000 annually.

The new tax reforms are meant to lessen the overall tax burden on Ohioans, increase transparency and close loopholes. As always, I appreciate your feedback. One way to efficiently share your thoughts is to fill out my online survey at

A Guest Post from Joseph Hammond Concerning the New State Budget

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I've read the columns here in the Darke Journal by the two state representatives for this area, Mr. Jim Buchy and Richard Adams where they have patted themselves on the back for passing the recent state budget.

My goodness! They point to the fact that it is so great for the populace but fail to point out a number of glaring omissions.

$2.7 million will be given in the form of income tax relief. However, they neglect to inform us that sales taxes amounting to $2.6 billion will be RAISED to replace that "gift". And as most readers know, sales taxes are regressive forcing those with lower incomes to pay out a larger percentage of their income on taxable items. It's their and the Governor's version of the old shell game.

Another feature of this new budget will affect those of you who will not be 65 by January. The Homestead Exemption as we have come to expect will not be the same for those who pay property taxes after that date. Bend over!

For over 10 years we've heard about the poor "job creators". "We need to give them tax breaks so that they will hire more people". Really? If that is the case, since the Republicans have had their way for all that time, shouldn't we have an overabundance of jobs and wealth for everyone? But, it never seems to work out that way. Those who received the incentive to produce jobs have simply pocketed the savings or purchased bigger homes, taken lavish vacations and thumbed their noses at those who are unemployed. The savings in the state budget for the person who receives over $250,000 will amount to $7000. How many people will they hire for that amount of money?

It is estimated that 80% of the tax breaks will go to businesses that have few people like a dentist or insurance agent or like myself, a private consultant. I'll take it, but I don't need any hirees, so Thanks! In other words the tax cuts won't do anything to stimulate jobs though the majority in the legislature want you to believe that. It has been shown that over half of the legislators themselves will qualify for this tax cut. Anyone besides me see a possible conflict of interest here? How would you like to vote on your own taxes?

Both representatives will tell you that more money will be given to schools this year. But, they leave out the hit that education took in the previous budget. So, thanks a lot, I guess. (It has been reported that since May of 2011, $1.3 billion in new school levies have been put up for votes in their districts across Ohio.)

Finally, the chickens are coming home to roost in that local governments are cutting services to the bone because of the shortfall in state funding. Their only alternative is to raise local taxes, so look out for future funding issues to be on the ballot while the rainy day fund sits in Columbus. They are known as the "Kasich taxes."

The "happy news" as put forth by these two fellows comes without full disclosure. Be wary of their pronouncements.


Joseph Hammond
Minster, OH

Free Family Movie Night: Tonight!

Annual “Back The Wave” Scheduled for Wednesday, August 7th

Greenville City Schools student athletes, in conjunction with the Greenville Athletic Boosters, will be holding their annual fundraising event, traditionally known as “Back the Wave”, on Wednesday evening, August 7th.

This door-to-door fundraiser is sponsored by the Greenville Athletic Boosters, an organization vitally interested in promoting and encouraging the activities and athletic programs of Greenville City Schools. The Boosters organization feels the ideals of sportsmanship and competition instilled in these young athletes carry into their adult lives, helping them to establish and accomplish personal, college, and professional goals.

For your donation, you will receive a Greenville Athletic Booster window cling and a Greenville High School and Junior High School sports schedule.

Student athletes should report to the school by 4:30 pm to be included in the 2013 Back The Wave Group Photo and pick up your designated area map and packet. The scheduled time to leave with your group will be 5:00 pm from Greenville High School.

Greenville residents that are not home during this event but would still like to contribute can mail your donation to Greenville Athletic Boosters c/o "Back The Wave" 100 Green Wave Way Greenville, Ohio 45331; a receipt, sports schedule and window cling will be mailed to the address you provide. Any questions concerning this event may be directed to Greenville's Athletic Office between the hours 8-4pm at 548-4416.

Jazz Band Concert Sunday

The Greenville Municipal Band’s Jazz Band will continue the 2013 summer concert series this Sunday, July 28th at the Marling Band Shell located in the Greenville City Park. The concert begins at 7:30pm and will be under the direction of guest conductor and band member Brian McKibben. All Municipal Band concerts are free and open to the public.

As usual, the concert will last approximately one hour and bench seating will be available but feel free to bring lawn chairs and blankets. In addition to swing, Latin, and rock selections, the band’s program will include classics such as “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore”, “Tenderly”, “Sentimental Journey” and “In the Mood”. The band will also present two crowd favorites “St. Louis Blues” and “Blues in the Night”. Band members hope you will be “In the Mood” to attend our concert this week!

The Greenville Municipal Band has been an important part of Greenville’s musical history dating back to 1883. The Greenville Municipal Band is brought to you throughout the summer thanks to generous support from the City of Greenville’s Parks and Recreation Department, The Ketrow Foundation, The Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund, The Harry D. Stephens Memorial, Darke County Endowment for the Arts, Second National Bank, and individual donors. The band’s principal conductor is Mr. JR Price.

Car Driven by DCSO Employee Struck by Train

On July 23, 2013 at approximately 10:56 A.M. Darke County Deputies along with Ansonia Fire, Ansonia Rescue and CareFlight were dispatched to the 10,200 block of Younker Road south of State Route 47 in reference to a passenger vehicle struck by a CSX train.

Preliminary investigation revealed a 1996 Buick Park Avenue driven by Kathryn Baltes, 51, Versailles, Ohio was traveling north on Younker Road south of State Route 47. The 1996 Buick Park Avenue traveled into the path of a westbound CSX train. The 1996 Buick Park Avenue was struck by the train.

Baltes is an employee of the Darke County Sheriff’s Office. The Miami County Sheriff’s Office accident reconstruction team responded to the scene to investigate the accident.

Baltes was airlifted to Miami Valley Hospital by CareFlight, Baltes was treated and released.

This accident remains under investigation by the Miami County Sheriff’s Office.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Information Sought in Motorcycle Accident

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On July 23, 2013 at 7:10 pm DarkeCounty Deputies, Bradford squad and fire along with Care Flight were dispatched to the 9700 block of State Route 185 on a motorcycle accident with injury. Preliminary investigation shows the driver of the 1983 Honda motorcycle was Andrew Smith of Versailles. Smith was eastbound on State Route 185 when an unknown vehicle attempted to pass Smith and two other motorcycles. The vehicle was not able to complete the pass, cutting off the lead motorcycle. Smith, who was the second motorcycle, slammed on his brakes and lost control suffering injuries. Smith was Care flighted to Miami Valley Hospital listed in serious condition.  Witnesses on the scene stated the other vehicle involved left the scene without stopping.
Anybody with ANY information on this accident is asked to contact the Darke CountySheriff’s Office investigation is on going.

Greenville City Auditor Speaks at Republican Women's Club Meeting

Greenville City Auditor Roxanne Willman
addresses the Darke County Republican Women’s Club.
"It's been a transition... a totally different animal than private auditing. I've enjoyed it, though." said Willman of her move from private sector to public service. Greenville City Auditor Roxanne Willman as she spoke to the Darke County Republican Women's Club (DCRW) recently.

She detailed some of the duties involved in the performance of being city auditor. She explained that she has been through a year-end audit, two budgets, contract negotiations, grant receipt/administration, meetings, promotional events, and conferences.

Some of the good things that are going on in Greenville were discussed ─ new businesses moving in and some local businesses expanding ─ as counterpoints to the budget cuts that have been made to enable the city to continue operating in the black while still accomplishing necessary infrastructure and services.

"The city is doing better, in spite of the budget cuts." said Willman.

At this time, Willman ─ a Republican ─ will be running unopposed on the November General Election Ballot.

The next meeting of the DCRWC will be held at 6:30 p.m., SEPTEMBER 9 at the Chestnut Village Center of the Brethren Home Retirement Community. If you would like to dine with the group, the cost of the meal is $7.50, and reservations are due by September 5. Reservations that are placed, are expected to be paid in full. Reservations may be placed by calling Wavelene Denniston at (937) 547-6477 or emailing her by clicking HERE. If you would like to attend the meeting, but not dine, you may do so by arriving prior to 7 p.m.

The DCRW club is a group of Republican Women who meet monthly and work at the grass-roots level to elect Republican candidates, provide political and legislative knowledge and provide community service. For further information, contact President Sally Zeiter at (937) 423-2391 or email her at:

New Madison Public Library Welcomes New Director with Open House

The Trustees of the New Madison Public Library have chosen Brenda Miller as the new library director.

There will be an Open House in her honor at the library on Saturday, August 3 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Refreshments will be provided.


Submitted by Greenville City Schools
The Governor’s new law will not impact our upcoming Greenville Bond Issue.

If you pass Greenville’s Bond Issue on August 6, you will still receive the 12.5 % rollback reduction. This is the district’s only opportunity to have this advantage.

All new and replacement levies in Ohio, after November, 2013, will not receive this advantage. Nineteen Ohio schools, including Greenville, made what looks to be a very wise decision for taxpayers by putting levies on the August ballot.


Part of the Ohio budget bill signed June 30 by Gov. John Kasich will increase all new and replacement levies by 12.5% on homeowners and other taxpayers.

Before that change, a rollback involved Ohio paying 12.5 percent of local property tax bills. The public paid the remaining 87.5 percent. The rollback was created in 1971 as a deal with taxpayers. The state income tax was established in exchange for the state agreeing to pay a portion of property tax bills.

The new budget requires that all new and replacement levies approved by voters beginning this November will require property owners to pay 100 percent of the bill. Property taxes, like the Greenville issue, approved before November, will be unchanged. Information printed in levy literature representing $174.26 increase on a home valued at $ 100,000 is accurate. The estimated range of $ 2.10 to $2.60 per acre cost is correct as stated.

The rollback change influences a key factor that voters review when they make their decision -- the annual cost per $100,000 in property value. Voters note that figure, use it to determine their own tax bill, and decide whether to approve the new tax.

For Greenville, passing this bond issue on August 6th will mean a savings of around $ 25 per year for every $100,000 of property value. This is the only opportunity that Greenville citizens will have to keep this savings on property taxes.

Only a few people knew rollback existed since it was enacted 42 years ago. This is a pushback of taxes by Ohio to the local level.

Not only can the district obtain 19.5 million in funding from the State, but Ohio will continue to pay a portion through the 12.5% rollback with a vote “for” this bond levy on August 6th. For the next 37 years, the life of the bond, the estimated savings will be nearly 8 million for our district residents. This results in a total savings of 27.5 million dollars.

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