Friday, January 29, 2016

Ohio/East Main Street Intersection in Greenville to Close February 1st - August 31st

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February is “Love Your Library” month at Arcanum Public Library

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February is “Love Your Library” month! Come to the Arcanum Public Library to discover all that the library can do for you. Did you know that at the library you can: send a fax, play a game, pick up tax forms, search the web, do genealogy research, host a meeting and more in addition to checking out books and movies. The Arcanum Public Library has a lot of activities planned for February. Come join the fun!

On Monday, February 15th, we will be showing two movies. Hotel Transylvania 2 will begin at 11:00am and Ant-Man will start at 2:30pm. On Saturday, February 20th, we will be showing War Room at 11:00am. Popcorn will be served at all of the movies.

On Thursday, February 25th, the library will be hosting a Game Day for kids after school. Come anytime from 3:00 – 5:00 to enjoy an afternoon of board games and snacks.

Bring your child to the very popular Storytime sessions held on Tuesdays here at the library. Kids up to preschool age sing songs, listen to stories, and make crafts. On Tuesday, February 2nd, 16th, and 23rd there will be two sessions. The first is at 10:00am, and the second is at 11:00am. On Tuesday, February 9th, there will be a combined session for a Valentine’s Party. It will be at 10:30am.

Also on Tuesdays, February 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd, kids in grades 1-4 can head over to the library after school for AfterWords. It runs from 3:45 – 4:45, and kids will be able to gather with friends, play games, and more!

If you would like more information about these programs or what else the library can help you with, feel free to give us a call at 937-692-8484. You can also visit our website at, or check us out on Facebook!

Knick Farms Named Red Gold Master Grower

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Photo (L to R): Steve Smith, Director of Agriculture, George Knick, Jennifer Knick, Greg Knick, and Curt Utterback, Agriculture Coordinator
Greg and George Knick of Ansonia, OH were honored as Red Gold Master Growers at Red Gold’s 25th Annual Grower’s Banquet held in Indianapolis, IN and was held in conjunction with Purdue University’s Horticulture Congress. Greg and George received their tenth Master Grower Award and were presented with a Red Gold plaque. The Master Grower Award is given away each year to recipients who have distinguished themselves from others by delivering quality production, and exhibiting professionalism and industry leadership. All growers for Red Gold have had training on good production practices, employee safety, and human resources. As tomato grower for Red Gold, the Knick’s have excelled in stewardship and sustainable practices on their farm and participate in the Red Gold IPM program. This year’s production from Knick Farms would account for over 18 million cans of Red Gold whole, diced, stewed, and specialty tomato products. Red Gold is the leading tomato processor in the Midwest and specializes in high quality tomato products for markets in all 48 continental states and many foreign countries.

Scott Smith of Triple “S” Smith Farms from Windfall, IN was recognized at Red Gold’s 25th Annual Growers Banquet as Red Gold’s Grower of the Year by receiving the coveted E. A. Reichart Quality Achievement Award. The Reichart family was pleased to present the award to the Scott Smith before the group of nearly 200, consisting of growers and their families and Red Gold employees in attendance.

Mississinawa Valley-MVCTC FFA Holds January Meeting

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By Shelby Manning, Reporter

On January 25th, the Mississinawa Valley-MVCTC FFA Chapter held their annual January meeting. At this meeting, members were awarded their Chapter Degree and one member was honored as member of the month.

Requirements to earn your Chapter Degree are as follows: hold the Greenhand degree, have the ability to demonstrate 5 procedures of parliamentary law, have led a group discussion for 15 minutes, have a satisfactory SAE program in operation and invested $150 or worked 45 unpaid hours in your SAE, have 10 hours of community service, and have a satisfactory scholastic record. Members who earned their degree are sophomores Audree Weimer, Damon McGhee, Payton Reichard, Stevi Keen, Kinsie Blocher, Paxton Scholl, Kaylee Clark, Makenna Price, Ethan Bowman, Amanda Armstrong, Colton Hines, and Haley Loy. Freshmen were Laura Bland, Kyler Mote, Olivia Murphy, Daisy Brim, Bailey Johnson, Grant Stachler, Cole Simmons, Kyler Guillozet, Elijah Livingston, James Husted, Cole Townsend, Abby Abel, Trinity Konwiczka, Ethan Dirksen, Andrew Reichard, Casey Carrico, Will Hall, and Sidnie Hunt. Congratulations to those members.

Senior Kasey Hummel was named our January member of the month. Kasey has served on the officer team for two years, has participated in the food science and dairy cattle judging CDE, and she also attended our annual Dance Marathon. Congratulations to Kasey.

Greenville BPW Club Hosts February Meeting

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Dr. Debbie McFarland
Greenville, OH. The Greenville Business & Professional Women’s Club (BPW) Public Relations Committee will host their monthly dinner meeting, Thursday, February 11th at the Brethren Retirement Community’s Private Dining Room @ 6:30 pm. The program will feature Dr. Debbie McFarland speaking about “emotions”.

Emotions have a powerful effect on our lives and those that we love. There can be times in our lives that we can become overwhelmed, over-loaded, stressed and in general a “hot mess”. Options can include: venting on facebook (not very effective), ignoring the signs and pushing it down until we explode, Google remedies, taking medications or get counseling.
Dr. McFarland has some holistic natural approaches that can help “release” trapped
emotions preventing this downward spiral and attain a way to recovery.

Dr. Debbie McFarland is a Chiropractor, certified in acupuncture, trained in functional endocrinology, aromatherapy/essential oils, food coaching and general nutrition, a pastor and an author of seven books on holistic solutions. She is also an artist and the developer of the Greenville Art Group. Her office is located at 607 South Broadway in Greenville. She received her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Cleveland Chiropractic in Kansas City, Mo in 1986. Dr. McFarland is a wife, mother to 6 children and grandmother to 10 with one on the way. She recently moved from her office of 20 years in New Philadelphia, OH to start a practice here in Greenville.

The Greenville BPW Club’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. For reservations please contact Marilyn Emmons by noon on Monday, February 8th at 937/548-5824 or

Babies born addicted: Extremely painful way to start life

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By C.J. JORGENSON for Reid Health

Her pregnancy inspired Grace to overcome addiction.
An underweight newborn lies swaddled in the arms of a nurse. Even though the blanket is warm, the little boy seizes and shakes. He’s dripping with sweat, and there’s nothing the nurse can do to ease his terrified cries. At only two days old, he’s suffering from heroin withdrawal- and is one of a growing number of affected infants, according to the community organization Heroin is Here.

These infants are the unfortunate victims of an increase in heroin and opiate use in the Richmond community. “The reality is we’re seeing this all over the country,” says Craig Kinyon, CEO of Reid Health, of the increasing heroin trend. And unfortunately, meaningful change is going to be a challenge. “It’s a long, drawn-out issue, requiring a long-term commitment.” Awareness of the issue is key, which is why Reid Health has developed a committee on heroin and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS), the clinical term for a baby’s withdrawal, to put these babies front-and-center.

A baby’s life shouldn’t begin with detox
Defenseless and battling a monster they don’t understand, these infants have an especially challenging start in life. When a pregnant mother consumes drugs, they pass through her placenta and enter the baby’s system.

Like the mother, the baby becomes dependent on the drug. Lisa Suttle, Director of Reid Health’s Psychiatric Service Line, recently interviewed Grace, a new mother who was undergoing methadone treatment during her pregnancy. “There were times I didn’t care whether I lived or died,” Grace says of her heroin addiction, “I felt so lost.” One day, a snowstorm prevented her from leaving to buy heroin, and that’s the day she decided she wanted to change.

She found information about a methadone treatment facility and began treatment. Grace was afraid about what methadone was doing to her baby, and asked other mothers undergoing treatment if their babies had been born healthy.

Methadone treatment was a challenging time for her -- the combination of methadone and pregnancy meant she was always sick. She also said in the same breath that it made her stronger. Grace is one of the fortunate individuals able to commit to their personal addiction treatment plan, but other mothers are not as successful: “Even the patients who are motivated to get clean,” says Reid Health’s Dr. Erika Brandenstein, “most typically fall off [their addiction treatment plans] when they leave the hospital.”

Grace has been free from heroin addiction for two years. Grace’s daughter was born 11 months ago. “When she was born, you know the first time I saw her, I thought, I would do anything for her. It is hard to understand that feeling.” Because when the baby stops receiving the drug after birth, withdrawal begins.

Each baby’s detox symptoms are different and can range from excessive crying, fever, and poor feeding, to seizures, vomiting and rapid breathing. NAS is a scary and painful experience for the baby. “Infants with NAS experience pain,” says Reid Health Pediatrician Dr. Loretta Ryan, "evidenced by excessive crying and difficulty in being soothed.” As withdrawal set in, Grace’s little girl suffered tremors, cried inconsolably, and required a feeding tube. It was a painful time for Grace, too: “It was really hard to watch her go through it.”

Time is the only thing that can help these babies -- time for the drugs to leave their bodies and withdrawal symptoms to end. Some medical interventions can ease detox symptoms, but only if the syndrome is identified before mother and baby leave the hospital. However, withdrawal symptoms may not begin until 48 hours after birth, when most babies are being discharged from the hospital. Without treatment, babies suffering from NAS will struggle to gain weight, or may end up in the emergency room after experiencing severe symptoms like tremors or seizures.

These issues can become very severe, according to Dr. Ryan. “Short term prognosis is generally good if NAS is recognized and appropriate treatment is provided. Untreated NAS can lead to death from repeated seizures or dehydration from poor feeding,” she says, “I know of one baby several years ago that presented to the ER with seizures.”

After a baby is diagnosed with NAS, treatment can begin to ease withdrawal symptoms. A care team will carefully watch the baby and provide treatments like swaddling to calm fussiness, supporting weight gain with higher-calorie formula, or treating dehydration with an IV. In extreme cases, the baby will receive methadone or morphine to ease the transition. Babies suffering from heroin addiction need time to heal and overcome withdrawal, which can last up to six months.

The average hospital stay for a baby suffering from NAS is 16 to 20 days, compared to three days for typical post-birth care. Dr. Ryan says the child is likely to continue to encounter issues well into their childhood, including significant behavior problems, impulsivity and learning disorders. “Very few women who use drugs intend to get pregnant. I wish that any woman of child-bearing age who is using heroin or other street drugs had the opportunity to be on long-term birth control to prevent pregnancy. No mother wants her newborn to suffer withdrawal or to have long-term problems from the devastating effect of drugs on the developing brain.”

Awareness and action in our community
As of December 2015, Reid Health identified 54 babies born addicted to an opioid. By comparison, 31 babies were born addicted in all of 2014. Sadly, this increase in the number of affected babies is related to an increase in heroin activity in Richmond, Wayne County, and the surrounding areas. Reid Health is leading initiatives to bring awareness to both issues -- the increase in opioid use, and the increase in babies born addicted.

The Heroin is Here group, started in Fall 2014, regularly meets to share progress on awareness goals and identify intervention resolutions. The group hopes to bring awareness and change into the Richmond community through collaboration, communication, and education. A meeting in October included more elected officials, reflecting growing concern about the issue.

Reid Heath has assembled a NAS-focused committee in response to the alarming increase in the number of addicted babies. The group is charged with identifying key initiatives to lead change, such as education, prevention and treatments. Collaboration is key to effectively communicating and educating in our community, so the group is comprised of both Reid Health physicians and employees, Richmond Treatment Center, community mental health centers, independent practitioners, the Department of Child Services, law enforcement and court officers. All are working together to provide options and solutions to this crisis.

“It takes partnership,” to drive meaningful change, according to Kay Cartwright, Reid Health Vice President. The NAS committee is focused on how addiction impacts mothers and babies in our community, and will work cooperatively with local organizations like the Department of Child Services and the Richmond Treatment Center, to combat the prevalence of NAS.

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Versailles Health Care Center offers LSVT BIG and LOUD treatment programs to provide the best quality of life for those living with Parkinson ’s disease. These treatment programs are unique certified treatment protocols that are considered the “gold standard” in treating disorders for people with Parkinson’s. Each LSVT BIG and LOUD program is individualized for the patient’s specific needs. The LSVT BIG program addresses safe walking, balance, and trunk rotation. The LSVT LOUD program addresses soft, mumbled, monotone, and hoarse vocal quality. The LSVT BIG and LOUD programs are each four sessions per week for four weeks. BIG sessions are approximately 60 minutes and LOUD sessions are 30-60 minutes.

According to Gina Boerger, Physical Therapist at Versailles Health Care Center, “We are the leaders in our area for our Parkinson’s treatment programs and we were the first to start the programs locally four years ago. We are unique in that our BIG and LOUD treatment programs are one-on-one with a consistent certified therapist, who creates an individualized plan specific to each patient’s individual needs.”

Upon completion of the programs, each patient is given a success DVD that features his/her before and after performance. “Our therapy programs are successful with all levels of ability. Our therapy team makes a difference and works to provide the best quality of life for their patients living with Parkinson’s,” said Kristy Earick, Administrator at Versailles Health Care Center.

For more information about the Parkinson’s treatment programs at Versailles Health Care Center, please contact The Rehab Clinic at 937-526-0130 or visit on the web at

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


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Ansonia OH - On Saturday, February 6, 2016 the Ansonia Athletic Wall of Fame Committee will induct three new members, Floyd Jenkins (1983), Casey Knick-Robison (2008) and Staci Schmidt (2009).

Floyd Jenkins, class of 1983 will be recognized for his athletic accomplishments in Football, Baseball and Basketball. A partial listing of his honors include: Football years 9, 10, 11, 12; Baseball years 9, 10, 11, 12 and Basketball years 9, 10, 11, 12.

Casey (Knick) Robison, class of 2008 will be recognized for her athletic accomplishments in Softball, Volleyball, Cross Country and Track. A partial listing of her honors include: Volleyball years 9, 10, 11; Softball years 9, 10, 11, 12; Track year 9 and Cross Country year 12. In addition to her athletic accomplishments, Casey made the All Academic Team in every sport she participated in for all 4 years of her high school career.

Staci Schmidt, class of 2009 will be recognized for her athletic accomplishments in Basketball, Softball and Volleyball. A partial listing of her honors include: earning 12 letters, being named to 12 Cross County Conference All Academic Teams and being selected Darke County Athlete of the Year Runner up in 2009.

The ceremony will take place between the Junior Varsity and Varsity boys basketball game against Fort Recovery.

Wall of Fame applications can be obtained at the Ansonia Local School Office or Athletic Department. Nominees must be a graduate of Ansonia Local Schools, must have graduated not less than 5 years prior to nomination and the nomination form and supporting documentation must be received by March 1 annually.

Last Call for 1920’s Dinner!

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It was widely reported that when legendary Al Capone was arrested on tax evasion he was asked where he was getting his boot-leg. The mobster reportedly said he had the best French booze money could buy. No one in Chicago could connect those dots back to Darke County, Ohio and the tiny hamlet of Frenchtown where the craft of making homemade liquor was a time honored tradition past down from generation to generation. North to Osgood, east to Willowdell, south to Webster, everyone made moonshine. The only problem was the U.S. constitution and the 18th amendment which outlawed the manufacturing and consumption of alcohol.

Darke County’s secrets were kept pretty quiet with only a few arrests. But during this period much was consumed and even more was manufactured.

The Versailles Historical Society invites you to travel back on the rural dirt roads of northeastern Darke County to a roadhouse in 1928 where jazz was the music, the Charleston was the dance and the liquor followed. Stories will be shared without names.

The Father Jaekle room at the K of C Hall will be transformed into a Road house of the roaring twenties. The meal will be a postcard from the diners of the era and a cup of probation punch is included. You’ll be able to meet & greet locals dressed in the style, sample an appetizer table straight out of the Great Gatsby and enjoy live music of the period. Word has it that some of Al’s friends might even visit from Chicago!

January 31st is your deadline to order your tickets for this fun evening that supports the programs and new displays that keep the Versailles Area Museum a unique treasure in the community. Don’t be left out!

Tickets are $50.00 each or $45.00 for members and includes a period dinner, appetizers, dessert, and “punch”. A bar will be available for other adult beverages of the period for a small charge. You may call the museum at 937-526-4222 or Jim Kelch, coordinator at 937-467-1585 to reserve your seats today.

Group Lifestyle Balance Program

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Wayne HealthCare is pleased to announce the next offering of the Group Lifestyle Balance Program. The program is called "Lifestyle Balance" because it can help individuals reach and maintain a healthy balance by learning to make lifestyle changes through eating, physical activity, and behavioral changes. The program will help you learn facts about healthy eating and being active. Your instructors will help by providing support and knowledge along this journey to help you succeed.

The focus of the program is to assist participants with making lifestyle changes to improve health and overall wellness. As a result of making healthy lifestyle changes, many individuals do lose weight; as well as, reduce their risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other diseases.

Your role as a participant is to commit to a change in your diet, physical activity, and behavioral habits. You will be asked to monitor your daily food intakes and physical activity, so the instructors can provide you with tips for improvement as you work towards achieving your goals.

The cost is $11 per session or $250 which covers instruction and support, class materials, food and exercise trackers, pedometer, Calorie King book, and Thera band. The next program will meet for 22 sessions from February 3, 2016- August 31, 2016 at 4pm. Contact Karen Droesch at 547-5750 to learn more about the program.

State Senator Bill Beagle to Join Darke County Commissioner Stegall at Coffee with the Commissioner

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As this New Year starts out, we see so much promise for Darke County! Darke County is perched in a good position to expand on our past successes. Lots of good things going on, so if you want to keep up, there are several ways; you can go to our Facebook page, Darke County Ohio, or our website,, OR you can come to my Coffee with the Commissioner, and this time there is a special guest with me!

This Saturday, January 30th, from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m., Commissioner Stegall, along with very special guest State Senator Bill Beagle, will be at The Sweet Shop in Versailles to allow citizens to meet with and talk about Darke County. Commissioner Stegall is honored to have State Senator Bill Beagle along with him, as this should provide anyone interested in talking with our future Representative to the House in Washington. State Senator Beagle, running for John Boehner’s open seat, will be more than happy to talk to all citizens about their concerns and what they would like to see him accomplish in Washington. People will find Senator Beagle a truly good listener with an open honesty not found in others. This opportunity for the people is a great chance to meet a “regular guy” who just happens to be running for Representative of our 8th congressional district.

Don’t forget the date, place and time, Saturday, January 30th at the Sweet Shop located at 40 East Main Street in Versailles from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. for a chance to meet one on one with your County Commissioner and his special guest,your future Representative, Bill Beagle!


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GREENVILLE – For 2016, the Darke Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board of Supervisors will hold their monthly board meetings on the first Monday of each month at 8:00 a.m. The meetings will be held at the Darke SWCD office, 1117 Southtowne Court, Greenville. Special board meetings may be scheduled throughout the year. If a special board meeting is necessary, the location, date and time will be posted on the office door and Meetings are subject to rescheduling; therefore, please call 937-548-1752 to verify meeting date and time. If you are interested in receiving meeting notices, please contact the office to be placed on a phone or email notification list.

For additional information or if you would like notice of board meeting date/location/etc. changes please contact the district office at 937-548-1752 or email The Darke SWCD office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.


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The Darke County Republican Women invite you to join them on February 8, 2016, 6:30 pm (dinner - $7.50) and 7:00 pm for their monthly meeting
at the Brethren Retirement Community, Chestnut Village.

A representative from the Republican National Committee will be their guest speaker, and will be discussing the rising need for registered Republican voters.

If you would like to come for dinner and the meeting, please call in your reservation to Wavelene Denniston by February 4th at 547-6477.

If you prefer to just come for the meeting, no reservation is required.

One vote could make a difference, and that one vote could be yours.


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Columbus, Ohio - Ohio Right to Life PAC today endorsed Matt Huffman in the campaign for the 12th Ohio Senate District. “The March 2016 primary is critical for Ohio’s pro-life movement as we must retain, advance and promote those candidates for office who best exemplify our life-saving mission,” said Stephanie Ranade Krider, executive director of Ohio Right to Life. “After weeks of screening and interviewing candidates, the Ohio Right to Life PAC strongly encourages pro-life Ohio to vote for Matt Huffman.” “I am proud to once again have been endorsed by Ohio Right to Life,” says Huffman.

“During my four terms in the Ohio House of Representatives I fought to protect the lives of unborn children and am looking forward to returning to the statehouse to continue that fight.”

Matt Huffman served as the 4th District Representative (Allen County) in the Ohio House of Representatives from 2006 through 2014, and served as Speaker Pro Tempore for his final term.

Matt Huffman lives in Lima with his wife Sheryl. They are the parents of four children.

For further information, contact Matt Huffman at 419-235-4780.

Armed Forces and Civil Servants Appreciation Night at Edison State

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Edison State Community College is honoring all members of the armed forces and civil servants at the home basketball game against Clark State Community College. Past and present servicemen and women are invited to attend the men and women’s games free of charge. The games will be played on Wednesday, February 3 at 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. at the Piqua Campus gymnasium, with the national anthem preceding.

Edison State recognizes all members of the armed forces and civil servants as citizens and students, and is honored by of the level of diversity, experience, and academic excellence they bring to campus.

Edison State’s Office of Veterans Services affords veterans and their families with a single point of contact. Providing academic, referral, and personal support services, the Office of Veterans Services aims to help ease access to higher education, foster success and build community. Additionally, the College offers a Veterans Lounge complete with a TV, refrigerator, microwave, books, and area for student veterans to congregate. For more information regarding veteran services, visit

Tables will also be available for organizations interested in displaying items, passing out literature, or providing giveaways during the game. For more information or to arrange for the use of a table, contact Nate Cole, Director of Athletics and Student Life at 937-381-1555 or

Electronic Device Classes at Library

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Greenville Public Library is offering Device Classes that will provide basic information, helpful answers to common questions, useful web-links, and some tech tips to keep your device running like new. You'll learn how to download apps and to set up an email account. If you have specific questions, please email them to teacher Warren Richards ahead of time so he can add them to the class at

Classes are scheduled from 1:00 - 3:00 pm in the Library's upstairs meeting room. Each has a cap of five people since there will be a lot of one on one teaching and help. They take place on the following Fridays in February: 5th - Kindle E-readers (Kindle and Paperwhite); 12th - Kindle Fire (all "Fire" series); 19th - iPad and iPhone; 26th – Android. Please call 548-3915 or stop in the Library to sign up!

MVCTC Early Childhood Students Collected Books for Shelters

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MVCTC Early Childhood Juniors collected over 600 books to be delivered to area shelters in the community.
Englewood, Ohio – The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Early Childhood Juniors collected over 600 books to be delivered to area shelters in the community. This was in conjunction with their FCCLA project “Focus on Children”. The FCCLA Leadership Service in Action program guides students to develop, plan, carry out, and evaluate projects that improve the quality of life in their communities. Leadership Service in Action helps young people build skills for family, career, and community roles; provides youth-centered learning experiences related to Family and Consumer Sciences education; and encourages young people to develop the positive character traits of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

The books were donated from preschool parents, teachers at MVCTC and the local community and were donated to the YWCA of Greater Dayton, Stillwater Church, and St. Vincent de Paul.

Students in the MVCTC Junior Early Childhood Program include:

  • Abigail Adkins (Eaton)
  • Alexis Adkins (Miami East)
  • Kelsey Arden (Versailles)
  • Mariah Barber (Preble Shawnee)
  • Alexis Bellomy (Wayne)
  • Aaliyah Briner (Ansonia)
  • Kylah Colbert (Wayne)
  • Tabitha Dispennette (Vandalia)
  • Abigail Donaldson (Vandalia)
  • Desiree Johnson (Vandalia)
  • Sarah Pence (Northridge)
  • Ally Ratzel (Northmont)
  • Lydia Russell (Valley View)
  • Levi Schidecker (Vandalia)
  • Hailey Schreiber (Dixie)
  • Sarah Sheranko (Tipp City)
  • Alexis Spencer (Twin Valley South)
  • Shayla Stephan (Arcanum)
  • Olivia Stone (Tri-County North)
  • Courtney Strohmenger (Tri-Village)
  • Victoria Stump (Arcanum)
  • Kristen Timmons (Northmont)

For over 40-years, MVCTC has been providing career technical education for 27 partner school districts encompassing five counties in Southwest Ohio. MVCTC is dedicated to providing in-demand workforce training for youth, adults, and organizations in the Miami Valley.

For more information about MVCTC, visit or follow MVCTC on Facebook ( or Twitter (

Monday, January 25, 2016


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The Darke County Republican Men & The Darke County Republican Women would like to invite you to a “Meet the Candidates” day on February 13, 2016, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

At the Brethren’s Retirement Community Brick Room

Lunch will be provided at a cost of $10.00 per person.

Please call your reservation in by February 6th

To JoEllen Melling, President of DCRW, at 937-548-1018.

Join us and listen too many of the local and state candidates who will be on the ballot, March 15, 2016.

Heart and Sole 5KClick

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Click on the image to download an entry form.

Practical Fitness Techniques at Library

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Fitness coach Diana Unger has a welcome message for many - how to get the benefits of exercising without “exercising!” Her class Move Forward on Thursday January 28th at 6:30 p.m. at the Greenville Public Library will teach you just that. Her practical techniques can be done on your own time and are easy, fun, and family friendly. They’ll build and retrain your muscles for greater strength, flexibility, health, and independence.

Diana is a certified personal trainer and owner and operator of Warrior Strength Workouts. She says 75% of the population doesn’t exercise even at the minimum standards due to a lack of time or a physical limitation. She can show you how to do things you’re already doing but in a way that’s beneficial to you. These are movements you do every day such as getting in and out of a chair or picking something up from the floor.

Diana explains that it’s a matter of getting a new perspective and applying it to your lifestyle. By using these techniques consistently you can teach your body to perform differently and minimize muscle loss. She notes the common myths that once you reach age 50 you can’t fix anything nor build muscle. Completely untrue!

Diana got into fitness after starting her own fitness journey. In her former job she traveled globally and had every reason not to be healthy. Now she has a family and does personal training for individuals and groups with a gym in her home.

Her approach is to get to know her clients and consider their medical conditions and goals. Where do you want to be? What makes you happy? Be sure to attend for a stronger you! Reservations appreciated but not necessary at 548-3915. Diana is seen with librarians Rachel Brock and Deb Cameron.

MVCTC Preschool Registration Opens for 2016-2017 School Year

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Englewood, Ohio -- Laughter, encouragement, and hands-on exploring is what you will see and hear coming from the preschool at the Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC). This preschool is unique in that junior and senior high school students run it as part of the Early Childhood Education program. The program’s instructors, Connie Marshal and Alicia Newman, educate students on all areas of child development, instructional strategies, and curriculum set forth by the State of Ohio Board of Education. Students apply their knowledge and skills by operating a fully functional preschool for three to five-year-olds. Every day the preschoolers explore and learn through various activities designed and implemented by these bright young educators.

The preschool is divided into two different classes, one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. On any given day, you will find children in the preschool actively involved and enjoying learning. “Each morning these children walk through that door with a smile on their face and an aura of sheer delight to be here and to learn with us and we are honored by that,” said Alicia Newman.

Enrollment for the next school year begins February 1, 2016. Children ages three to five (must be three by June 1) and that are potty trained may apply. Both morning and afternoon classes will be offered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays. The morning class is from 9-11:25 a.m. and the afternoon class is from 11:45-2:10 p.m. There is a $20 non-refundable registration fee and yearly tuition is $450. Please call 937-854-6070 for more information regarding the MVCTC preschool program.

For more information on MVCTC’s Early Childhood Education program, please visit For more information on the preschool program, please visit

Meet the Candidate Event

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Meet the Candidate

Town Hall Event

January 27th, 2016

6:30pm to 8:30pm

New Madison Civic Center
218 S. Harrison St.

Scott, who grew up in New Madison, wants to earn your vote in the March 15th primary election by sharing his views on issues and current events. The town hall format allows you to voice your concerns and ask questions directly to your local candidate for Congress.

Bring Your Friends and Neighbors!

Swinging with the Saints Again Inbox x To Do x

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"Fast Fingers" Fryman and "Rats" Tester pose with Jane's bass, as she and pianist Terri Fryman prepare for the annual musicale, Swingin' with the Saints Again, on Valentine's Day.
On Valentine’s Day, Sunday, February 14th , join in the celebration of friendship, romantic love and love of music at 3 First Presbyterian Church. Swingin’ with the Saints, this annual free concert, will again entertain with a large variety of music, instrumental and vocal.

This historic church with its outstanding acoustics is located at 114 E. 4th Street in Greenville. It is the place to be when musical friends come together to present an afternoon of music for the community.

Performers will include Ron Smith on euphonium, vocalist Chelsea Leis, Kim Bohler on flute and Darrell Fryman and Terri Fryman on piano and organ. Rounding out the afternoon will be the Presby Trio, Terri Fryman, Jane Tester and Brad Hare, with great jazz harmony. A variety of musical styles will be presented including gospel, classical, novelty, ragtime, pop and Broadway.

All are invited to come and enjoy an hour of fun and entertainment with refreshments following the concert. For information call 937.548.3188.


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Pictured from left to right are: Hannah Linebaugh, BPW member Jennifer Bruns and Kara Allread.
Greenville, OH January 18, 2016 The Young Careerist Committee of the Greenville Business & Professional Women’s Club (BPW) hosted the January 14th meeting which was held at the Brethren Retirement Community.

Guest speaker Kara Allread was introduced by Committee Chair Jennifer Bruns. Kara was a former BPW Ohio Young Careerist winner. The Young Careerist program’s focus is on the organization of speaking and writing, applying topics to appropriate audiences, and presentation and speaking skills. Together, these skills help to make participants more powerful as employees or employers. Allread spoke of her journey of winning the local, regional and state competition in 2005 to go on to represent the state of Ohio at the national BPW convention in Philadelphia, PA. She thanked the club for the ability to grow her critical thinking skills, learn to speak her mind and also the wonderful networking opportunities that has formed lifetime friendships. Kara currently serves as Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer at the Brethren Retirement Center and is active in many local service clubs.

Former Greenville BPW Scholarship winner Hannah Linebaugh was then introduced by Jennifer. Hannah is a 2014 graduate of Wright State University with a Bachelor’s degree in English. She chose creative writing as her concentration and minored in psychology. In the summer of 2015 she accepted the position as a naturalist educator with the Darke County Parks District. Hannah thanked the club for the scholarship she received in 2010 and noted that she earned scholarships to pay for her entire bachelor degree education. She spoke of her many duties at Darke County Park Districts which include writing grants, press releases, editor and contributor to their newsletter, and teaching the junior naturalist program. Hannah is involved with the Ohio Civil War Re-enactment performances and has created her own historical character and makes her own ‘period’ clothing. Hanna said she has a great interest in creative writing and has written a series of letters to ‘her’ daughter. She hopes to have this memoir published someday.

The Greenville BPW Club’s mission is to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education, and information. The Club holds fundraisers through the year to raise money to grant scholarships to the young women of Darke County. The Club meets the second Thursday of every month for a dinner meeting. Those interested in learning more about the Club can contact Membership Chair Brenda Miller at 937-996-1741 or through


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Resident Jean Rae Mader.
Versailles Health Care Center, a skilled nursing and rehabilitation center that offers short-term rehab services, outpatient therapy, and long-term care, is proud to have helped 197 patients return to their homes in 2015 through its Homeward Bound Rehabilitation Programs.

Kristy Earick, Administrator at Versailles Health Care Center, commented “We are proud to have sent home 197 patients who utilized our short-term rehab services in 2015! We sent home 185 patients in 2014 and our goal for 2015 was to send 190 patients home, so we are excited to exceed our goal. Our highly motivated staff is committed to customer service and satisfaction and dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to our patients!”

In honor of these patients, VHCC staff delivered care packages to all the patients sent home in 2015 during the week of January 11th. Versailles Health Care Center would like to thank all staff, residents and patients who worked so hard to make brownies and cookies which were included in the care packages.

The Rehab Clinic at Versailles Health Care Center offers programs specializing in cardiac recovery, continence improvement, contracture management, fall management, orthopedic-fracture recovery, pain management, pulmonary rehabilitation, respiratory specialty, stroke recovery, and wound care and skin management. The highly trained nursing staff is able to assist those patients who need diabetic management, enteral therapy, IV therapy, medication management, ostomy care, post acute surgical wound care, and other services requiring medical supervision.

“Our goal for 2016 is to help 200 patients return to their homes,” said Earick. If you are interested in learning more about Versailles Health Care Center, call 937-526-0130 or visit

Shawshank Hustle 7k

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Registration is open for Shawshank Hustle Year 2 June 11 at The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield

The Shawshank Hustle, a 7K race open to runners, walkers and those who love the movie The Shawshank Redemption. Beginning and ending at the Ohio State Reformatory, where much of the movie was filmed in 1993 the race begins at 8:30 a.m. The course will take participants past additional filming sites including Brooks' Bench in Central Park, Brewer hotel, pawn shop window and Portland Daily Bugle.

Roger Bowersock, who operates Greenville based nonprofit Rocketship Sports Management, said all proceeds will support the Mansfield Reformatory Preservation Society, which operates the prison-turned-museum on Ohio 545.

An event limit of 3000 participants has been posted and quickly sold out in 2015. New this year includes two showings of Shawshank Redemption at the location if its filming, Sponsorship from running shoe manufacturer Saucony and the Shawshank Prison bus will be onsite during the weekend.

Returning actor Scott Mann who portrayed Glenn Quentin will be joined by Jim Kisicki who portrayed the bank manager.

Included in registration is a custom finisher medal, custom event number, commemorative Saucony event shirt, actor meetings, chip timing, chance at custom awards, on course and post-race snacks and a tour of The Ohio State Reformatory.

Registration opened Jan. 1 with nearly 700 participants from fourteen states committing to the event already. Registration is open online at the event website,, and will stay open until event capacity of 3,000 is reached. More details about the race, maps, volunteer positions, schedule, sponsorship opportunities and much more are also available on the website.

Chemical Reporting Deadline March 1, 2016

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The Darke County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) in conjunction with the Darke County EMA would like to remind Darke County companies/facilities that the SARA Title III (Emergency Planning Community Right to Know Act) chemical inventory reporting deadline is fast, approaching. The annual reports are due to the State Emergency Response Commission (SERC) c/o Ohio EPA, the Darke County LEPC and your jurisdictional fire department by March 1, 2016. A filing fee is associated with the annual chemical inventory reporting and is to be submitted to the SERC only. Approximately eighty percent (80%) of the total fees generated under this program are redistributed back to the local LEPC for administrative costs and training of our first responders. These reports are required by Ohio Revised Code 3750 and financial penalties can be imposed, up to $10,000 per day, if you are required to file and do not.

Who should file? The owner or operator of a company/ facility must submit a report when all the following conditions are met:

Facility is subject to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard; and Facility uses, produces, and/or stores a Hazardous Chemical and/or has an “Extremely Hazardous Substances” above the listed Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ ); and The quantity of one of the Hazardous Chemicals and/or an “Extremely Hazardous Substance is in excess of the “Threshold Quantity” (TQ). For Hazardous Chemicals the TQ is 10,000 pounds or more for any give day (Examples include, but are not limited to, gasoline, diesel fuel, Kerosene, Propane, Toluene, etc); For Extremely Hazardous Substances the TPQ is chemical specific for 359 listed chemicals and varies from 1 to 500 pounds. Examples include, but are not limited to, chlorine, ammonia, hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid.

It is the responsibility of each business to know if they meet the above criteria for reporting. Please remember this information is vital in the emergency planning and response for Darke County and all of its residents.

More information is available by contacting Darke County LEPC at 937-548-1444.

Donation Helps Students

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Supply Chain Management Team from Greenville High School and Mrs. Tonja Shell, Recorder for the Women of the Moose

The Greenville Chapter of the Women of the Moose has generously made a financial donation to the Supply Chain Managment program in Greenville City School's Career Technical Program.

The Women of the Moose are the female part 0of the Loyal Order of Moose. The local Women of the Moose is committed to a positive leadership role in this community through effective facilities and family centers to host activities for the entire family, assist the Fraternal order of the Moose while providing assistance to our neighbors in need through community service programs.

Current lodge recorder, Tonja Shell shared, "The Women of the Moose are always recruiting new members so we can continue a wide variety of community service programs."

The Supply Chain Management program fosters the professional yet servant attitude. Students are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism in everything they do which is learned and reinforced through activities in Business Professionals of America. Business Professionals is a career tech student organization that teaches business skills and professionalism through Region, State and National Officer positions as well as competitions. The competitions target areas of knowledge the students are studing in the classroom such as, Global Marketing, Interview Skills, and Presentation Management.

As a further requirement of the SCM program students are required to complete 15 hours of community service. The team enjoys the opportunity to work together to support other organizations. Designing, building and participating in the living window during Beggers Night on Broadway and Breakfast with Santa are just two of the events that our entire team works on.

If you or your organization has a need for volunteers or would like a presentation on SCM and BPA please feel free to contact the instructor, Dara Buchy @

Many Thanks to the Greenville Women of the Moose from the SCM TEAM!

Monarch Legacy Fund of The Community Foundation of Shelby County Awards Funding to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke Counties

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Big Buddy: Shelby Baker of Sidney High school with her Little Buddy, Aliyah Taborn daughter of Leigh Allspaw of Sidney, learning how to use listening skills in making a hat, from instructions only.
The Monarch Legacy Fund of the Community Foundation of Shelby County recently awarded a grant to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke County. Big Brothers Big Sisters was chosen to receive funding because of its continued efforts to make a positive impact in “at risk” children. The funding will be used for computer upgrades and for the school mentoring program that pairs high school freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors with elementary aged students twice a month.

New to the program this year is a “Positive Life Choices” curriculum which promotes the importance of manners, respect, positive self-esteem, being substance free, and positive decision making.  

The High School Mentoring program known as “Big Buddies” is nine-month commitments where volunteer high school students mentor elementary age children two times a month at an agency designation. This year the program operates at Northwood Elementary School, Longfellow Elementary School, and Whittier Elementary School in Sidney with over 283 children being served in these programs.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby & Darke County is a nonprofit, United Way member, social service organization whose mission is to develop and mature quality relationships between children and volunteers. The relationship is meant to guide each child towards becoming a confident, competent, and caring individual.

Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Training

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Poultry, dairy, swine, beef cattle and other livestock producers wanting to learn economically and environmentally beneficial ways to handle the death of their animals can earn livestock mortality composting certification through a course offered by experts from Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.

Livestock producers all have to deal with animal mortality at some point on their farms whether the death is the result of illness, old age, natural disasters or birthing problems. While producers can choose any one of four state-approved methods for disposing of dead livestock in Ohio, composting is the most cost-effective because it can be done onsite with little effort or supplies.

The other legal options to handle livestock mortality include incineration, burial and rendering.
Composting livestock mortality is one of the most economical options when you consider the issue from a standpoint that it is an issue that a producer can face 365 days a year. While it is legal to incinerate livestock mortality, send the animal to a rendering facility or bury the animal, digging to the proper burial depth required by law is hard to do in winter months with frozen ground, for example.

Certification is required by law if producers want to use composting as a method to deal with livestock and poultry mortality in animals that naturally die or have to be euthanized. Ohio requires producers attend a mortality composting training session conducted by OSU Extension.

The workshop begins at 6:00 p.m. February 10, at the Anderson Marathon Ethanol, 5728 Sebring Warner Road, Greenville. Registration is $10, which includes a workbook and certificate.Please download the registration flyer at

Participants will learn:

  • The principles and operations of livestock mortality composting.
  • Selecting a good site.
  • Design options.
  • Managing the compost facility.
  • Biosecurity and disease prevention.
  • Rule and regulations.
  • Troubleshooting, which includes a review of the basic principles and management of livestock mortality composting.

Participants will also receive a manual which outlines the processes, procedures, rules and regulations regarding livestock mortality composting. For more information contact Sam Custer at

For more detailed information, visit the Darke County OSU Extension web site at, the OSU Extension Darke County Facebook page or contact Sam Custer, at 937.548.5215.

DCP 2016 Calendars are Still Available

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The Darke County Parks District has hand selected some of the best park photos submitted by local amateur photographers for their photo contest, and their new 2016 Darke County Parks calendars are in! This year’s featured photographers include Kathryn Quinn, Don Koogler, Sandy Hoying, Brian Morton, Molly Hunt, Nick Philiposian, Bill Wantz, Austin Zechar, and Liz McMahon. The calendars feature views of many of the county parks throughout the seasons and list the most exciting events throughout the year, so you won’t miss out on all the fun. The calendars are available for $10 each in the Nature Center Gift Shop which is open Monday through Saturday from 9am to 5pm. All the proceeds from the gift shop go to the Friends of the Darke County Parks which help support the Parks’ programs and activities. Come pick up a copy (or two) of the 2016 calendar for yourself or perhaps as a gift for your favorite nature lover.

Start your year off right with a Darke County Parks 2016 Calendar.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


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GREENVILLE, Ohio- Get your tickets and put your dancing shoes on! Main Street Greenville is pleased to present This is Main Street: Giving Gala.

To celebrate the downtown Greenville revitalization efforts and to inform the community about goals for the upcoming year. The evening will be all inclusive featuring dinner, movie, presentation, live music, and dancing.

This fundraising event will be held Saturday, Feb. 13 from 6 pm - midnight at Romer’s Catering and Entertainment Facility, 118 E. Main Street, Greenville. The evening will be all inclusive featuring dinner, movie, presentation, live music, and dancing!

Use this night as an excuse to get fancy! Suits, dresses, lots of classy cocktail party fun will abound!

The doors will open at 6 pm, with dinner being served by Romer’s from 6:30-7:30.

Following the meal, there will be a showing, “Urban Century: America’s Return to Main Street”. Urban Century takes a refreshingly hopeful look at how these places from our past are becoming the key to our country's future.

The money raised during the night will help fund the first season, which will begin in the summer of 2016.

After the presentation, it’s time to dance! The Paul Otten Band, an award-winning 5-piece live band from Cincinnati, Ohio will perform your favorite party anthem covers and original material from 9:30 - midnight. A cash bar is available, and dancing is highly encouraged!

The fundraising event is possible thanks to the support of our sponsors: Romer’s Catering & Entertainment Facility and Second National Bank.

Tickets are $40 each, $75 per couple, or $300 for a table of eight. You can purchase tickets at the Main Street Greenville office, located in the Welcome Center at 421 S. Broadway, Greenville. If you are interested in purchasing a table of tickets for your business, please contact Amber at 937-548-4998 or

Main Street Greenville is a non-profit organization that supports downtown Greenville, Ohio through stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and economic growth. Learn more about the organization on their website,, or follow them on Facebook. You can contact them at or 937-548-4998.

1920’s Revisited!

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It was widely reported that when legendary Al Capone was arrested on tax evasion he was asked where he was getting his boot-leg. The mobster reportedly said he had the best French booze money could buy. No one in Chicago could connect those dots back to Darke County, Ohio and the tiny hamlet of Frenchtown where the craft of making homemade liquor was a time honored tradition past down from generation to generation. North to Osgood, east to Willowdell, south to Webster, everyone made moonshine. The only problem was the U.S. constitution and the 18th amendment which outlawed the manufacturing and consumption of alcohol.

Darke County’s secrets were kept pretty quite with only a few arrests. But during this period much was consumed and even more was manufactured.

The Versailles Historical Society invites you to travel back on the rural dirt roads of northeastern Darke County to a roadhouse in 1928 where jazz was the music, the Charleston was the dance and the liquor followed.

The Father Jaekle room at the K of C Hall will be transformed into a Road house of the roaring twenties. The meal will be a postcard from the diners of the era and a cup of probation punch is included. You’ll be able to meet & greet locals dressed in the style, sample an appetizer table straight out of the Great Gatsby and enjoy live music of the period. Word has it that some of Al’s friends might even visit from Chicago!

January 28th is your deadline to order your tickets for this fun evening that supports the programs and new displays that keep the Versailles Area Museum a unique treasure in the community.

Tickets are $50.00 each or $45.00 for members and includes a period dinner, appetizers, dessert, and “punch”. A bar will be available for other adult beverages of the period for a small charge. You may call the museum at 937-526-4222 or Jim Kelch, coordinator at 937-467-1585 to reserve your seats today.

“Reading Wonderland” Celebration at Library

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What better way to enjoy the cold of winter than to read away the hours! Taking part in the Greenville Public Library’s Winter Reading Program can help with that. Starting January 23rd through February 27th check out any book, audiobook, ebook, or magaizine and receive an entry form for each. Enter it to win weekly prizes and a chance at one of the grand prizes. For adults 18 and over.

As always the prizes are excellent: an HP 5660 wireless printer which allows you to print from your smartphone or Tablet; a Kindle Fire HD6, and a beautiful Bear’s Mill Gift Basket.

This year the program starts with a celebration on Saturday the 23rd from 1:00 to 3:00 with live music provided by Matt Haupt & Cylas Conway and a Hot Chocolate Bar and treats. The prizes are on display and hundreds of books to choose from! Stop in and warm up in the festive atmosphere and get reading.

The Children and Teens Departments are also hosting programs with prizes! Kids 11 and under can complete squares on a Bingo card and win a prize for each “Bingo.” Those who complete every square on their card will receive a fun, winter-themed prize. A craft station will be set up on the 23rd and there will be a drawing for a door prize.

Another “no-school” movie matinee will show on Monday February 1st at 2:00 with refreshments in the upstairs meeting room. This time it’s the classic The Black Stallion and two lucky kids will win a copy of the book that inspired the movie. Storytimes and Bookbabies continue on schedule and Lego Club is still at 7:00 on January 14th, February 11th, March 10th, amd April 14th.

Make the Library your go-to place this winter! The whole family can enjoy fun, wholesome activities, the enriching experience of reading, and creative, imaginative play. Everyone is welcome and all programs are free!


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From January 20 through 23, local high school students will learn about vocal techniques and methods from VoicePlay, a unique a cappella group, as part of Darke County Center for the Arts' Arts In Education series.

From January 20 through 23, local high school students will learn about vocal techniques and methods from VoicePlay, a unique a cappella group that started as a street corner barbershop act before winning national acclaim with their appearances on NBC's The Sing-off and subsequently touring internationally. Part of Darke County Center for the Arts' Arts In Education series, the programs by VoicePlay will be presented in each local school district at no charge to students and are free and open to the public. “These five guys are incredibly creative and can do amazing things with their voices which span 5 octaves, ” said DCCA Artistic Director Keith Rawlins. “We know that the students will be thrilled and inspired by this show,” Rawlins stated.

VoicePlay will also perform in concert on Saturday, January 23 at Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall in Greenville as part of DCCA's Artists Series. The group creates the orchestrated sound of an entire musical production using nothing but the human voice; their varied repertoire spans genres and eras and according to Mr. Rawlins appeals to audiences of all ages. “Their act includes inventive and often hilarious on-stage theatrics as well as the vocal gymnastics which have made them famous,” Rawlins concluded.

DCCA's Arts In Education program that annually presents high-quality artists to students in all grade levels in Darke County and Greenville City schools is sponsored by Gordon Orthodontics, Target, DP&L Company Foundation, Greenville Federal, Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe, Edison State Community College, Darke Rural Electric Trust, Richard Baker, BASF, and Littman-Thomas Agency, the Mandy Green Fund of the Darke County Foundation, and the Helen Hawkey Music Project. Additionally, the Ohio Arts Council helped fund this program with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans; the A.I.E. program is also funded by DCCA memberships and the local schools. DCCA also receives operating support from the Harry D. and Esther Stephens Memorial as well as funding from the Ketrow Foundation and Lydia E. Schaurer Memorial Trust Fund.

Tickets for the January 23rd VoicePlay show at St. Clair Memorial Hall cost $20 (half-price for students) and can be purchased at the DCCA office located in Greenville Public Library as well as on-line at; if any remain by showtime, tickets will also be available at the door. A.I.E. programs are scheduled in cooperation with the schools; for more information, contact DCCA at 937-547-0908 or

Supply Chain Management Receives Donation

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A special Thanks to the Greenville Veterans of Foreign Wars for their recent Donation to the Supply Chain Management program in Greenville High School.

The SCM Team members are a part of Greenville High School's Career Technical Center. The students are led by educator, Dara Buchy and study professionalism, the movement of good and services, and business processes.

SCM students join BPA or Business Professionals of America each year. This Career Tech Student Organization is beneficial on many levels. As a member, students have the opportunity to compete for leadership positions at the Local, Regional and State Levels. SCM currently has 2 students seated as Ohio BPA State Officers, Addison Hart and Haylee Hanes. We have 4 Regional BPA Officers, Clay Guillozet, Addison Hart, Haylee Hanes and Terin Ellis. The BPA program also affords students the opportunity to create, design, research and compete on various topics every year in order to refine their own professional skills as well as the potential opportunity compete at the State and National levels.

Additionally, the SCM program fosters community involvement through community service. The SCM Team enjoys working together to serve our community including "Living Windows" for Beggers Night on Broadway, Operation ShoeBox 5 K with Faith Baptist Church, and Breakfast with Santa, a collaboration with the local Business Professional Women of Darke County, to name a few.

The generous donation for our Greenville Veterans of Foreign Wars will assist the program as we continue to learn business process while volunteering in our community! The students are willing to present to local organizations on the importance of business professional skills, and career technical student organizations. Currently, team members are making preparations for the 2nd Annual Night in Hollywood, a benefit to spotlight of artistic talents of our local Special Olympic competitors with all proceeds remaining in Darke County. If your organization or business would like a presentation by the students on either topic please feel free to contact, Dara Buchy via email-

Many thanks to the Greenville VFW for their support of the Supply Chain Management Team.

“Casablanca” at Library

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Greenville Public Library's “Third Floor Film Series” will kick off its 2016 season with one of the most beloved films ever made: Casablanca. This 1942 film is an all-time favorite among serious cinephiles and more casual viewers alike. The movie combines stylish visuals, wickedly clever dialogue, likable characters, and an exciting plot to provide a viewing experience that still feels fresh and lively seventy years after its initial release.

Casablanca stars Humphrey Bogart as Rick, an American ex-pat running a night club in Casablanca, Morocco, during World War II. Casablanca serves as a sort of purgatory, a no-man's-land between war-torn Europe and the freedom and safety of America, and Rick's Cafe provides a place for displaced persons and those running from the Germans to try to broker deals to escape. When two letters of transit offering free travel are stolen, seemingly everyone in Casablanca is out to get them before the Germans confiscate them. Co-starring Ingrid Bergman, Claude Rains, Sydney Greenstreet, and Peter Lorre, Casablanca is a true delight.

Please make plans to join us on Thursday, January 21, at 7:00 p.m. as we screen Casablanca. Coffee, soft drinks, candy, and popcorn will be available free of charge, and David Nilsen will be leading a brief discussion after the film. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Storm Spotter Training Available

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Darke County and Preble County Emergency Management Agencies will combine to host an annual Storm Spotter Training on Thursday, March 10th, 2016 from 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm at the Darke County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management - 5183 County home Rd Greenville, OH. 45331. To register for this class contact Josh Haney at or 937-548-1444. Please register by 03/04/2016. Class is limited to 60 students.

The training is conducted through the National Weather Service out of Wilmington Ohio and covers thunderstorm formation, severe weather production, and features associated with severe storms. Also part of the class is tornado formation and behavior, non-threatening clues which may be mistaken for significant features, and safety when thunderstorms threaten. Details include storm ingredients, characteristics of severe storms, anatomy of a storm, super-cell storms and rotation.

By providing citizens with this education it allows the Weather Service to receive first hand reports of weather conditions from wherever the spotter is located. While “storm chasing” is not advised, reporting from your home, work or car (etc.) provides valuable information directly to meteorologists making decisions on watches and warnings.

With Severe Weather Awareness week coming up March 20th – 26th, 2016 it’s a great time to think about preparing ourselves and families for the threat of severe spring/summer storms. If you do not currently own a NOAA Weather Radio consider purchasing one. These radios are programmable with voice and/alarm modes that will notify you, your family or your business of impending severe weather any time of day.

If you have any questions or would like additional information about preparing yourself, your family or your business, please contact the Darke County Emergency Management Agency at 937-548-1444 or through our website

Help Wanted: Alignment Technician

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Grilliot Alignment Service is looking to add an alignment technician to our growing company. We are seeking someone with a strong background in alignment, steering and suspension work. The alignment technician is committed to providing the highest quality of repairs and service necessary to satisfy the customer. We perform work on a wide range of vehicles from cars to semis. Candidate shall demonstrate a commitment of high quality service to internal and external customers and represent Grilliot Alignment in a professional manner. Candidate should be self-motivated, dependable, hard working and work well in a team environment. We provide health care, paid vacation and holidays to our full time staff. We would like to fill this position with someone that puts quality first and is looking for long term employment with a growing family oriented company.

If you feel that you are the technician we are looking for, please send a resume to:

Grilliot Alignment Service, Inc.
Attn: Monty
8008 Arcanum Bearsmill Rd
Greenville OH 45331

Group Lifestyle Balance Program

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Group Lifestyle Balance is a comprehensive, science based wellness program designed to provide tools, education, and support that equips individuals to take control of their health. During the program, you will track and learn about healthy eating and physical activity. You will also learn how to problem-solve and stay motivated.

Group Lifestyle Balance focuses on several areas that play a key role in your overall health and quality of life: activity and nutrition, for a stronger body; education, for a stronger mind and; emotional balance for a stronger spirit. An experienced multi-disciplinary team will provide education and support to ensure your personal success. Now is the time to take control of your health and live a healthier more fulfilling life. Group Lifestyle Balance is ready to share this journey with you!

Group Lifestyle Balance offers a positive change in lifestyle, where permanent weight loss and maintenance is a result of exercise and diet changes. By balancing food intake and exercise, you can work toward achieving your ideal weight. As a participant, you will spend time figuring out how you can increase your activity level and how to eat healthy for a lifetime.

However, education alone is not enough. In order to keep off excess weight in the long term, it is important that you make manageable changes that you will be able to continue for the rest of your life. You still need behavioral support to help change your behavior. Changing behavior is notoriously difficult and stumbling blocks often include encouragement. Weekly emails from the coach help to support the participants. The program works as a team because group participants are all coming together for the same reason. You’ll come to count on your fellow group members, and they will count on you. You’ll get individual feedback from your coach because no one will be facing exactly the same challenges as you. You and every member of the group will have ups and downs we share together, but by the time it is done, you will be having many more ups and the tools to quickly recover from the downs.

The program consists of fourteen core weekly sessions that transition into eight support sessions that meet every other week, each lead by a lifestyle coach. Most people who stay in the seven month program lose weight, lower their cholesterol, lower their blood pressure and improve blood sugar. The next program will meet on Wednesdays from February 3, 2016- August 31, 2016 at 4pm at Wayne HealthCare. Class size is limited to 25 participants. The Group Lifestyle Balance program costs $250 ($11 per session). Throughout the program, participants will receive a binder with class materials, a Calorie King and Carbohydrate Counter book, a pedometer, and an exercise band. Contact Karen Droesch at 937-547-5750 to learn more about the program.

Thanks goes out to the Community

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Gateway Youth Programs would like to thank the following area businesses, organizations, and families for participating in their Adopt-A-Child program this year: Darke County Beef 4-H Club, Dues Family, Harrison Family, Greenville Technology Inc., Mercer Savings Bank, Pitsburg Trinity Lutheran Church, Webster United Methodist Church, and Whirlpool Corporation. “We can’t thank everyone enough for their support. This program would not be possible without the organizations who so freely give of themselves to assist our families,” said Ruth Barga, Support Specialist at Gateway.

This program matches local families up with local businesses or organizations who volunteer to adopt the children for Christmas. All families must fill out an application to see if they qualify for the program. Once they do, the children’s Christmas lists are given to the business or organization. Each organization decides what they are going to purchase for the child and then they return the gifts to the office all wrapped and ready to deliver to the family.

This year the program assisted in providing Christmas gifts for 74 youth in 29 different families. Two families received new beds and bedding for the kids, while ten youth received new bicycles. Every organization puts their own special touch on the Christmas that they provide for the youth. This depends on the needs and wants of the children as well as the ideas of the organization adopting them. “It is great to see the joy that these gifts provide for both the families and the organizations that adopt them. These organizations put a lot of time, effort, and resources into providing the best Christmas they can for the youth. They create lasting memories with their generosity and belief that no one should go without a Christmas,” said Barga.

If you would like to adopt a child or family in the future, you can contact Ruth Barga at Gateway Youth Programs at 937-548-8002.

Project FeederWatch

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One of the many bird species we hope to count during
FeederWatch, a Carolina Wren feasts on peanuts.
Calling all birders! Join Darke County Park District, and participate in Project FeederWatch, every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30-11:30am. This is a unique ‘Citizen Science’ program organized by Cornell University which studies winter bird populations. Observations from here in Darke County may be used in scientific journals and shared with ornithologists and bird lovers nationwide. No matter your birding level, beginner or expert, we need YOUR help! Bird watchers will gather inside the Nature Center at Shawnee Prairie Preserve (4267 St. Rt. 502 West) and count the birds that visit the bird-feeding station. Drop in anytime on Tuesday or Wednesday from 9:30am-11:30am to help with the project. There will be warm drinks and goodies available for those enjoying nature from the comfort of an armchair on a cold winter’s day.

For more information on Project FeederWatch or if you have any questions about any of the many other programs offered by the Darke County Park District, call the Nature Center at (937) 548-0165.

Versailles Area Museum Announcement:

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In preparation for our Grand Re-opening on February 7th we are looking for the following items for an exciting new display called “Grandma’s Feather Bed”. We are looking for items for loan to recreate a variety of Bed Chambers/bed rooms. From wash basin sets to quilts, linens, feather pillows, linen bedding, and comforters, everything that would have been used in the bedroom or on the dressing tables. Also some bed room furniture is needed. Other displays needing help is early photography and cameras. This would include cameras, equipment and early photos If you are able to make loans, please call the museum at 937-526-4222 and leave a message, we will get back with you to make arrangements. Thank-you for your help and Happy New Year from your friends at the Versailles Area Museum!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Two arrested in Darke County for Kidnapping

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On January 16, 2016 at 4:53pm Darke County Sheriff Deputies conducted a search warrant at 1011 East Fourth Street, Apartment #2, in Greenville, Ohio. Robert L. Cates (45) of Greenville, Ohio and Brent A. Perry (44) of Arcanum, Ohio were taken into custody without incident and are currently being housed at the Darke County Jail awaiting formal charges of Kidnapping.

The investigation stems from a disturbance between teenagers and adults that began in the 900 block of Jackson Street, Greenville, in the evening hours of January 15, 2016. The incident escalated by the adults pursuing the teens out into the county.  The adults passed and forced the teens vehicle to a stop in the 7100 block of State Route 121. An altercation ensued resulting in an assault and threats made by an adult involving a firearm.

This incident remains under investigation and will be reviewed by the Darke County Prosecutor’s Office pending further charges.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


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Ed & Paula Palagyi from Conneaut, OH won over $3,000 in prizes
for Main Street Greenville’s Win the Window Contest.
GREENVILLE, Ohio- From November - December, those who shopped downtown Greenville earned tickets for a chance to win over $3,000 in merchandise and gift certificates through Main Street Greenville’s “Win the Window”contest.

"The contest was created as a fun way for our organization to encourage others to shop the locally-owned small businesses in our downtown during the holiday season," said Amber Garrett, Executive Director for Main Street Greenville.

Participating businesses provided merchandise or gift certificates to place in Main Street Greenville’s office window, located in the Darke County Welcome Center. “We were blown-away when the participating businesses provided over $3,000 for the promotional event, but the businesses believed in the idea and wanted to be a part of it,” said Garrett.

Holiday shoppers received one ticket for every $5, up to single purchases of $1,000. The more a person would spend, the more entries that person received.

Last year’s contest tracked over $500,000 spent in the downtown district during the contest. This year, the contest generated over $684,000 of sales during the 30-day promotion.

“Based upon the excitement we saw last year, we felt we had a good chance at exceeding the amount, but we were thrilled to see that large of an increase in one year,” said Garrett.

Country Primitives, a locally owned home decor shop, saw a huge increase in their sales. “During the holiday season this year, our sales were up 50% from last year. I would attribute a large portion of that increase to the contest and the exposure we receive throughout the year from Main Street Greenville’s First Friday events.”

The drawing for the winning ticket took place the Friday before Christmas. Ed Palagyi’s ticket was selected as the lucky winner from a large 50-gallon bin, filled with over 136,800 tickets.

Ed and his wife, Paula, were in Greenville over the Thanksgiving holiday to visit family. During their visit from Conneaut, Ohio, they made their way downtown to do some shopping. Little did they know this decision would benefit them greatly in the near future.

Ed and Paula were both extremely excited to hear they won, “Please share our sincere gratitude to the downtown businesses and let them know we plan to keep a few of the items and will share the rest with friends and family over the holidays,” said Ed.

Second National Bank, the event sponsor for the second year in a row, was happy to see the contest kept our local businesses busy this holiday season. “It’s great to see so many shoppers supporting our local businesses. While filling out tickets it was fun listening to all the comments by shoppers on what they would do if their ticket was drawn and they won the contest,” said Vickie Wessling, Marketing Coordinator, Second National Bank.

Mark your calendar for this year’s event from November 15th - December 15th of 2016.

Main Street Greenville is a non-profit organization that supports downtown Greenville, Ohio through stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and economic growth. Learn more about the organization and the contest on their website,, or follow them on Facebook. You can contact them at or 937-548-4998.

Enroll your Child in Art Class

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GREENVILLE – The Art-Rageous Experience – Children’s Art Program is beginning their winter session of art classes for children. In these classes children experience different kinds of art each Saturday morning with a professional artist teaching the class. The parent also attends for the support and encouragement while the children are working. Children work on different projects each week where they learn about different artists, art techniques and also visits from local artists with some of their paintings.

These classes are fun, age appropriate, and keep children’s mind and hands busy! The classes are sponsored by Council on Rural Services and taught by an experienced teacher/artist at a local downtown Greenville setting. There is one class for 4-5-6-7 year olds and another for 8-9-10-11 year olds.

Art programs help young children explore creativity, to pay attention to detail, build self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment.

Full scholarships are available for families if needed, all supplies are furnished. To enroll your child in this class, call Council on Rural Services at 1-866-627-4557 and ask for Debby Brayfield.

Drawing from Live Models Event to be Hosted by Greenville Art Guild

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Looking for a fun evening or a new hobby? Want to brush up on a latent talent? The Greenville Art Guild is pleased to have three prominent citizens of our community consent to be models at its “Drawing from Live Models” evening. Out of their usual roles in our community, the three will pose for several twenty minute periods as artist’s models.

On Monday, January 25 from 7 to 9, the three will be posing in the Brick Room of the Brethren Retirement Center. Beginners as well as advanced artists are encouraged to try their hand at capturing likenesses of the three or using them as a springboard for a contemporary work of art.

Onlookers are welcome as well as those wanting to brush up on skills. Refreshments will be available so that all can munch while they create. Some supplies are available for those who do not have their own. For more information, call Jan at 937-548-1916.

Edison State Students Complete Police Training

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Edison State’s thirty-first Police Officer Academy students are honored during a ceremony on December 30th.
Edison State Community College’s Peace Officer Academy honored 14 students in December following their successful completion of the 20-week program.

Students of the program met for six days each week since August, totaling over 600 hours of training. The curriculum of the program is certified by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission (OPOTC) and covers all aspects of law enforcement training including administration, firearms, subject control, and investigation.

“The Basic Police Academy has proven to be a great partnership between the college and the community. Local law enforcement came to us because there was no local training source,” said Shirley Moore, Dean of Business, Engineering, and Information Technology at Edison State.

“In turn, many of our students have become officers throughout the region, though they are certified to seek an officer position anywhere in the state. Academy students can then continue their education at Edison State and earn an associate’s degree by taking convenient classes on campus or online.”

Edison State offered the first Basic Peace Officer Academy in 2003 and the class that completed academic requirements this fall was from the thirty-first academy. Throughout its thirteen years, the program has graduated 415 students, 87 percent male, and 13 percent female, with 73 percent under the age of 30 and 27 percent of students have been 30 or over.

Students in the program have come from 14 different counties, with 50 percent from Miami County, 19 percent from Darke County, and 18 percent from Shelby County. Over the years, 76 percent of the Edison State graduates who passed the state exam have become sworn officers in 53 different police agencies throughout the state.

“Local agencies are hiring and 100% of our June academy graduates that passed the OPOTA exam have been sworn in as officers,” said Joe Mahan, Edison State Police Officer Academy Commander.

Edison State began the basic peace officer academy at the request of local law enforcement and continue to have instructors who are current and retired officers. Thirty-five instructors have worked with the students.

Applications for Edison State’s Police Officer Academy are currently being accepted for the fall 2016 Academy. Interested students must be 21 years old and eligible to own a weapon. Both a morning and evening academy will be offered.

For more information or to apply for the upcoming fall academy, contact Veronica French at or 937-778-7865.

Fall 2015 Police Officer Academy students who successfully completed credit hour requirements:

Anna: Bryan Doak; Covington: Kevin Wright; Greenville: Jackie Barton, Andrew Martin; Piqua: Adam Debrosse, Jacob Yager; Pleasant Hill: Brandon Houk; Sidney: Bevan Gill, Austin Knight, Craig O’Meara; Tipp City: Anthony Chitwood; Troy: Patrick Gleason, Jordan Guillozet, Keegan Walter.

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