Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"James Cox and the Great Dayton Flood" By Jeff Satterly and Robert Muhlhauser

Here is a guest post from Jeff Satterly and Robert Muhlhauser who run HistoricNaturalDisasters.com, a new website that presents photos and stories of historical disasters. They're working on a project to pair up some of these historical photos with modern photos of the same locations, largely using Google Streetview. They're running a contest where you can win a prize for helping match their photos with a current image. Be sure to check for information on that contest at the bottom of this post... Enjoy!

Left: View of the flooding at the corner of Fourth and Main Streets in Dayton, Ohio, 1913, Right: Fourth and Main streets in Dayton as it appears in 2013
The week of March 21st through March 26th marks the anniversary of one of the most devastating natural disasters ever to hit the United States. It was during this week 100 years ago, in the year 1913, that a system of ravaging storms swept across the American Midwest and parts of New England. The storms brought with them high-speed winds and torrential rains, causing tornadoes and massive flooding. By the time the storms had passed through the area, they had caused billions of dollars’ worth of damage. The week of storms killed hundreds of people and left thousands more homeless.

Oversaturated watersheds like the Greater Miami in Ohio swelled with rain water, and their runoff filled the streams and rivers of the Midwest to overflowing. The intense pressure of the rising waters broke through dams, bridges and levees as if they were twigs. The raging flood waters swallowed entire towns and cities, and left parts of Dayton, Ohio in water up to 20 feet deep by March 26th, 1913.

One individual whose story is tied in inextricably with the events of 1913 was James Cox, who would eventually found one of America’s most powerful media empires.

Left: View of B.L . Lehman and Besko restaurant on West Fourth Street in Dayton, 1913. Right: View of West Fourth Street in Dayton today in 2013
Born on March 21, 1870 in Jacksonburg, Ohio, James M. Cox remained in Ohio throughout his childhood and adolescence. He passed the teachers’ examination after having completed just two years of high school. At the age of 28, having established his teaching career, Cox became the owner and publisher of the Dayton Daily News. He made yet another career switch in 1909, winning a House seat as a representative of Ohio. Cox would maintain his position in the House until being elected Governor of Ohio in January of 1913.

Main Street Greenville's Adopt-a-Box & Planting Day: May 18th

Help Main Street Greenville keep downtown beautiful - our Adopt-A-Box program is a wonderful opportunity to show your pride in our downtown community. If you, your family, or your business is interested in adopting-a-box ($30) or adopting a planter ($45) or volunteering to help us plant on Saturday, May 18th, please give us a call at 937-548-4998 or email us at info@mainstreetgreenville.org. We would love to have you join our efforts!

"Flowers" © By Abraham Lincoln

My mother planted the idea of putting seeds in the ground for a bountiful harvest in the fall. I could always think of dozens of other things I would rather do than plant seeds. Sometimes she started seeds in cups or trays in the house and then we planted the small growing plants in the garden when temperatures had warmed the ground. I didn't mind it as much as I disliked harvesting these peas or green beans.

I loved to eat green peas right out of the pod while we picked them growing in our garden. Mom scolded me for eating them but they are delicious. I cannot think of anything that tastes worse than peas in a can picked off the store shelf or canned peas stored under the bed, wrapped in old newspapers for insulation.

A pea just doesn't taste good when it is canned but frozen peas taste like they were just picked this morning. I even like frozen sweet corn much better than sweet corn in a tin can. Canning does something to the taste of vegetables but things like peaches and pears seem to taste even better out of the can. Except I have to confess that I love to pick up dropped pears so ripe that the honeybees are sipping the juices. To me they are just flat-out delicious and I can understand why the bees go after them — I do too.

This all brings up flowers. Mother planted more vegetable seed than flower seeds. We had a few flowers that always came up on their own and that is about the only flowers we ever had. Mother would not tolerate a rose bush because she didn't like getting her dress, hose or apron snagged on them. We all love rhubarb and ate it one stalk after another in spite of earnest warnings from mom that we would get the "runs" if we ate too much of it.

Western Ohio Fracking Awareness Coalition Wants to Prevent Fracking Waste From Being Disposed of in Darke County

In 2009, the Citizens Against CO2 Sequestration organized to stop a carbon dioxide sequestration project proposed for Greenville’s Industrial Park. Soon that group grew to encompass thousands of citizens throughout the county who were willing to stand up and speak out for their rights.

It was because of their numbers that the project was stopped - - a project which not only threatened the lives and livelihoods of many Darke County residents but also the area’s soil and sole-source aquifer in one of the leading agricultural counties in the State.

Hoping they will be as successful in the present as they were in the past, the group has reorganized with a new name and a new goal. Now known as the Western Ohio Fracking Awareness Coalition, they want folks to be aware that a Class II Injection Disposal Well might be located in southwestern Ohio, and they want to stop it.

There are two kinds of wells associated with fracking - - One produces the gas and the other injects the waste. Southwestern Ohio is targeted for the waste.

As folks in southwestern Ohio hear about fracking and the natural gas boom in eastern Ohio, they remain unaware that east could meet west when they too will experience the trickle down effects from the boom.

However, the Coalition says it won’t be from royalty fees, jobs, and a growing economy. Instead, it will be from liquid brine mixed with toxic chemicals and radioactive waste coming from Horizontal Hydraulic Fracking wells in the Marcellus shale.

How toxic is toxic? Joe Logan, Director of Agricultural Programs for the Ohio Environmental Council, said that over 600 chemicals are used during the fracking process. These chemicals are disposed along with the brine.

Logan, who is backed up by doctors and public health officials, says that many of these chemicals can cause cancer, birth defects, reproductive, respiratory, and blood disorders as well as central nervous system and neurological problems.

How radioactive is radioactive? In a December 2011 study, Mark Engle, a U.S. Geological Survey Research Geologist, found that brine collected from the Marcellus shale was 3,609 times more radioactive than the federal safety limit for drinking water and 300 times higher than a Nuclear Regulatory Commission limit for industrial discharges to water.

This brine, which is the waste left over from Hydraulic Horizontal Fracking Wells, must go somewhere, and that somewhere is into Class II Injection Disposal Wells, which have been designated only for waste from the gas and oil industry.

Is Ohio Becoming the Dumping Ground for Out-of-State Waste?

Ohio has 179 injection disposal wells, which not only take brine from Ohio but from other states as well. Because of the natural gas boom which is spreading throughout the country, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources reports the volume injected into Ohio wells is at a record level with more than half of the waste coming from out of state.

As more fracking wells are projected to be permitted in eastern Ohio, Pennsylvania, and other states which contain the Marcellus shale, more injection disposal wells are needed. However, the real question is, “Are they wanted?”

The Mount Simon Sandstone Formation is Considered the Most Likely Site for Injection Disposal Wells

Limited to western Ohio (including Darke County) and the adjacent proto Michigan-Illinois basin, the Mt. Simon Sandstone extends north of western Lake Erie and southward to the northwestern Rome Trough fault system. Mark T. Baranoski, who was a geologist with the Ohio Division of Geological Survey Services in Columbus, mapped this formation during an intensive study he had conducted in 2007.

This is the formation that Battelle and the National Energy Technology Laboratory thought would safely sequester CO2 in Greenville’s Industrial Park.

This is the formation that runs beneath the area’s sole source aquifer, which is part of the Great Miami Valley Aquifer.

This is the formation that also contains a deep saltwater reservoir beneath the freshwater aquifers. Scientists and water conservancy officials warn that saltwater, along with fracking contaminants, could be displaced into wells and groundwater from the high pressure needed to inject the waste from fracking.

This is the formation that Julie Weatherington-Rice, adjunct professor at the Ohio State University and Senior Scientist at Bennett Environmental Services, warned would be the most likely site in Ohio to attract injection wells for the disposal of waste from fracking wells.

She said it is not only thought to have the geology needed to contain the waste, but it is shallower in southwestern Ohio than it is in other areas of the formation. “The shallower the drill site the less expensive it is for the driller,” she emphasized.

Class II Injection Disposal Wells Can Cause Injection Induced Earthquakes

There was a whole lot of shaking going on when an earthquake rattled Youngstown, which had never experienced so much as a tremor. Eleven more quakes were to follow before the Ohio Department of Natural Resources determined they were caused by an injection disposal well - - a well that had been drilled too deep under too much pressure into a fault in the Precambrian basin. It was Ohio’s wake-up call that injection induced earthquakes CAN and DO happen.

Truck Traffic, Road Damage and Spills

Technical Reports show that injection wells operate 24-7, ushering in heavy trucks and heavier costs for cities, counties and townships. Asphalt isn’t cheap and limited liability drilling companies don’t willingly share costs - - particularly when it comes to cleaning up spills and the contamination of soil and water.

Darke County Engineer Jim Surber summed it up when he said, “I would much rather have CO2 beneath me than fracking waste, but I definitely wouldn’t want either of them.”

For more information about fracking and disposal wells go to the Western Ohio Fracking Awareness Coalition’s website at http://www.wofac.org/

MVCTC SkillsUSA Members Shine at Skills Ohio Championships in Columbus

Columbus, Ohio -- The 2013 SkillsUSA Ohio State Conference gathered nearly 3,000 members and advisors from CAREER TECHNICAL school programs throughout Ohio, including members of the Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) SkillsUSA chapter. This annual event of Ohio SkillsUSA was
held in Columbus, April 23-24, 2013.

The SKillsUSA Ohio championship consists of 81 Technical and Leadership contests. Participants are challenged to complete a project in their area of technical training within a specified time while being scored by a panel of judges from business, industry, and education. Top qualifiers will compete in the SkillsUSA championships in Kansas City, Missouri, in June for national honors.

Over 2,000 Ohio SkillsUSA members competed for the gold, silver, and bronze medallions awarded to the top three finishers in each contest area. MVCTC winners included:

  • Zac Allen, Aviation student from Northwestern, 1st Place Aviation Maintenance Technician
  • Kris Alsip, Heavy Equipment student from Valley View, 1st Place Heavy Equipment Operator
  • Molly Green, Photography student from Miami East, 1st Place Photography Contest
  • Chris Singer, HVAC student from Dixie, 1st place Sheet Metal Contest
  • Brandon Enix, Masonry student from Jefferson, 2nd place Masonry Contest
  • Curtis Wilson, Dental Assistant student from Arcanum, 2nd Place Dental Assisting Contest
  • Lucas Boswell, Electronics Engineering student from Miamisburg, 3rd place in Technical Computer Applications contest
  • Kyle Champine, Aviation student from Brookville, 3rd Place in the Aviation Maintenance Technician Contest
  • Alyson Hood, Graphic Commercial Art student from Eaton, 3rd Place Advertising Design Contest
  • Cara Mikesell, Dental Assistant student from Tri-Village, 3rd Place Job Skill Demo

Log House Open Saturdays in May!

Bring the family out for a time warp back to the early 1800’s and visit with our period-dressed volunteers every Saturday in May from 1:00pm to 4:00pm in the Log House.

Try your hand at some pioneer games and skills. Be “careful” or you may even have to help with the daily “chores.” Mark your calendars for Saturday afternoons and sit a “spell” at the Shawnee Prairie Preserve Log House, 4267 State Route 502 West. 

The Nature Center will also be open for visitors from 9:00am-5:00pm and the trails are open from Sunrise to Sunset! For more information, call us at 937.548.0165 or visit our website at www.darkecountyparks.org

Monday, April 29, 2013

Darke County Park Board to Meet Thursday, May 9th

The Darke County Park District Board of Commissioners will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the Shawnee Prairie Nature Education Center, 4267 St. Rt. 502 W. Greenville, OH.

“The Odd Couple” to be performed May 10th & 11th

Felix and Oscar, that timeless pair of misfit roomies created by Neil Simon, will come to life at Greenville High School Gym, May 10th and 11th. GHS Theatre Club will be performing “The Odd Couple” on Friday and Saturday evening at 7:00pm both nights, tickets are $5.00 at the door. And just for kicks, we’ve added the female version for half of our performance, so Florence and Olive will be sparing it out as well. If you think the guys can dish it out, honey you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! This is a well written play that is as funny now as when Mr. Simon wrote it in 1965 and 1985. Those of you who watched the TV show will love our version of this classic!

Our final performance for the year, “The Odd Couple” will round out a great year. Our club has been extremely busy this year. We began in September with an anti-bullying production that we took to all the elementary schools in town. In October we performed “The Mousetrap”, Agatha Christie’s murder mystery, as our fall dinner theatre. Then it was on to “Don’t U Luv Me?, which was performed for the high school where it received a standing ovation for its dramatic and timely portrayal of teenage dating issues. We also took this play to SW Area Theatre Contest, were it was judged and received a first, so we performed it at State Contest as well! The troupe also put together a marathon for State; a melodrama called “The Inventor’s Daughter.” Five productions in nine months is a hectic schedule, and our troupe has many wonderful dedicated actors, technicians, and artists who live up to the motto: The Show Must Go On. Please come out to the show and support this great group of students!

BRC Delivers Record Number of Lunches

Shown in the photo attached is Holly Hill, Director of Marketing at Brethren Retirement Community delivering a lunch to go to Dr. Rob Girman, M.D. in Wayne Healthcare's Emergency Department
On Firday, Brethren Retirement Community delivered 306 lunches to businesses, corporations and individuals in Darke County, our largest "Lunch to Go" Event ever! Our Dining Services staff started preparing the meals at 5 AM this morning so our employees could deliver them for lunch today.

Thank you for your support! When you order a Lunch to Go from BRC's catering, you're part of something much bigger than lunch, $1 from every meal goes to benefit our Resident Aid Fund for our residents in need. What a wonderful feeling it is to know, that you can feed your appetite and give back to those in need at the same time.

For the Lunch to Go we delivered today, participants could choose from one of three options;

1) Ham & Turkey Wrap that includes fresh sliced turkey with bacon, lettuce and tomato
2) Ham & Turkey Club Croissant - same as above but served on a fresh croissant
3) Chicken Caesar Salad

Each of the above meals also included our signature, homemade Corn Chowder and our fabulous Peanut Butter mousse, one of our many signature desserts.

Our next "Lunch to Go" will be in June, to get on our mailing list for our upcoming Lunch to Go, please email holly.hill@bhrc.org

"Goslings in the Greenville City Park" Submitted by Cherie Frost

"Through out the Greenville City Park, several Canada Geese families eggs have been hatching, over the past week and half. One particular Canada Geese family eggs hatched on April 26, 2013, which included seven goslings. Photo taken on April 27, 2013, of one of their adorable offspring." - Cherie Frost

Thanks for sharing, Cherie!

Commissioner's Corner: April 2013

April has certainly lived up to the phrase, “April showers” this year. April has continued to hold onto wintery weather, along with ample amounts of rain for the month. Although the rain has been appreciated, it has delayed our farmers from doing work in the fields. We need a good week for things to dry out, along with warmer temperatures, for our agri- business people to start their heavy work for the year. Hopefully, this will be a good year for our farmers as last year’s drought did no one any good.

As April comes to a close, this has been a busy month in the Commissioner’s office and in all of our county offices. The Commissioners are working on several projects, a couple of which we hope to be able to talk about in the near future, but a couple that we can inform you of now.

One of the major projects is the upgrade and maintenance of the Darke County Jail’s infrastructure. The old sewer pipes are made out of cast iron, and after 30 years, is deteriorating badly. We have discovered that the sewer pipes can be re-lined with a material that will make the pipes last another 50 years. Recently, we had a company video the sewer pipes in the jail to determine the areas of deterioration. We are in the process of working up a spec sheet for companies who do this kind of work to bid on the project. This will be much cheaper than having to build a new jail, which we don’t want to do. We will let everyone know what company we have chosen for this work.

Another project that is coming along very nicely is the remodeling of the 3rd floor of the courthouse. Through the combined efforts of our Judges and the Prosecutor, they are using their special projects funds to do the upgrades, along with help from the Commissioners. This work has been long overdue, and will add a real pleasant atmosphere to the Courthouse. Hopefully, all work should be completed by the end of May. If you see one of the Judges, or the Prosecutor, thank them for helping make the Courthouse a source of pride in the County. The Commissioners do appreciate all the co-operation the Judges give us, and for all they are doing.

One Year Later, "Brutus" Makes a Difference at Grand Lake St. Marys

New dredge pumped more than 123,000 cubic yards of sediment out of lake

CELINA, OH – More than a year after being put into service, “Brutus,” a 57-ton dredge, has helped increase the amount of sediment removed from Grand Lake St. Marys, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The department removed a record 289,000 cubic yards from the lake last year.

“Utilizing Brutus has greatly improved our efforts to remove sediment from Grand Lake St. Marys,” said ODNR Director James Zehringer. “Through the dredging operations and nutrient management plans, we continue our commitment to improve and protect the health of one of Ohio’s finest lakes.”

ODNR has employed a suction dredge program at Grand Lake St. Marys for approximately 60 years, and “Brutus” replaced the 44-year-old “St. Marys” dredge last year. In 2012, “Brutus” and two other dredges named “Eagle” and “Pump-a-Little” pumped 289,000 cubic yards of nutrient-rich sediment from the lake, besting a goal of 270,000. “Brutus” alone pumped more than 123,000 cubic yards of sediment last season.

GTS To Expand Sunday Hours on a Trial Basis


The Greenville Transit System (GTS) will be extending their Sunday hours on a TRIAL basis beginning May 1, 2013. Sunday hours will be 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. The Transit Advisory Board (TAC) made this decision to give riders a chance to go out to eat after church or to visit their loved ones in the local nursing home. This is a result of the recent riders’ survey conducted by GTS. Currently, GTS closes at 1:00 pm on Sundays.

Should this decision prove to be successful, we will look at making this a permanent change. Under the management of MV Transportation, Inc, GTS has increased ridership while working within the same allocated hours.

The TAC is made up of riders, local business owners as well as city officials.

The Greenville Transit System would like to thank all the citizens who participated in the recent survey. Please, thank your local City Council Members for their continued support.

GTS is a public transportation service open to anyone in Greenville. GTS is supported by FTA & ODOT as well as The City of Greenville and riders. For further information or to book a ride, call 547-1811.

Mercer Savings Bank Celebrates 125 Days of Giving Back

In celebration of Mercer Savings Bank’s 125th Anniversary, the bank is giving back to the community. Mercer Savings Bank will donate $125 to 125 different charities and organizations for 125 days. Mercer Savings Bank’s goal is to give back to the communities that have contributed to Mercer Savings Bank’s 125 years of excellence. On April 23, 2013 Mercer Savings Bank donated $125 to the Greenville Athletic Boosters. Pictured above are Mercer Savings Bank Employee Barb Kuhn, Athletic Boosters President Dave Ernst, and Athletic Boosters Past-Secretary Jody Lockhart.

The Greenville Athletic Boosters would like to take this opportunity to thank Mercer Savings Bank for their generous donation. The strength of the Greenville Athletic Boosters organization has always depended upon the generosity and support Greenville’s businesses. Greenville Athletic Booster Funds goes towards the continuation of our annual scholarships, renovation to Harmon Field, team equipment purchases such as a golf simulator, reconditioning of wrestling mats, football helmets, baseball bats, a record board for the bowling team, a basketball shoot-away gun and a donation to the renovation of the softball stadium. The Athletic Boosters would like to announce their Golf Scramble on June 29th at Turtle Creek Golf Course. The event starts at 10:00AM. If you would like to play and/or sponsor a team please contact the Boosters at greenvilleboosters@yahoo.com.

Thanks again to Mercer Savings Bank and GO Green Wave!


On, Monday, April 29, 2013, Greenville Grace Church will host a community blood drive from 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Greenville Grace Church is located at 4805 State Route 49, Greenville.

Spring is here and that means it’s almost time to shut down the furnace and fire up the backyard barbecue. Community Blood Center (CBC) hopes to inspire plans for summer grilling with a special giveaway during the April 1 through May 31 “Darke County Days!” Blood Drive campaign.

All you have to do is register to donate at any Darke County blood drive scheduled Monday, April 1 through Friday, May 31 and you will be automatically entered into a drawing to win a new Char-Broil four-burner propane/natural gas grill.

This special giveaway is sponsored by Lowe’s at 1550 Wagner Ave. in Greenville. The Char-Broil four-burner grill features the Surefire electronic ignition at each burner for a reliable start every time. It easily converts from liquid propane to natural gas, and features porcelain-coated cast iron grates.

Plus everyone who registers to donate blood at any CBC branch and most mobile blood drives beginning Monday, April 8 through Saturday, April 27 will received free the “Recycle Life – Give Blood” tote bag. The logo design features red, iconic recycle arrows integrated with a blood drop.

Wildflowers of Ohio Author to Speak

Don’t miss this program!!

Robert Henn, author of Wildflowers of Ohio and nature enthusiast, will offer an informative program on wildflowers on Saturday, May 4th at 1:00pm at Shawnee Prairie Preserve Nature Center.

After the program indoors, Bob will lead us into the woods and we will discover what spring wildflowers are blooming on this May afternoon. The program will not only cover wildflower ID, but also the importance of wildflowers in a healthy environment.

Whether you are a wildflower “buff” yourself or just occasionally enjoy scanning the forest floor for pops of color, this program will not disappoint.

Pre-Registration is required. You can register by calling 937.548.0165. Copies of his book will be available for purchase.

Got Habitat? Multi-County Teacher Workshop

Curious about how habitat affects flooding? In this workshop, sponsored by the Shelby, Miami, Montgomery and Darke SWCDs, we’ll explore these topics through activities and resources that are aligned with the Ohio Academic Content Standards, educational walks in the prairie, and a canoe trip!

The two day workshop will be held on July 31 thru August 1, 2013. Day one will be at the Miami County Park District’s Lost Creek Reserve in Troy Ohio, and day two will be at the Aullwood Audubon Center and Farm in Dayton, Ohio, as well as in the Stillwater State Scenic River! Breakout sessions will be specific to various grade levels, and will provide hands-on lessons with all the supporting materials and lesson plans you need for implementation in your classroom.

Earn 12.5 contact hours for attending both days, all for only $55 (or join us for Day 1 only for $45). One semester hour of graduate credit is available from Ashland University at an additional cost. For more information or a registration form, contact Greg McGlinch at (937) 548-1715 ext. 3, or email greg.mcglinch@oh.nacdnet.net

Sunday, April 28, 2013

MVCTC Senior, Jacob Pepple, is mapping out a great future

MVCTC GIS and Technical Intelligence student, Jacob Pepple (Arcanum) will be leaving MVCTC with 24 college credits and a scholarship to continue his education in GIS.
Jacob Pepple, a senior from Arcanum in the Miami Valley Career Technology (MVCTC) Center Geospatial Information Systems and Technical Intelligence Program, is completing two very successful years at MVCTC. Jacob will be graduating from Arcanum High School this spring and will be receiving his Career Passport from MVCTC for successfully his career technical program.

After graduation, Jacob plans to take advantage of the Tech Prep Scholarship he has earned to Sinclair Community College. The scholarship will help him work towards earning his associates degree in a GIS or Geography related pathway. Jacob has also taken advantage of the other opportunities at MVCTC to help him be prepared and cut the cost of college. Jacob will leave MVCTC with 24 transferable college credit hours. He earned 12 college credits to Sinclair Community College in his GIS and Technical Intelligence program and he took Dual Enrollment Classes offered at MVCTC to receive credit from Wright State University for English and credit from Miami University Middletown for Math and Statistics.

During his time at MVCTC, Jacob has been very active, participating in the Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter and earning the Executive Level Torch Award and his senior year working towards the highest level of Torch Awards, Ambassador Level. He also had the honor of representing MVCTC at the Northmont Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA) Student Achievement Fair in Columbus, and has attended the BPA State Leadership Conference in Columbus. Jacob was recently inducted into the MVCTC National Technical Honor Society and has been a great ambassador for his program and explaining the growth and demand for GIS related careers in the area.

"Places to visit, things to do" © By Abraham Lincoln

Patty, my wife of 57 years, invited me to go out with her to the Market Street Café for breakfast. I had an appointment at 8:30 AM to get my haircut at the barbershop next door, so we walked into the restaurant, sat down and ordered breakfast.

We saw a lot of people that we both knew and just being there was like a high school reunion. Hello to one, another and still another old friend. I shook hands with folks I had not seen in two or three decades.

I told Patty that we would have to do this again—getting out and about is a little easier since I don’t have to lug around a bottle of oxygen with me. Nowadays I just have a small concentrator that somehow creates oxygen and I breathe it through a cannula.

I saw one of my former high school students, now all grown up and having breakfast; and I saw my best friend’s son, who owns an auto repair facility. And the lady who owns the restaurant was there and we got to say hello to her. She used to be our waitress at Rob's when I was in Rotary and it was there that she first told me that she was going to open a restaurant downtown. And there were many others that we saw and talked to.

There are a lot of places to visit in and around town and some were of more interest to us than others. I remember the first time we went to Carriage Hill Farm before it had the name change. In those days it was just a farm that was restored to its original working condition—back in the day when it took all day to go to Dayton by horse and buggy.

Main Street Greenville’s Upper Floor Building Tour

Sneak-peek: one of the many details located inside the
featured buildings on the Upper Floor Tour, presented
by Main Street Greenville on Friday, May 3 from 6-9 pm.
Have you ever wondered what is on the upper levels of our historic downtown buildings? If so, you will want to be part of the First Friday Upper Floor Tour on Friday, May 3rd to see and discover these hidden locations! This amazing tour will take place from 6-9 pm and will include 4 upper floor locations and 1 bonus location in downtown!

The following buildings will be featured on the tour this year: 120 W. Third St. (current home to Third Street Market & elementsLife), 410 S. Broadway (current home to Brenda’s Beanery), 527 S. Broadway (current home to Montage Café), 613 S. Broadway (current home to Greenville Boy’s and Girl’s Club). The bonus location is open to the public and no ticket is necessary – Public Square (The City of Greenville Municipal Building located at 100 Public Square).

Pre-sale tickets are $5.00 each and are available at Sadie Grace, Brenda’s Beanery, Granny's Corner, Bread of Life, or the Main Street Greenville office (2nd story of the Palace Building). Tickets can also be purchased at the door for $8.00 the evening of the event at any of the five tour stops. Also, since it is "First Friday", downtown businesses will be open late!

Mote and Associates, Inc. sponsor this fourth annual Upper Floor Building Tour, a professional design firm specializing in civil engineering and land surveying. The tour is presented by Main Street Greenville in collaboration with Historic Preservation Month to bring awareness and respect to our built environment.

"First Fridays" is a monthly event presented by Main Street Greenville-a non-profit organization committed to stimulating and supporting revitalization efforts, historic preservation and grown in historic Downtown Greenville. To learn more, visit www.DowntownGreenville.org or call Amber Garrett (Executive Director) at 937-548-4998.

United Nations Diplomat To Visit Hometown

There are not many hometowns that can claim they have a native son who is the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs of the United Nations, New York. Jeffrey Feltman, a Greenville High School graduate, will speak at the Garst Museum’s special lecture series program on Sunday, May 5, 2013 in Greenville, Ohio.

Jeffrey Feltman was born and raised in Greenville, Ohio. He graduated from Greenville High School, Ball State University, and The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University where he received a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy. He is the son of David and Roberta Feltman of Greenville and is married to Mary Draper who is Director of Career Development for Foreign Service Personnel.

While in college, Mr. Feltman developed an interest in diplomacy and foreign languages and went on to establish a distinguished diplomatic career. His fluency in Arabic, French, and Hungarian, has served him well. He joined the U.S. Foreign Service as Vice Consul, U.S. Embassy, Port-au-Prince, Haiti (1986-1987). He then went to Budapest, Hungary (1988-1991) and served during a period of great change for that country. In 1991-1993, Mr. Feltman served under Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger. He focused on monitoring United States assistance programs in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Relay for Life ZUMBATHON®charity event

Team Jolly Hot Tamales presents:

Saturday May 11, 2-4PM

@ EUM 111 Devor St, Greenville

$10 suggested donation, Reserve your Spot!!!

Advanced registration requested. There will be a gift for all participants registered by April 26, no guarantee of gift to participants after this date.

Beginners and participants of all ages welcome. An Instructor will be available to modify all moves to your level of ability. A babysitter will be available for those who need childcare.

the Zumba(R) instructors are Connie Sowry, Ann Eiting, Sharon Kramer, Sandra Leary, Courtney Long Parin, Lynn Blakeley, and Sarah Beard.

To preregister call or email Carrie @ 937-564-7346, cjnichols2004@yahoo.com or see your Zumba® Instructor

All proceeds will go to Darke County Relay for Life, a team fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. To learn more about Relay or ACS visit www.relayforlife.org/darkecounty or www.cancer.org.

CareFlight Transports Rider After ATV Accident Near Versailles

No comments:
On April 27, 2013 at approximately 10:58 PM Darke County Deputies along with Versailles Fire, Ansonia Rescue, and CareFlight responded to the intersection of Greenville-St. Mary's Road and Burns Road on a report of a 3-wheeler ATV injury accident.

Preliminary investigation revealed a Suzuki 3-wheeler ATV, operated by Charles Francis, 25, of Versailles was traveling West on Burns Road and struck a guardrail at the intersection of Greenville-St. Mary's Road. Francis was ejected from the ATV and landed in the water of a steep embankment. A passerby noticed the crashed ATV and located Francis in the water.

Francis was taken by CareFlight to Miami Valley Hospital where he is being treated for injuries and listed in stable condition. Alcohol is suspected in this accident.

This accident remains under investigation by the Darke County Sheriff's Office.


The Darke County Civic Theater will be holding auditions on April 28th and 30th for the Annie Oakley Festival Melodrama. If you are interested in trying out, then visit us at the Shawnee Prairie Nature Center between 6:00pm and 8:00pm on either night.

Come prepared for cold readings from the script. The melodrama to be presented this summer is "The Ol' Homestead. The showdates will be July 25th through July 28th for a total of 5 performances. We are also looking for individuals who want to be a part of the stage crew.

If you are interested in volunteering to help in any aspect of our theatrical productions, then please attend this audition or give us a call at 337-2265. The Nature Center is located at 4267 St. Rt. 502, Greenville.

Please visit our website for more information: www.darkecountycivictheater.org

Rain Barrel Kits Have Arrived

Take advantage of what Mother Nature gives us in rain fall and utilize it throughout the summer months by installing a rain barrel to collect rain water for your flower beds and /or garden.

The Darke Soil and Water Conservation District has received a new shipment of barrels along with kits to turn them into rain barrels. The barrels are blue, but can be painted to match any color scheme to add beauty to your landscape. Once your friends find out where to find these, they will be sold out quickly, so get yours now.

Contact The Darke Soil and Water Conservation District, at 937-548-1752 for more information on purchasing rain barrels or stop by the office at 1117 South Towne Court to see a couple of rain barrels that have been painted.

DCP reminds you to enjoy Spring!

Darke County Parks’ Naturalists would like to remind you to take a minute and enjoy the season of rejuvenation; spring! The Park District will be hosting several upcoming programs for those who want to learn more about the seasonal changes happening all around. Recently, Park Naturalists and local nature-enthusiasts set out on a hike at Alice Bish Park on Earth Day for a noon-time hike. As we strolled down the paved path, 19 species of birds were seen and heard. Several wildflowers were found blooming along the path as well, including a carpet of spring beauties. Each and every Tuesday morning at 8:00am at Shawnee Prairie Preserve there is an Early Morning Discovery Hike. Join Senior Naturalist, Robb Clifford, and discover just how much change can happen in one spring week! The most recent hike resulted in 40 species of birds observed, over 10 wildflowers and much more! On Saturday May 4th at 1:00pm, Robert Henn, author of Wildflowers of Ohio will host an informational program and hike at Shawnee Prairie Preserve on wildflowers. This program will not disappoint!

Spring is here and so step out of hibernation and enjoy the season. For more information on all upcoming programs, visit our website at www.darkecountyparks.org. All trails are open to the public, free to use, every day from dawn to dusk. For questions, call the Nature Center at 937.548.0165

Saturday, April 27, 2013

MLB Pitch, Hit, & Run Contest At Stebbins Field This Weekend

Major League Baseball's Pitch, Hit, and Run contest, FREE for GIRLS AND BOYS ages 7-14 years old, will be held this Sunday, April 28th, at Stebbins Field in Greenville.

WHEN: Sunday, April 28 beginning at 1:00 PM
WHERE: Stebbins Field - Greenville, Ohio
COST: Free for girls and boys ages 7-14 years of age.
MLB LINK: http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/kids/mlb_pitch_hit_run.jsp

Major League Baseball Pitch, Hit & Run (PHR) is a FREE, exciting skills event for boys and girls where participants have the opportunity to compete in four levels of competition including Team Championship events at all 30 Major League ballparks and the National Finals at the MLB All-Star Game.

Contact: Brad Hoffman @ 937-621-0147 with any questions.

Darke County's own, Brooklynn Bush from Greenville, traveled to Great American Ballpark last year after qualifying at the Stebbins Field event and finished 1st in the 7-8 year old division while in Cincinnati!

Versailles Area Historical Society Needs Your Help

In preparation for our “Grand Opening” we are redoing many displays and adding new ones!

We are looking for an icebox from the early 1900’s. Also any kitchen items used for canning and gardening of the same period.

We are searching for a small pup tent used for scouting as well as other scouting equipment and early uniforms (1940’s) period. Also PICTURES from those great trips through the years.

We are most interested in additional rail road items associated with our area and the Big Four/C.H.&D.

Also looking for Snyder/Ward hotel items including an ice cream table & chair set from the Ward Drug Store Soda Fountain.

Items made and sold at Poultry Days in the early years as well as Poultry history in general.

Greenville FFA Opens Greenhouse on April 29

The Greenville FFA and Greenville FFA Alumni are proud to announce the opening of the greenhouse for 2013 on April 29. We are excited to house this year several new varieties of plants, vegetables and specialty items. Flowers that are available include: multiple colors of geraniums, petunias, vines, argyanthemum, pink shimmer, begonias, and angelonia. This year’s vegetable selection includes: Better Boy, Big Boy, Juliet and Roma tomatoes; Jalapeño (Hot), Garden Salsa (Hot), and Hungarian Wax (Sweet) peppers. Specialty plants and new varieties available are: Mosquito plant citronella, sweet blue sunrise osteespermim, dahlinova Louisiana improved, adessa purple, spikes, Persian shield, French lavender, and rosemary.

Prices for this year’s greenhouse are: hanging baskets, $15; flats(36), $14; ½ flat (18), $7.50; 3- pack annuals, $1.50; veggies, $1.50 each; geranium (4” pot), $2.25 each; begonias, $1.50 each. Have a hanging baskets or floral arrangement? Bring it on in and we will fill it with our flowers! Come see us Monday through Friday, Noon to 5:00 PM, and Saturday’s 9:00 AM to Noon, we are closed on Sundays.

You can find us behind Greenville High School, 100 Green Wave Way, Greenville, Ohio 45331, or just follow the signs! Questions? Call us at (937) 548-4188 ext. 844.

Tom & Etta Mae Foley Memorial Dinner and Auction is a Success

We want to thank all the parents and friends of St. Mary's School for all their help and donations to make the Tom & Etta Mae Foley Memorial Dinner and Auction a HUGE success!!! We were able to make over $21,000 for the school. A very special thank you to Paws Bingo Hall, Midwest Auctioneers, The Fairlawn Steakhouse and over 100 businesses from around the community who give so generously.

Darke County Friends of the Shelter Garage Sale

The Darke County Friends of the Shelter will sponsor a Garage Sale on Thursday, May 2nd (9:00am – 5:00pm), Friday, May 3rd (9:00am – 5:00pm), and Saturday, 4th (9:00am to 1:00pm) at 6026 Arcanum-Bearsmill Road Greenville (1 mile South of the Mill, look for Freddie and the Animal Shelter banner). All proceeds w
ill be used to maintain the new Dog Park “Scentral Park”, South of the Animal Shelter on County Home Road, Greenville.

Woman’s 26” bike, Man’s 26” bike, new Ohio State men’s long winter coat, new Ohio State Bomber Jacket, new Columbia barn coat, Major League Baseball tee shirts, Kitchenaid toaster, table lamp, child’s antique walnut single bed, Premier Design earrings, Majolica pottery, highboy dresser, end table and coffee maker just to name a few.

Library To Host Free Historic Tour

The Greenville Public Library will host a free tour on Friday, May 3 at 5:15 p.m. This tour is in conjunction with the Main Street Greenville's “Upper Floor Tour” that begins at 6:00. Interested people can see the Library first with plenty of time to attend the tour downtown. The Library, in partnership with Main Street Greenville, hosts its own event every “First Friday” according to the theme for that month.

These tours are part of Historic Preservation Month. The Library underwent extensive renovation and expansion a few years ago while maintaining its historic beauty and heritage. Even though the Library was built in 1910 with grants from Andrew Carnegie and the Greenville Schools, the “extras” came from Henry & Ella St. Clair.

The St. Clair's generous donations added to the Library's size, beauty, and extensive book collections of the time – including the marble stairwell, the stained glass windows, and the imported statues. So stop into the Library at 5:15 and learn about the building's design and decor, the story of its creation & renovation, and the people involved!

Bear’s Mill Celebrates Spring and National Historic Preservation Month

To kick off National Historic Preservation Month, The Friends of Bear’s Mill, Inc. will be hosting their annual Spring Open House on Saturday, May 4 and Sunday, May 5 from 11:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The Mill Store is well-stocked for the spring season with a wide selection of home décor, kitchen accessories, gourmet products and women’s jewelry and accessories. Shoppers will enjoy special discounts from a grab bag of offerings and a special sales table on the second floor.

In the Mill Gallery will be a special art exhibition in celebration of Historic Preservation Month and a collaborative event between Bear’s Mill and Staley Mill Farm & Indian Creek Distillery. Watercolor paintings of the historic Staley Mill Farm by the late Roger Haas – on loan from Missy Duer, will accompany soda fired clay works by four local potters: Julie Clark, Dionne Fleming, Rita Wiley and Loretta Wray. The art of the whiskey vessel includes works of both historical and modern interpretations of whiskey flasks, jugs, and bottles, decanters, shot glasses, whiskey cups and flights. This exhibit will remain on display during normal business hours through Sunday, May 26th.

“New and exciting products are coming in daily in time for Mother’s Day and other gift-giving occasions” stated Julie Clark, retail manager. “We invite the public and visitors to come out and take a walk on the beautiful grounds and a self-guided tour through the historic mill. Enjoy the nature and history that surrounds this special place.”

The Friends of Bear’s Mill, Inc. keep the Mill open to the public through individual and corporate donations, grants, an educational tour program, Mill Store & Gallery sales and several special events that generate interest in and visitation to the historic site.

Bear’s Mill is located at 6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Road about five miles east of Greenville. For more information, contact Bear’s Mill at 937.548.5112 or on the web at www.bearsmill.com.

Friday, April 26, 2013

See It, Save It, Preserve It!

The Versailles Area Historical Society will be taking part in this year’s annual National Historic Preservation Month celebration with their “What was up There?” tour of several fascinating buildings that give history of what was on the second and in one case third floors in downtown Versailles.

The tour will be hosted on Saturday May 4, 2013. Groups will gather rain or shine in the village square with one group leaving at 12:00 p.m. and the second group at 3:00 p.m. each lasting about two hours. Light refreshments will be served in the Masonic Dining Room and a question and answer session will be held.

Cost is $8.00 for Versailles Area Historical Society members and $10.00 for non-members. Guests will have guided tours of several historic buildings including the La Moine Hall (former home of The Versailles Policy and VPP), the Opera House (above Tom Magoto’s State Farm), the old Knights of Columbus Hall, the 1st Library, the old telephone switch board, (all above the Floor Store & More and House of Flowers) and the Versailles Masonic Lodge (located above Nancy O’s) and other surprises.

For tickets you may make reservations by calling the museum answering machine at 937-526-4222 and leave your name if you are a member, how many tickets and if you want tour one or two. We look forward to hosting you “Upstairs”.


If you are looking for safe, fun, school-age childcare for summer, you can find it at your Y! Summer Club is for children currently in Kindergarten-5th grades, and will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, beginning on Tuesday, May 28. You can enroll your child for the whole summer or just the weeks you need! You also have the option of purchasing a part-time pass for the morning hours (6:30 a.m.-12 noon) or the afternoon hours (12:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.)

Attendees will be provided a nutritious breakfast and lunch served with milk, or you may pack lunch if you prefer. The days are filled with a variety of structured activities and field trips, open gym time, and daily pool time. During class times, kids can choose activities from a menu of options, such as flag football, wallyball or basketball, tumbling and trampoline skills, cheer and jump skills, cooking or science class. They can also try Spanish class, cartooning, ZumbAtomic, which is a kid-friendly exercise class, or Reader's Theater, where they will act out stories.

Summer Club Director Megan Foster, who has a degree in Music Education, says she is excited to bring some music-based activities to the program this year. In Bucket Drumming, students will learn to properly strike with sticks, create basic rhythm patters and learn to play drums with varying sized buckets. Music and Movement is another class that will engage students’ imaginations through creative movement and active learning while exploring basic elements of music.

FUMC Ladies' Night Out

Bike to Health!

Darke County Parks’ Bike to Health series is back by popular demand! The first session will occur Monday, May 6th at 6:00pm with more to follow in the summer and autumn. Dust off that bike, inflate those tires and meet us at the Tecumseh Trail (Gettysburg Access Point) and get ready to ride a portion (or all!) of the trail. Cycling is not only good for your physical and mental well-being, it’s a great opportunity for the whole family to get outside and spend time together, all while becoming a little bit healthier!

For more information, call the Nature Center at 937.548.0165 or visit our website at www.darkecountyparks.org. Don’t forget your helmet, sunscreen and water bottle!

So Who Has the Pot of Gold in Eastern Darke County?

Dick Garrison sent us this photo he took south of Gettysburg on Wednesday evening. What a great shot!

2nd Annual Nature Day a Success!

Despite the chilly temperatures, Darke County Parks’ 2nd annual Nature Day was a big hit! With winter behind us, people came out ready to celebrate Earth Day weekend and take in the beauty of spring. Families, young and young-at-heart took part in the festivities, all at no charge. Nature “passports” were given at the welcome tent and then participants were free to roam Shawnee Prairie Preserve in search of entertaining and educational activities to complete in order receive a stamp in their passport. When finished with all activities, participants were awarded a special prize! Along with stations in the woods, there were several Naturalist-led hikes and programs. Animal Ambassadors, Greta the Great-horned Owl and Joseph, the Red-tailed Hawk were also on hand to meet and greet with all.

If you missed out on Nature Day this year, be sure to look for Nature Day 2014 in the quarterly newsletter, Nature Notes. For more information on all of the upcoming programs offered by the Darke County Parks or to sign up to receive the newsletter, visit our website at www.darkecountyparks.org

Jackie Dawson, from Massage on Main, to speak at Cancer Support Group on May 2

The Cancer Association of Darke County will hold their monthly support group meeting on May 2 at 7 p.m. at Wayne HealthCare on the third floor in the Conference Room.

Mrs. Dawson will be sharing information about the benefits of massage and other types of therapy for cancer patients and those with different health issues. Jackie is a graduate of SHI Integrative Medical Massage School in Lebanon, Ohio. She completed 750 hours of study and passed the Ohio State Medical Board in January of 2005, completing in-service at Heartland here in Greenville. She holds certificates in additional modalities, including Craniosacral and Alexander Technique and is a member of the AMTA. Her forte lies in caring communication with her patients.

A life-long resident of Greenville, her career was founded on four and a half years at the Brethren Home, working in the extended care facility. After graduation from SHI, she oversees the current clinic at the corner of Martin and Ohio Streets, seeing it grow from two licensed therapists to five and a reflexologist.

She has spoken to various churches and local groups such as A.I.M., Alzheimer’s Association and groups for the legally blind. She is a believer in educating the public to the benefits of massage therapy and schools with graduates interested in massage therapy have been included in her venue along with local health fairs.

Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society to Kickoff Historic Preservation Month

The Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society will host a Open House Kickoff for Historic Preservation Month on May 4, 2013. House is located at 123 West George Street in Arcanum and is open from 9am until noon. Featured will be a display on the restoration of the old house which originally was built in 1894 as the Louis Deitrich Saloon. It has housed many businesses through the years including the Beck Hotel from 1947-1963 and the Wayne Trail Grange from 1963-2004 when the historical society purchased the home to be used as the present Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society.

As part of Historic Preservation Month and in commemoration of Arcanum's founder, William Gunder, we encourage you to visit the Ithaca Cemetery located on St. Rt. 503 just north of Ithaca. William and his wife, Nancy as well as some other family stones are here to view. The stones were restored by the great grandson, William Gunder as a memorial to his family. (Photos of stones above)

Mercer County Drug Take Back Event - Tomorrow (Saturday, April 26)

On April 27 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Mercer County Sheriff’s Office and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will give the public its sixth opportunity in three years to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs. Bring your medications for disposal to The Mercer County Detention Facility parking lot at 4835 SR 29. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Please do not bring syringes or liquids.

Last September, Americans turned in 244 tons of prescription drugs at over 5,200 sites operated by the DEA and its thousands of state and local law enforcement partners. In its five previous Take Back events, DEA and its partners took in over 2 million pounds—over a thousand tons—of pills.

Pets of the week

We have Mini at the Darke County Animal Shelter. He is a 2 year old American Eskimo. He is white with long hair. He is housebroken and good with kids. He is a friendly guy and loves to be around people. He is looking for a new home.

We have Precious at the Darke County Animal Shelter. She is a 4-year-old Pug/Chihuahua mix. She is black and tan with short hair. She is a friendly dog and loves people. She does well with cats but not so good with other dogs. She loves attention and knows some commands. She is a nice dog and is looking for a new home.

We also have a boxer mix, a Beagle a shepherd mix and numerous other dogs. We also have cats and kittens for adoption.

The Shelter hours are 8am till 4:30pm Monday-Friday and 9:00 till noon on Saturday. The Shelter is located at 5066 County Home Road in Greenville, and the phone number is 547-1645.

With spring in the air, be sure to bring your best friend to your local veterinarian for their yearly checkup.

ALL DOGS OVER 3 MONTHS OF AGE MUST HAVE A LICENSE. For more information you can contact the Animal Shelter at 937-547-1645. To see the dogs we have, go to our web site at www.darkecountyanimalshelter.com.

Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Application Deadline extended to May 31, 2013

Increased funding Available

The deadline for accepting grant applications for the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) has been extended to May 31, 2013. Additionally, Congress has substantially increased the funding available which will allow for a greater number of projects to be awarded funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency improvements. The basic program requirements are as follows:

  • Eligible applicants include rural small for-profit businesses or agricultural producers who intend to install renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements.
  • Renewable energy systems can include solar electric, solar thermal, wind, geothermal, biomass, blender pumps and anaerobic digestion systems.
  • Energy efficiency improvement systems can include lighting improvements, insulation, electric motor replacements and other energy efficiency improvement projects as outlined in an energy audit.

Grants are available on a competitive basis for up to twenty-five percent of the eligible project costs. Loan guarantees are also available for up to seventy-five percent of the eligible project costs. Combination grant and loan guarantee applications cannot exceed seventy-five percent of eligible project costs. Additional information can be found at the following website: Rural Energy for America Program

Local Teen Takes 3rd in Regional Elks Competition

Maddie Shepard, daughter of Steve and Stef Shepard of Greenville, participated in the Regional Elks Soccer Shoot on March 9th in Hagerstown, Maryland. Maddie won the local Greenville soccer shoot back in May of 2012 and then won the state soccer shoot in July. She advanced to the regional (and final) competition along with other representatives from Ohio. The Greenville Elks #1139 are proud to say that Maddie did a sensational job with a 3rd place finish. She helped the Ohio contingent to bring home the regional trophy a 2nd year in a row. Coincidentally, this is only the 2nd year that Ohio has participated in the regional shoot.

The Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks sponsors a soccer shoot every year at the local, district, state and regional level. The regional level is a competition between the winners from the state soccer shoots in Kentucky, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virgina and the combined area of Delaware, Maryland and Washington D.C. Each contestant at this level received a free hotel stay, meals at the event, a full soccer uniform and a soccer ball. Maddie’s division was very, very close. She placed 3rd out of 6 competitors with 31 points. The winner of Maddie’s division won with a mere 34 points. Maddie was literally one goal away from winning the entire event. Quite an amazing feat! On behalf of the Greenville Elks #1139 and the rest of the B.P.O.E., I would like to offer our most sincere and hearty congratulations to Maddie for an Outstanding job!

The 2013 Greenville Elks #1139 Soccer shoot will be held on Saturday, May 4th from 11am – 2pm during the regular soccer games at North Park. Participants are encouraged to come early prior to their games to participate, but all are welcome whenever they can make it. Children ages 5 – 13 are welcome to participate. Their age is determined based upon how old they will be on August 1, 2013. Age groups are as follows: U-8 (7 and under), U-10 (8-9), U-12 (10-11) and U-14 (12-13). The competition is free and all participants will receive a cup of juice and a hot dog just for participating in the competition. Winners in each age group will move on to the district competition held in Greenville on June 2nd.

Garbage Truck Driver Earns National Safety Award

Tim Taber has reached 16 years of safe driving in his Rumpke truck, which logs about 50,000 miles annually.

To honor his safe driving record and reliable service, Taber has been named “Driver of the Year” by the Environmental Industry Associations.

“Having worked with Tim for the past 10 years, I can personally attest to his commitment and dedication to serving customers on a day-to-day basis with safety being his top priority,” said Rumpke Operations Manager Noel Moomey.

Taber drives a Rumpke front load truck to service dumpsters for customers like Retterbush Fiberglass and the Upper Valley Career Center in Piqua.

Taber will be recognized by his peers during a luncheon May 2 at Rumpke, 5474 Jaysville-St. Johns Road in Greenville. He will also share a national stage with other top drivers from across the country at an industry awards ceremony in May.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

WHIO's Report on the Recent Rash of Burglaries in Greenville

WHIOtv.com's Steve Baker was in Greenville yesterday regarding the rash of burglaries we told you about on Tuesday. He recaps what we know so far (which isn't a lot), and has Greenville Police Detective Eric Roberts discussing the importance of neighbors watching for and reporting strange activity.

Click here or on the photo above to see the story at WHIOtv.com.

Voting for a Balanced Budget

Guest Column from State Representative Jim Buchy

The U.S. National Debt is now over $16.8 trillion, and our children and grandchildren are each in debt over $53,000. We owe China too much money, and that is something I think could be agreed upon by both sides. In the Ohio House of Representatives, we passed a balanced budget with bi-partisan support. It seems that Uncle Sam is always looking for ways to influence state government and all too often his preferred method is by way of cash with strings attached. Why would we listen to a government that has not been able to balance a budget since 2007?

By law every two years the state must prepare and pass a balanced budget. In previous years, the state has raised taxes, accepted one-time federal money or instituted furloughs and pay freezes to balance the budget. When you budget at home you have a check and a balance, if you have the money you can spend it, and if you don’t you can’t spend the money. The state budget needs a similar check and balance to keep from expanding without reason.

Out of the many ways to balance a budget, there are two methods that do not help the taxpayer: 1.) Raising taxes, and 2.) Accepting money from a government that doesn’t have any to give. Each time I have witnessed either of these methods used, Ohio’s economic position was hurt as a result.

Greenville Baptist Temple Holds Emergency Services Appreciation Day

The Greenville Baptist Temple, 4689 Childrens Home-Bradford Road, held an Emergency Services Appreciation Day this past Sunday at the church.

The volunteer fire fighters and officers of Greenville Township Fire Department were amoung those honored for their service to the community during their prayer services. After the services, the ladies of the church prepared a wonderful meal for all those in attendance.

Pastor Berdine and the congregation presented GTFD with a Certificate of Appreciation during the services.

High School Volunteer Mentors Continue to make a Big Impact on area youth.

The picture shows High School volunteer Big Sister, Rachael Ahrns helping her little Alexander Dunbar explain to his group of peers what makes him “Unique” at a recent after school site at Longfellow. Peer sharing and group activities are a big part of the after school programming provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby and Darke County is nearing the end of our after school programming for the 2012-2013 academic year. The Buddies program is a nine-month commitment where high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors volunteer to work with and mentor elementary aged children two times per month. During these meetings the high school students, under the supervision of Big Brothers Big Sisters staff, work with one or two children on different educational and recreational activities. The program continues to promote social and educational enhancing activities, as well as personal safety.

Rachael Ahrns is a 17 year old student at Fort Loramie where she is a junior and is very active within her school. Still, she takes time to volunteer each month at Longfellow Elementary School. Rachael is the daughter of Amy and Vernon Ahrns. She is currently matched with 7 year old Alexander Dunbar, son of Eric and Rita Dunbar of Sidney. Rachael stated, “I got involved after someone from the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization came to speak to our school about the need for volunteers and I felt it would be a good program to volunteer my time with”. Alex also commented, “ I like this program and the fact that I get to stay after school and hang out with my friends”.


Forty-four Greenville High School juniors visited
Miami University recently as part of College Club.
Nearly 100 Greenville High School students visited college campuses recently as part of College Club.

About 50 GHS sophomores toured Wright State University during their first College Club visit on April 10. A week later, 44 GHS juniors visited Miami University.

The Greenville High School College Club, a joint effort between the GHS Guidance Office and Bridges to College, started last spring as a way to educate high school students about college.

The College Club includes educational lunch seminars as well as visits to area college campuses. The juniors have now had the opportunity to visit Wright State, Ball State, Miami and Sinclair Community College. In the fall, they will visit University of Cincinnati.

“We’ve had so many positive comments about College Club, both from the community and the students,” said Becky Curtis, GHS counselor. “Hopefully the students will be better prepared when they fill out college applications in the fall.”

“The students seem to have a better understanding of the different types of colleges, the admissions process, and deadlines,” added Krista Subler, GHS counselor.

Darke County Republican Golf Outing - May 11th


May 11th is the Darke County Republican Golf Outing at Turtle Creek Golf Course east of Greenville at 1:00 p.m.. Cost for a foursome is $300 dollars and includes Golf, Cart, and Dinner. Trophy’s are awarded to the top 3 scoring teams.

If you are not a golfer, please join us for a delicious New York Strip dinner. Cocktails are starting at 5:00 with dinner at about 5:45. Bring along a friend, or your wife or Husband, dinner is only $25 dollars per person. For more information, contact Cindy Pike at 548-1713 or e-mail cpike@woh.rr.com. You may also contact Mike Stegall at 459-9555 or mstegall@woh.rr.com.

This is a good fundraiser for our candidates next year, so please join us for an afternoon of good fun and fellowship, May 11th at 1:00 at Turtle Creek Golf Course.

Burning Crop Debris is Legal, Isn’t It?

It’s the time of year when farmers clear fields and fence rows of corn stalks, branches and other debris and use a common management practice--piling the debris and burning it in the field. Because outdoor fires such as this create air emissions and wildfire concerns, Ohio has laws that regulate open burning activities. Burning certain materials at certain times in certain places may violate the open burning laws and cause a health or safety issue. It’s important to know when open burning of crop debris and field residue is permissible, and to take precautions to minimize risk and liability.

Peggy Hall, OSU Extension Legal Specialist, has researched this topic and shares the following.
There are several areas of law in Ohio that address open burning. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) oversees regulations on the open burning of materials that may produce harmful air emissions that affect human and environmental health. Ohio also has laws that regulate open burning to minimize the danger of wildfires; these laws may be enforced by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Forestry or local law officials. Additionally, a local government might have local ordinances that regulate open burning.

In regards to crop debris in farm fields, it is typically permissible for a farmer to burn the debris. However, the law creates duties to conduct the burn responsibly and imposes some conditions on what, where and when to burn. Violating the laws can lead to criminal charges, fines and civil liability to harmed parties.
What can you burn?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

BRC Lunch to Go Returns: Still Accepting Orders!

Darke County High School Art Exhibit at Memorial Hall - April 27th Through May 18th

The Anna Bier Gallery is hosting the Annual Darke County High School Art Exhibit at Memorial Hall. They will be open Saturday the 27th through May 18th. Gallery Hours are 11 am until 3 pm. There are over 50 pieces of artwork in the show this year.

The student artists awards reception will be held in the Gallery at 7 pm Wednesday night.

Sheep Committees Work Together on Concrete Project

The Darke County Junior Fair Sheep and the Darke County Sheep Open Class Committees are working together on major improvements to the Sheep Barn located on the fairgrounds. The first long-term improvement is to add a concrete floor to the entire building. This project will be a great enhancement to the Sheep Barn by providing a smooth walking surface (handicap accessible and less hazardous), eliminating dust and provide a much better exhibition area for not only the Junior Fair and Open Class exhibitors but the general fairgoers visiting the barn.

The concrete project has been approved by the Darke County Fairboard; however, it will be the responsibility of the committees to fund the project. Their goal is to raise the funds by May 1st in order to have the project completed for the 2013 Great Darke County Fair. If this date is not achieved, the project will continue and completion date will be for the 2014 fair.

Thanks to generous sponsors, they are on our way to reaching their goal. However, they are still looking for donations in any amount. Recognition will be displayed in the barn for all donors, however, donors making contributions in the amount of $1,000 or more will be given special recognition of their sponsorship for the next ten years.

Interested parties that would like to make a donation can send their donations to Darke County Sheep Barn Improvement, Amy Hanes, Committee Treasurer, 9136 Stoner Rd., Union City, OH 45390 by May 1st if possible. Additional questions can be directed to Josh Hanes (937-459-2475) or Chuck Willcox (937-997-2265) Evening calls preferred.

The committee appreciates all the donors for partnering with them as their generosity is a long-term investment in the Junior Fair and Open Class Sheep exhibitors.

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