Thursday, December 3, 2009

“Climate Change” Fraud Dashes Career of Aussie Leader

Could Obama be next?

Several months ago in our fight against Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) in Darke County, we warned the politicos of both parties (all of whom were silent on the issue at the time) that a bet on Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) – Climate Change would be a bet on a short career as a politician. Unfortunately Malcolm Turnbull, an Australian cap-and-trade proponent failed to heed our warning. “Early last week the leader of Australia’s Conservative Opposition, Malcolm Turnbull, announced he had reached agreement with the government to implement cap-and-trade, thus binding his party to support it in Parliament en bloc.”

But just as we had stated in our previous article entitled Cap and Trade is Dead for a Good Reason, “a funny thing happened on the way to the Senate: the Australian public woke up.” To quote Al Gore: “An inconvenient truth” emerged i.e. the fact that the IPCC report on global warming was based on unwarranted confident predictions of catastrophe from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) and on manipulated climate data at best and outright fraud at the worst. Several reporters in the most prominent news media have already made these revelations, but perhaps one of the more authoritative was Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, (Professor of Meteorology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology) whose essay appeared in the Wall Street Journal December 1, 2009 entitled “The Climate Science Isn’t Settled” is worth reading.

In spite of the damming information, Turnbull refused to back down, staking his entire reputation and future on his passionate support for cap-and-trade. “So on early Tuesday morning, opposition parliamentarians met and voted to replace him. For the first time since 1916, the leader of a major Australian political party was deposed on the grounds of just one policy decision: the decision to support cap-and-trade.”

Interestingly Obama’s science advisor, John Holdren, undeterred by these revelations, continues to urge lawmakers act on cap-and-trade in spite of the dire consequences such a bill will have on our economy and the taxes paid by the average American that are estimated to increase by at least $1500 per year per person if such legislation is enacted.

We respectfully urge President Obama to remain in Washington and focus on the cornucopia of horrendous issues this country faces. In his place and as a vote of confidence to his team, Vice President Joe Biden, well respected by colleagues and internationally, should be sent to Copenhagen to represent the United States of America regarding this seriously flawed agenda. Of course, for the President, having received the Nobel Prize and with the heavy investment of his party in the Gore-ified science of “climate change”, this may be a very difficult switch at this late date. On the other hand, failing to do so, the “climate change” issue could expose our President to a fate not unlike that of Malcolm Turnbull.

We respect and support this President, although differing on many of his ambitious policies and initiatives.

Charles E. Reier MD
Rebecca A. Reier

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