Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reds star Tom Browning visits Ft. Recovery

Former Reds pitcher Tom Browning visited Ft. Recovery Wednesday night. Browning received a warm welcome from Thienman's Sports Bar & Grill, and shared old baseball stories with some friends before visiting with several fans and signing autographs. Browning's greatest baseball feats were pitching a perfect game (one of just 16 in history) and winning a World Series with the 1990 Reds. But his most memorable story is the time he left a Reds-Cubs game in 1993 to watch an inning from a rooftop across the street from the ballpark, in full view of his manager who then fined him $1,000.

[State Rep. Jim Zehringer has been waiting 20 years to have his Reds World Series Wheaties box signed;
Sharon Zehringer is on the right]

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