Monday, May 31, 2010

Flower Show at Garst Museum - June 26 & 27

Irma Heiser, Ladybug; Lila Pinney, Sun and Fun;
Barbara Rhoades, Wildflower, and Pam Clark, Garden Girls.
The Darke County Association of Garden Clubs will hold a flower show at Garst Museum on June 26 and 27 in celebration of Annie Oakley’s 150th birthday and the ”Year of Annie Oakley”. The theme of the show is “Annie, the Pride of Darke County”.

The Darke County Association of Garden Clubs is comprised of the Butterflies Junior Garden Club, Garden Girls, Ladybug, Sun and Fun, and Wildflower Garden Clubs. Ladies from the Arcanum Garden Club will be staging the Annie Oakley invitational to welcome guests when they enter the museum. Hours will be Saturday, June 26, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and Sunday, June 27, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Charlene Thornhill, President of the Darke County Association of Garden Clubs, said, “The Darke County Association of Garden Clubs is looking forward to the "Annie, the Pride of Darke County" flower show as it has been sometime since we have staged a show at the museum . (we have had Christmas shows in the past). With the 150th Celebration of Annie Oakley's birthday, it is exciting for our organization to be able to create designs that depicted a part of Annie's life. Besides the creativity of the designs, the clubs will share their horticulture abilities in classes such as Roses, Hosta, Lilies, Hemerocalis and other named plant varieties”.

For further information, please call the museum at 548-5250.

1 comment:

  1. Garst Museum reports that guests using the side entrance for the Flower Show, will not have to pay an admission. If guests wish to also tour the rest of the museum, usual admission fees apply.


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