Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My goodness: the I-75 Jesus statue struck down from above

The statue before the fire
The real Jesus can conquer all, but the famous Jesus statue on I-75 in Monroe ... not quite as infallible.

A lighting strike late Monday night caused the statue to catch fire, and it was quickly destroyed. Here's some friendly advice to the Solid Rock Church: next time you construct a statue of the Son of God, don't use a lot of styrofoamIt burns fast.

It would be easy to dismiss this as a freak lightning strike, but could it mean something more? To a lot of people the statue was a punchline - the so-called touchdown Jesus ... big butter Jesus ... and many other names, not to mention all the idiots who did this.

Can we get some input from JP?


  1. the second commandment says it all.'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

  2. Obviously they are worshipping the wrong deity or he doesn't exist.

  3. The statue was a perfect addition to the structure behind it. The site is a low-lying plain, and the "Solid Rock Church" is built totally upon fill material, making an obviously accurate metaphor.

  4. you can bet his ass got burn't. oh, my god

  5. Wikepedia has the full story of it's destruction.


  6. He'll rise again in 3 days.

    Also, you can second guess the use of styrofoam, but how long did it stand before this was an issue?

    Long live the freakishly large and slightly scary image of Christ.

  7. yes I am a Jesus freak !June 15, 2010 at 9:38 AM

    My family and I always enjoyed it as a landmark on trips. It was always the "touchdown Jesus". But the important thing to remember is it is just a man made object that can be destroyed and lost. The true love of Jesus will always be with you. Even those who mock.

  8. Amen! 9:38 Well said. Thank You>

  9. Reminds me of the golden calf. This morning the pastor said they would have it rebuilt. He's asking for it.

  10. They will replace it with a golden calf.

  11. The faithful of this church have seemingly exempted themselves from the 2nd of the Ten Commandments. Are they a part of the movement to have them displayed at government buildings?

  12. Do you realize what you could do to help people with $700,000! Any church that uses God's money for something as dumb as that shouldn't be dumb enough to build it again....though they will

  13. I believe in Jesus...but not in the form of a $700,000 statue along I-75.


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