UPDATE: voting for the final Flick on 5th ends Friday, July 30th at noon. Get in your vote now in the poll to the left (it is a close race this time).
The threat of a thunderstorm slightly dampened the turnout Thursday night for the second installment of the 2010 Flicks on 5th. Still, a great crowd of 250 showed up to watch The Lion King. Thanks to all who showed up, along with the sponsors: Harry D. Stephens Foundation, GTI, Greenville National Bank, Leis Realty, Kiwanis Club of Greenville, Law Office of Jason Aslinger, Buchy Foods, Rep. Jim Zehringer, Steve and Eileen Litchfield, and John and Ginger Warner. And the entire program is made possible by the hard work and dedication of Main Street Greenville.

The final 2010 Flick on 5th will be August 19th, and as with the previous two, DarkeJournal readers will pick the flick. Here are your choices (vote in the poll at the top of this page).
Facing the Giants Rated PG 2006
Hoosiers Rated PG 1987
Free Willy Rated PG 1993
The Karate Kid Rated PG 1984
was just wondering who did the paint job at the rec center at south park? and is it going to be finished or stay half-done? also, what happened to the lagoons at the city park? why do they always seem like they are empty aund dry?