Ohio Revised Code Section 2925.01(R) defines "school premises" as meaning either of the following: (1) The parcel of real property on which any school is situated, whether or not any instruction, extracurricular activities, or training provided by the school is being conducted on the premises at the time a criminal offense is committed; (2) Any other parcel of real property that is owned or leased by a board of education of a school, the governing authority of a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code, or the governing body of a nonpublic school for which the state board of education prescribes minimum standards under section 3301.07 of the Revised Code and on which some of the instruction, extracurricular activities, or training of the school is conducted, whether or not any instruction, extracurricular activities, or training provided by the school is being conducted on the parcel of real property at the time a criminal offense is committed.
The City of Greenville has prepared several maps depicting the so-called "buffer zones" under the current sex offender residency law. A portion of one map is shown immediately below.
The map above has a blue dot on the residence at 449-451 East Third Street, also known as "The Fitzpatrick House." The map clearly shows the Fitzpatrick House within the 1000 foot buffer from East School. Separate analysis - apart from the City's map - confirms the parcel to be within the 1000 foot zone. You can do your own measurements on the City of Greenville Zoning Map, if you wish.
As late as June of this year, there were three registered sex offenders listed on the DCSO website as residing at either 449 or 451 East Third Street. Currently, there are no registered sex offenders listed as residing in the Fitzpatrick House.
[The blue dot and arrow above were added to the City's map.]
UPDATE: Video embedded with permission of WDTN. Also check out Kennan Oliphant's written report here. (Bumped for the video.)
As late as June of this year, there were three registered sex offenders listed on the DCSO website as residing at either 449 or 451 East Third Street. Currently, there are no registered sex offenders listed as residing in the Fitzpatrick House.
[The blue dot and arrow above were added to the City's map.]
UPDATE: Video embedded with permission of WDTN. Also check out Kennan Oliphant's written report here. (Bumped for the video.)
UPDATE II: for the second time in a little over a month, a sex offender living at 116 Ludlow Street (Greenville) was arrested for a parole violation. Sex offender C.L. was arrested Friday morning (8/20), while former resident J.M. was arrested on July 16th.
I'm not trying to start somethin', but that circle does not look like a true circle to me. It looks almost oval. Just sayin...
ReplyDeleteit's 1000 feet from the property line. Since the property line is not a perfect circle, neither is the perimeter it creates.
ReplyDeleteJP, it's 1000 feet from the boundary of east school. that's why it's not a perfect circle.
ReplyDeleteThank you to whoever did their homework on this one.
ReplyDeleteIsn't the city discussing bumping to 1500 feet?
ReplyDeleteThis is a joke, where has our law enforcement been???? Someome has been asleep at the wheel. We need to hold our police,judges,and probation department acountable for not enforcing this law.
ReplyDeleteAlso why is there a sex offeneder living less than a block away from the Jr. High, Lets all start calling Law Enforcement and Probation Dept. demanding that they start doing their job
Darke County- where the public officials are afriad of doing their jobs, well until someone complains or provides them the law. If the City cared they would board up the sex offender house tomorrow morning and tell JG to stick it. But they will not
ReplyDeleteahhhh it now reaches "Darke County Corruption" as they refuse to enforce the law and allow thier citizens to be in danger. Sad. I agree with you 1:19. They should immediatley, but they won't....It must bring in money or it would be gone yesterday. Money = greed, greed = power, power = corruption. Knowing full well the citizens are against this and they continue on, its looking a bit like DC. Good to know right before election time. `
ReplyDeleteIt is my understanding that JG, (Mr. Preacher) has threatened to sue the city if they go ahead with this buffer. Nice of a preacher man to threat a civil lawsuit, isnt it?? It's pathetic what this man is doing, and continues to do!
ReplyDeletehonestly, does it matter if a sex offender is 1000 ft away or 3000 ft away or just across the street??? if a sex offender is going to commit a crime against a minor they will find a way to do it...i am a parent and i know the law, but when it comes right down to it distance is not going to do anything. just saying.
ReplyDeleteSeveral of these comments indicate that their authors consider sex offender convictions to be life sentences. "Don't confuse us with the facts of who is most likely to commit such offenses or who is most likely to re-offend." Let's just mindlessly follow the fearmongers. Do your fellow citizens a favor and research the facts with ODRC. Freedom of speech implies responsibility, not verbal diarrhea.
ReplyDeleteJust think if you would have passed the school levy then they can live in a bigger area with those schools gone!!!
ReplyDelete"Several of these comments indicate that their authors consider sex offender convictions to be life sentences.".....Serious?? No, the victims are the ones with the life sentence as a result of these people's sick behavior! The victims are scarred for life!! So...NO! I do not feel guilty passing judgement on these people even though people like you feel like they've done their time! If you are so worried about them, open up YOUR home to them, if you are so sure they will not reoffend!
ReplyDeleteOh..and one more thing 8:08...Stand up and let your head breathe!
ReplyDeletePerhaps it should be a life sentence, it certainly is for the victim.
ReplyDeleteWow Doug. Bravo on the deep thinking.
ReplyDeleteIf you committed a sex crime...it is a life sentence. Period. The victim has to live with those sick actions forced upon them, and the offender should be put away for life for doing such things. I will never change my mind on this issue. Don't tell me that you won't re-offend. Don't tell me that you're sorry. Don't tell me that you can live a "productive" life again if people would just leave you alone. You are a sexual criminal and you always will be (8:08).
ReplyDeleteThat house may be out of the perimeter, but how many kids (and people in general) walk by it everyday with a sick person watching them and probably thinking, "wow...fresh meat".
Have any of you read Les Misérables? While the justice system has it's flaws, someone that has served their time shouldn't be placed in a secondary society (Its a bit late to start sending our convicts to Australia). Rather than attack the results of the current laws, wouldn't the effort placed this issue be better utilized lobbying for tougher sentences and longer probation periods for sex offenders?
ReplyDelete12:42 How about not being allowed to export these animals into another county? My heart bleeds for these guys.
ReplyDeleteSex offenders are criminals of the worst kind. This is because they force themselves on to someone else against their will for "pleasure". Why shouldn't they be a "second class citizen"? They certainly show no class by molestation of others-especailly children.
ReplyDeleteSex offenders are the worst kind. We have to protect our children, but not all have attacked children. We need to make sure that the woman of Greenville along with the children are all safe. Maybe JG should think what if it was his family on the recieving end of one of the attacks. I doubt he would be quick to defend them.
ReplyDeleteall a elected officials in darke county should be all over this sex offenders and ex-cons we dont need to be spending out tax dollars on out of the county sex offenders and ex- fellons my ansewer would be run dr. john graham out of darke county (THIS IS ABOUT OUR KIDS BEING SAFE ) THANK YOU CRAIG FRANCIS
ReplyDeleteI am surprised by how many opinions and strong ones at that have been posted on this subject matter but in Darke County fashion...no names left to the ownership of the post(s).
ReplyDeleteIf you believe in something so much, post your name. Either way you swing the bat at least have a backbone and own up to your words. These boards are nothing more then a place for more Darke County gossip and people hiding behind their close minded comments as always.
Grow a pair or pull the USB on that keyboard and just shut up. As for the sex offenders who abuse children...they wouldn't have to worry about a circle or buffer if my child was the victim because their only surrounding would be a lot of cold Earth.
ReplyDeleteYour point is well taken. However, in forums such as these, anonymity simultaneously increases the amount of "closed mindedness" as well as the amount of open, honest feedback from people who may feel intimidated in a public place.
You, as a reader, are responsible for how to interpret the posts. You can disregard the ones without real names if you'd like. Or, you can simply disregard the nonsense.
I prefer to judge the value of the comments on the comment itself, rather than the name attached to it. You are free to do as you like.
All crimes that are committed against another person impact them for the rest of their lives wether they are considered prosecutable or not. Why just limit it to sex offenders? I was treated horribly by the numbskulls I went to school with as a child and some of those things still impact me to this day. This is where the small mindedness that permeates Greenville frustrates me so much comes into play… Who's to say that these sex offenders weren't also offended against? I'm not excusing them for their misdeeds, but it is better to be a part of the solution than a part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteThis is in response to Charles Sneed's comment a week or so ago. I am glad to see that someone other than I is doing the math on the school levies. Read Ohio Revised Code Title 57 (5705) for more information. I meant to comment earlier than this but, I was sidetracked with other issues.