The individuals of Company C, 1st Louisiana Volunteer Infantry have a keen interest in living history, in particular to this time period. The re-enactors are not following a script, but instead they have studied their chosen time period in enough detail that they can perform daily functions in period manner. When they come into camp they literally try to step back to the Civil War in the attire, food, speech, attitudes, and activities.
In 1861, at the start of the Civil War, Louisiana formed thirteen regiments of infantry. Twelve of which made the long trip to Northern Virginia to form what became known to history as the 1st and 2nd Louisiana Brigades. Company C in particular was organized in 1858 as a state militia unit. The company was patterned after the French North African Zouave units, adopting the Zouave style of uniforms. They were referred to by General Lee as his “Shock Troops” because they would often lead the way in many battles. Some of these battles were Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg, and Chancellors Ville, earning them the name Louisiana Tigers.
Things that will be appearing during the encampment are drills that were done by the company during the war. Come checkout what camp life was like when soldiers were not in battle. Make sure to check out the firing demonstrations by the re-enactors of the various weapons that were used by the infantry. For more information please contact Darke County Parks at 937-548-0165 or at or info@darkecountyparks.org.
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