UPDATE: How about a little perspective? Darke County's best school (Versailles) would be tied for the worst in Mercer County as far as meeting the state indicators: Celina Excellent with Distinction 25, Coldwater Excellent 26, Fort Recovery Excellent 26, Marion Excellent 26, Parkway Excellent 25, St. Henry Excellent 26. Minster and New Bremen - just outside of Mercer County - each also scored a perfect 26.
Since some people objected to the form of the previous graph, here is one utilizing percentages (rather than raw numbers) of state indicators met. Refer to the prior story for more explanation if necessary.
What, no Bradford or Mississinawa?
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should look at each school's index score, which is aside from the # of indicators met (which seems by nature a poor way to judge a district, 10 yes or no options aren't as transparent as 10 sliding scale measurements).
ReplyDeleteBased on the index score, Greenville improved more than anyone in the county (Tied with MV). Other schools all regressed by some margin, but it does show the improvement that this measure leaves open to interpretation.
It doesn't mean that the school is great or that we should throw a party, but it makes you reassess the assumption that "all does teacherz are over paid and dunt do der jerbs so imma vote no!"
I agree. I can't speak for Bradford, but as a teacher at Mississinawa I would like the public to see the improvement we have made throughout the past three or four years. When taken into account with our socio-economic disadvantages, it is quite drastic!
ReplyDeleteDick Wade you are an idiot, not everyone who voted no is an uneducated hillbilly.
ReplyDeleteCharlie Fuller, you are an imbecile.
ReplyDeleteSee? Unfounded insults are easy.
If you read 10% of the comments regarding the levy on here for the past 6 months, you'd know that MANY of the people who voted no are uneducated hillbillies, or at the very least, provide that perception of themselves.
Just because you voted no and may not be an uneducated hillbilly, doesn't mean that there aren't 20 hill jacks behind you yodeling about the school board.
Who is this dick wade? one of greenville's intra-breeds?
ReplyDeleteDick, how do you know I voted no? The fact is I voted yes. My point is not everyone who voted no is an uneducated hillbilly. You are the person who the levy supporters do not need. By insulting the no voters, do you really think you are going to change their minds? People like you have proably pissed off alot of fence sitters (people who wasn't sure how they were going to vote). Guess what, How do you think these people voted? My guess is they voted no, because someone called them names and insulted them.