Tuesday, August 10, 2010

National Health Center Week Recognized in Darke County

Family Health Services of Darke County is joining other community health centers across the country in celebrating National Health Center Week (NHCW), August 8-14. “Celebrating America's Health Centers: Turning the Vision into Reality” is the theme for the week, highlighting the contributions of community health centers in improving the health and quality of life of our citizens. This is the first celebration of NHCW since the enactment of the landmark health reform law, which provides a direct investment to strengthen primary care through the expansion of community health centers.

Community health centers ensure access to primary and preventative health care, integrating behavioral health, pharmacy, dental and support services, for over 18 million people in the United States. Health centers will expand their capacity to double the number of patients to 40 million in five years under health reform, saving the U.S. health care system as much as $300 billion over the next ten years.

Darke County Commissioners and Family Health representatives kicked-off the week’s events with a proclamation officially designating August 8-14 as “National Health Center Week” in Darke County. Special acknowledgement was given to Family Health for their effort and commitment in providing fully integrated, affordable and high quality health care to Darke County residents. Family Health is recognized as one of the premier, model health centers in the country in managing chronic disease, promoting wellness, demonstrating cost effectiveness and empowering citizens to engage in healthy behaviors. The health center maintains an active roster of approximately 25,000 registered patients and provides numerous wellness, education and support services to the community at large.

In honor of “National Health Center Week”, Family Health will conduct a ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of its new dental wing, celebrating a significant milestone in its mission of “Building Healthy Lives…together”. The community is invited to join local and state officials at this significant event.

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