Friday, September 17, 2010

Children’s Art-Rageous Classes Begin

Does your child have an interest in art? The Art-Rageous Experience – Children’s Art Class is beginning classes on October 2, and is now enrolling children. In these classes children experience different kinds of art each Saturday morning along with the support and encouragement of their parent or other adult. The first 6 week session will begin with the basics of drawing; they will work on different projects each week, learn about different drawing techniques, and new artists.

These classes are fun, age appropriate, and keep children’s mind and hands busy! The classes are sponsored by Council on Rural Services and taught by an experienced teacher/artist at a local downtown Greenville setting. There is one class for 4-5-6-7 year olds and another for 8-9-10 year olds.

Each class gives children a chance to explore and learn about different kinds of art and artists. Some great art projects are planned for this year, including drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, and pottery coil pots, just to name a few. Classes may also include a field trip to an art exhibit, outdoor “plein air” drawing or a visiting artist.

We believe that fine art is an important part of a child’s education. Art programs help young children get a complete educational experience; it develops the capacity to think critically, enhances academic achievement, and helps children develop self esteem and a sense of competence and accomplishment.

Fees for the classes are family affordable, with full scholarships available. These classes are also supported by funds from national and local foundations.

To enroll your child in this class, call Council on Rural Services at 1-866-627-4557 and ask for Debby Brayfield.

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