We won again. It should be three strikes your out. Don’t believe it. That’s not the way this gang plays.
I’m told they have spent over sixty thousand dollars on the past three elections. They tried everything to get votes. They raided nursing homes. They brow beat and harassed practically every business and professional person in town into publicly supporting them. Because of voter fatigue they almost won ……………………… ALMOST.
A lot of you voters who opposed this bond issue didn’t get off your donkeys and go vote because you thought the past seven hundred vote cushion would hold up. Listen up now. I’m going to make you mad as hell. The pure arrogance of Susie Riegle and this school board is unbelievable.
I’m told that on July 27, 2010 before the vote on the school bond was held these people had a meeting and handed out five raises. Four for ten thousand dollars a year and one for seventeen thousand. That’s right seventeen thousand dollar raise in this economy. There are families in Greenville struggling to survive on seventeen thousand a year. I was also told the head of the teachers union was in attendance. What would be your guess the message was he carried back to the teachers who also want a raise. Can you fathom the stupidity of this action at this time?
To be fair I understand the Bill Funderburg wasn’t at this meeting and didn’t vote. I’m told he tried to get the school board to rescind the raises and they refused. However he did support the new school.
I understand the Greenville school system has seven assistant Superintendents and principals. Why? If a Superintendent or Principal can’t handle their job they should be replaced by someone that can.
School teachers are required to work eight hundred ninety hours a year. Check out the salaries of these people. Now figure out how much they make per hour. Mad yet? Good. Stay mad until the next election that will be coming. Next time get off your donkeys and vote.
Tax payers think about this. This gang of spend thrifts want us to spend one third of our lives paying for something the majority of us don’t want.
The first thing we need to do is get rid of the entire school board. Next we need to fire Susie Riegle. In today’s job market I guarantee you we can find someone qualified to do her job for seventy five thousand dollars a year. Why should we pay her exorbitant salary while she tries to destroy us financially?
Take notice school board and Madame Superintendent. Repair our schools. Make them safe for the children. Then get off our over taxed backs or prepare for a dog fight like you have not faced before. You people have had a free pass up till now. No more. We will organize. We won’t spend as much money as you do but we will spend it smarter. We will teach you how to really play hard ball. Here is a free example.
Most of the business and professional people publicly supported you the last time. These people should consider that there are more of us than there are of you. We would be fools to put money into the pockets of people that are helping to take money out of our pockets. We can vote with our pocket book and our feet. Some times you have to take a town apart before you can fix it. Get the message?
The fact is we can not afford this colossal debt they want to pile on us. We need to use any means at our disposal to defeat them.
Stay Tuned, Don Wright
[note from DarkeJournal: in an effort to verify some of the statements above, it appears that raises were given as Mr. Wright describes, but it occurred at a meeting on July 20th - and the figures cited are not correct. The school board minutes can be read here.]
No matter what the topic, you always produce a lot of hot air. Thanks Don. You always seem to have the answer, so why don't you run for an office and fix all that's wrong if it were so easy to fix. You should at least speak respectfully.
ReplyDeleteNice point, Don? when are you going to run for office?
ReplyDeleteRESPECT think about this.How much do they respect the voters none.Cause if they did they wouldnt have spent 60,000 trying to get something past that the people have all ready said they didnt want.Don is right and if he ran for office I would vote for him.Hell I would vote for a teenager if I thought he could do a better job than ms riegle and i think no i know they are some students at greenville sr high that could do a better job
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm just getting old---but Don is starting to make sense!!!!
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I think that he's on to something!!!! Speaks what many of us think.
ReplyDeleteGo, Don! Will stay tuned. I agree that We need somebody else as Super-Maybe you should take the last comment seriously and run. How hard could it be to beat her right now?
ReplyDeleteFor your information Mr. Wright, teachers are required to work AT LEAST ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE hours a year. That's AT THE LEAST 182 days for 7 and a half hours per day... and some teachers work more days than that.
ReplyDeleteAND that's only the time we are to be in our classrooms/buildings. That does NOT include the countless hours we spend OUTSIDE the school day grading papers, preparing lessons and spending our OWN money on supplies for our classrooms.
It also does NOT include the hours OUTSIDE of the school day that we are required by the state of Ohio to spend in Professional Development and/or in graduate classes in order to maintain our teaching licenses which, by the way, we have to spend our OWN money to enroll in. Have you priced a graduate class lately, Mr. Wright?????
Add to all of this the fact that a great many of the GCS teachers live in Greenville and are property owners, meaning we have to PAY the levy taxes just like everyone else, BUT we also have to pay MUCH more out of our pockets in order to not only do our best for our students but also to do what it takes to keep ourselves eligible for our jobs!
You are entitled to your own opinion about the bond issue, etc, but you had better check your facts before you malign teachers. You are wherever it is you are today because SOMEONE took the TIME and spent their own money in order to do what it took to teach you.
Shame on you....
ReplyDeleteYes, Don seems to know it all, doesn't he? He refers to the empty robes and the slow boys. Perhaps he's the empty head!
ReplyDelete"Some times you have to take a town apart before you can fix it."
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the best examples one can provide of how to cut off your nose to spite your face. How much further should we let our town/schools decline before we start to rebuild? Mr. Wright, I've not seen you toss your hat in the ring for school board or county comish, all you seem to do is ridicule others, but you offer no good solutions, and you are not willing to step up. Why is that?
"Repair our schools. Make them safe for the children."
This takes more money than to build a new building. Are you prepared to pass a levy for more money to repair the schools than it would cost to build new. Where should the money come from to repair the current buildings?
"I guarantee you we can find someone qualified to do her job for seventy five thousand dollars a year." A but to fill the seat for $75K/yr does not guarantee quality!
Since this is YOUR guarantee... Mr. Wright, are you willing to pay the difference if we can't find a quality candidate for that price?
Well floks, you listened to the braying jackass, and you got what you deserved. Hope you're satisified. Just ask yourself this, what has this jackass offered other than name-calling and bitching. Anything constrctive or useful to make Greenville a better palce? Hell no! You're taking advice from tho owner of the Office Bar, a really classy place in its day...right.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Greenville are afraid for their town, but aren't looking in the right direction. A new building(s) will not solve the problems within the school system. The individuals who work there know this. The school system is mismanaging the resources they are given. A new building will not change this. The same force that collected for the CO2 problem should focus their energy on the school. If it weren't for those raises, that levy would have passed. Everyone for the levy should be furious about this, because the people who were pushing the levy the hardest, were given raises for their overtime they put on the levy. Don's article may be rough, but he is making a point that even the most determined levy supporter cannot deny.
ReplyDeleteDon makes some great points and should be commended for speaking up against the raises of the administrative staff that performs poorly at their jobs. However, the comments about Bill Funderburg should be spruced up a bit. If Don actually took the time to read most of the meeting minutes, he would have seen that most of the votes are 4 to 1 a majority of the time. Funderburg may be the only one doing an honest and ethical job in there. DJ, if you were smart you would get an interview and insight from Bill. Mr. Wright, maybe you should also show some positive attention towards those who are trying to make a difference. As far as the rest of them go, it's sad, and I am afraid that if this is the only corruption that we do know of, there is probably more. For instance, how unusual is it that Riegle doesn't even live in the Greenville District? At one point in time, Greenville was a community of school administrators that had ethical intentions and respectful reputations. What happened?
ReplyDeleteMr. Justice,
ReplyDeleteYou have made the most accurate, thoughtful comment on this whole episode. Many people may not like them, but like Mr. Wright, there is much truth and power in your words.
Mr. Justice,
ReplyDeleteYou have made the most accurate, truthful comment on this entire episode. While many people may not like them, like those of Mr. Wright, there is much power in your words.
I tend to agree with Mr Wright. People are taxed enough on what little money they bring home. If school employees are getting thousands of dollars of raises, those raises could of been sit aside for repairs. Most of us are not getting raises due to the economy. They should feel guilty. Most business are very "top heavy". Managers that have to have managers etc. It now takes 3 people to do the job of one! I totally agree, if one person can't do the job then get rid of them. People are just lazy when it comes to their jobs. Our state of affairs would be a whole lot better off if people got off their duffs and did their work. Hats off to Don, very few people are afraid to speak their mind and if more did things sure would be a lot better off.
ReplyDeleteWow,the ignorance of some. "I would vote for him or even a teenager instead of Ms. Reigle"???? When exactly do you vote for superindentant?? I don't recall that on a ballot, maybe because it is not an elected office. I think Don is over taking Al B. as the town blow hard.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if these raises actually occurred but, if they had, it would have been no excuse for voting against the levy. This is not an "us vs. them" situation. There is only us. If we don't build a school it probably won't impact grades. It WILL impact who is willing to live here.
ReplyDeleteWith most things, 15 per cent of the population support the other 85. Whether its taxes, philanthropy, volunteerism. Like it or not, those 15% people are leaving this community (or not coming in the first place). To those 15%, quality schools are critical. Without them, the remaining 85% suffer.
To the teacher who did not have the guts to use their name. might I suggest a career change? I am so sick of whining crybaby teachers I could puke. There is an old adage.."too lazy to work and to nervous to steal be a teacher". I think that applies to most teachers. Who exactly forced you to become a teacher? You are overpaid and you know it. It is teachers like you and people like Reigle who make people want to vote no on these levys.
ReplyDeleteJust because you have an opinion does not mean you want to or should run for an office it is just that, an opinion. Mr. Wright is trying to get people to see what is wrong with some of our systems. He may be telling us more than we realize but we are not listening. Just because he owned a not so classy establishment does not mean he does not know what he is talking about. Are all our so called classy places on the up and up and what their owners say is always correct? I think not. People just go with the flow not paying attention to what our elected officials are doing until it's done and too late. Or as in some cases they do what they want to do no matter what. You can bet if the schools did not need our money 121 would have a school there now. The same thing is happening with our downtown area. I think Mr. Wright knows more of what is going on in our county than most.
ReplyDeleteI am reading so much criticism of everything, our elected officials, our societal systems, our teachers, our businessmen, our town... so MUCH criticism yet not one constructive suggestion for improvement. Just what constitutes a "better job"? One shouldn't criticize if one cannot offer a plausible resolution for the supposed problem.
ReplyDeleteThe people in these positions are just people afterall and they are doing the best they know how to do. I seriously doubt that any of them have malicious intent against the rest of the people in this town or even this country.
If all you can do is harrangue, you are not contributing to the solution, you have become part of the problem.
I am constantly amazed at the lack of repect this community has for it's teachers. They are far from overpaid in Ohio. That's why so many get experience here and then go to Indiana.
ReplyDeleteThe raises were NOT appropriate. The Ohio system across the board is over paying the top level people. That level is completely unaware of what the citizens are experiencing.
Mr Wright may not be comfortable for the politically correct, but he sees what's happening and speaks up. We do need change and that isn't what those in power want to hear.
9:55, you've got it. The rhetoric is overheated (and usually ignorant). I attribute it to the fact that people are struggling. Their worldview (and any community-mindedness they may possess) is soured because they're so down on their luck--no jobs, can't make ends meet, etc.
ReplyDeleteIt's a downward spiral, though. If all these angry people are allowed to prevent progress, those who are interested in making constructive contributions (which might help turn things around) will leave. They may think they won by defeating that levy, but they lost--and there's nothing I could say to change their minds.
Indiana teachers retire on social security--not the lucrative retirement of the Ohio State Teachers Retirement System that allows teachers to retire after 35 years with the same salary they had while working plus an annual 3% cost of living increase. That is why many teachers live in Indiana and work in Ohio, thus avoiding the high taxes in Ohio and enjoying the wages and benefits of being an Ohio teacher. See Buckeye Institute.org for teacher salaries in Ohio.
ReplyDeleteThe decisions by the school board are merely carried out by the superintendent---not necessarily her ideas. We elect the board members, remember.
ReplyDeleteI think if you check into how the raises were made, you will discover it quite the opposite of what you believe.
All of you are just nuts...This is why my home is for sale (sale probably going to happen this week), and why we open enrolled our 3 kids in another district this year. I used to like Greenville and it's people very much. But no more. I'm taking my business and tax money to a community that wants to improve...not only try to improve the schools but the community itself.
ReplyDeleteAll of this "opinion" and "fighting" is just tearing this once great town apart, and most of you are too close minded to see it.
Sorry to see ya go. Hope you're moving out of state!
ReplyDeleteNope...still in the county because I LIKE Darke County. You missed my point, friend. There have been quite a few people like me (working, involved, etc.) leaving Greenville because of all this closed mindedness. As more renters and wal-mart lovers come in, the worse the community will become. And that, my friends is sad. I'm tired of trying to make Greenville a good place again.
ReplyDeleteIf the Gville teachers are spending their own time and money to better their students, then why is Gville schools rating so low? Maybe if teacher/administration attitudes would change for the better and show it in the ratings, then just maybe there would be new schools worth building.
ReplyDeleteOn salaries, teachers think they have it so rough, at least they have a steady decent paying job with benefits, come out into the working world where most people are working alot more for alot less with no benefits. Granted you have school loans to pay but take a breather and take some freezes and even cuts in pay like the rest of us.
After reading these comments I think how disturbing it is that some of these numbnuts walk among us and can influence any political event. There should be some level of competency other than breathing that gives you the right to vote. For those who are so miserable, you can move to a "better" community. If you think our taxes are bad here, you obviously live in a bubble. Do some search and stop letting people like Don Wright spoon feed you.
ReplyDeleteThe reason for voting no is a simple cost-benefit analysis. The people who voted no, did not think the school needed a new building to improve its situation or tha the new building was worth the cost. I believe a levy for building all new buildings could be passed if the schools made an honest effort to curb costs and improve education. The scores are not tanking due to "retarded kids" or the "poor kids". It is shameful that a teacher would state something like this. They blame the "retarded kids" or "poor kids" for being the problem, but I fail to see how a new building changes "retarded or poor kids". The people that want to live here are desperate to help the community, but are being directed incorrectly. The money in the school is not being put to work for the kids' benefit. Don's letter obviously was triggered by the raises that were given while at the same time the administration requested a levy. An effort of good faitb by the administration and teachers would reducing expenses/salaries would be the best way to get a levy passed. This needs to occur to prove commitment to the children.
ReplyDeleteDon it just telling it like it is. I agree if people want to leave the community go right ahead. They all have new achools so it is obvious why they want to move. No new school I am moving..............boo hoo. Check the taxes and be prepared. I love how Don can get people stirred up. Keep em coming !!
ReplyDeleteDon Wright is a total idiot. Who is this guy anyway? I've responded to his letters to the editor (in the Daily Agravate) before, but I've never understood who he is. Why do people care what he has to say? He is full of nothing but hate. Can't stand the guy and I have no clue who he is!
ReplyDeleteThe reason for voting no is a simple cost-benefit analysis. The people who voted no, did not think the school needed a new building to improve its situation or tha the new building was worth the cost. I believe a levy for building all new buildings could be passed if the schools made an honest effort to curb costs and improve education. The scores are not tanking due to "retarded kids" or the "poor kids". It is shameful that a teacher would state something like this. They blame the "retarded kids" or "poor kids" for being the problem, but I fail to see how a new building changes "retarded or poor kids". The people that want to live here are desperate to help the community, but are being directed incorrectly. The money in the school is not being put to work for the kids' benefit. Don's letter obviously was triggered by the raises that were given while at the same time the administration requested a levy. An effort of good faitb by the administration and teachers would reducing expenses/salaries would be the best way to get a levy passed. This needs to occur to prove commitment to the children.
ReplyDeleteI personally don't know Don Wright, but I do get a chuckle out of him. Everything he says and writes: Is his OWN opinion. That is his "Wright". I think he says things, just to make you think. People may not care for him, but ya know, he has the guts to ruffle feathers. The school ground was bought, pretty hush hush, you didn't hear about it, until it was a done deal. Why wasn't that voted on by the taxpayers? They needed the peoples vote for the school, but not for the ground??
ReplyDeleteI would probably vote for a new school, IF it would not effect our real estate taxes. We cannot afford our taxes to go up any more.
Why can't they have a sales tax for darke county and EVERYONE pays for it, not just home owners. Could someone explain that to me? Get alittle savings, instead of building and worrying about how we would pay for it, and that is exactly what would have happened. then we would have another levy to face to keep it operating. It seems to me, a good leader, being a coucilman, city father, school board member, should spend, as if it was coming out of their own pocket, not just the change purse, but the whole billfold, things would be handled alittle different.
But getting back to Don Wright, it doesn't hurt to see both sides of the city.... no matter what side of the tracks you are from.
why doesn't Ms Reigle live in the greenville school district??
ReplyDeleteIt is sad, that over 25 of our Greenville City School children have left our school to go to others. It isn't because of our buildings
I am a teacher in Darke County. I feel bad for the students on Greenville Schools, not because they are not getting a new building, but because everyone seems to think that is the reason the students are not doing well. I am also disheartened to hear that teachers in Greenville District refer to students as "retarded" or "dumb" Every child is unique in their own way and deserves repect and a quality education. I teach in an old building with lots of issues, but our students excell and it is due to the effort of the staff, administration, and families in the district. Please for the sake of the children and future of our county, forget the past and work towards educating these students the way they deserve-building or no building!
ReplyDeleteI hope the children are learning history. The reason for studying history is to learn from the past so that mistakes aren't repeated. The school district should show their commitment to financial responsibility so people like Don Wright would have no fuel for an article.
ReplyDelete@Anon 8/12 9:42PM- Why would you make a sales tax for Darke County regarding GCS? The Versailles and Arcanum residents are to pay for our school now? Doesn't make much sense does it? Everyone does pay for it through a real estate tax. Who doesn't? Renters? Because someone owns that property, and someone pays the tax on it through rent.
ReplyDeleteThe operating levy was built into the last failed levy 8/3.
Still today misconceptions exist due to lack of education whether it be because they didn't hear it or didn't want to hear it.
I have been following the comments on several different articles related to this topic, and in all honesty, I have never read a teacher or anyone else until "Whistle T. Justice" refer to students with the words "retarded" or even "poor kids".
ReplyDeleteI did read a post in which the phrases "special education students", "IEP students" and "economically disadvantaged" were used, and I believe that is also the terminology used on the State Report Cards to refer to those particular groups of students.
But, it is unfair to attribute words in quotes to persons who did not in fact use those words. I think "Mr. Justice" took some liberties there in a very INjustice-like way, especially since now others are joining in and condemning people based entirely upon HIS post.
Even if the words were made to be politically correct. My point still stands Ms. Anonymous.