Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ed Begley Jr. Coming to Union City Saturday

Ed Begley Jr., star of the hit series “Living with Ed”—a look at the day to day realities of “living green”, will be the featured speaker at the 2nd Annual Union City Boomtown event Saturday, October 23rd at Hoosier Place located at 310 N. Walnut St. in Union City, IN.

Boomtown starts at 10 AM with a “New Energies Expo” followed by Ed Begley’s presentation at 1 PM. Then, Ed will sign his book “Ed Begley’s Guide to Sustainable Living” at the Expo at 2 PM.

Come learn about all the advancements in “new energies” taking place in Union City and throughout the region! Tickets are only $10 and are available at: The Corner Cupboard, Jo’s Corner Florist, Old National Bank and Pacesetter bank in Union City; Marco’s Pizza and the Darke County Economic Development Office in Greenville; and the Randolph County Economic Development Office in Winchester.

For more details about Boomtown, visit our website or call 765-964-6009.

"I am thrilled to be the featured speaker at the 2nd Annual Boomtown event in Union City on October 23rd. The Union City Community Economic Development Committee has worked hard to bring this event to the Union City region and I am thoroughly impressed with what this group stands for and, more importantly, what they have accomplished. I encourage everyone to come out and visit the displays that will be set up during the Clean Tech Expo that morning to see examples of how sponsoring companies are creating jobs, saving the environment and reducing costs for consumers all over the world. These sponsors exemplify what it means to recycle and reuse and they demonstrate how money can be made, not lost, by adopting an environmentally responsible lifestyle." ~ Ed Begley, Jr., Actor / Environmentalist


  1. Why would anyone want to walk across the street to see and hear this leftist nutjob treehugger?

  2. to learn.

    something that may not appeal to you, i guess.

  3. There are plenty of us leftist nutjob treehuggers out there who see the TRUE value in a greener future and the economic benefits those industries entail. Ohio is a prime candidate for many of those such jobs with out manufacturing past and the vacancies left open from many industries which have left the area. In addition, if you do a little homework, you will find that Ohio has one of the best energy infrastructures with an ability to not only source much of that energy for our own use, but that of several surrounding states.

    Be you conservative or more liberal in your views, it is obvious how there are multi-dimensional benefits by listening to the ideas of folks like Ed Begley, Jr. who are opening up dialogue and our minds to the possibilities which exist out there.

    I will be attending and I know of several others from the area who also show a strong interest.

    Kudos to forward thinkers who will not only find viable economic advantage in renewable energy and better living through sustainability.

  4. There are plenty of us leftist nutjob treehuggers out there who see the TRUE value in a greener future and the economic benefits those industries entail. Ohio is a prime candidate for many of those such jobs with out manufacturing past and the vacancies left open from many industries which have left the area. In addition, if you do a little homework, you will find that Ohio has one of the best energy infrastructures with an ability to not only source much of that energy for our own use, but that of several surrounding states.

    Be you conservative or more liberal in your views, it is obvious how there are multi-dimensional benefits by listening to the ideas of folks like Ed Begley, Jr. who are opening up dialogue and our minds to the possibilities which exist out there.

    I will be attending and I know of several others from the area who also show a strong interest.

    Kudos to forward thinkers who will not only find viable economic advantage in renewable energy and better living through sustainability.

  5. Some of us non-tree-huggers are 100% in favor of exploring all possible "green" and alternative energies out there. The problem with Ed Begley, and many others like him, is that they have an all-or-nothing approach where all fossil fuels must be eliminated, and sooner rather than later.

    Let's explore all opportunities.

  6. Even if his stance is perceived as all or nothing by some- Ed Beagley has some very valuable insight on the subject.

    You say potatoe, I say potato.In the end we all need feed. I more farmers bring something to the harvest, the heartier the stew!

    “For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions, even on important subjects, which I once thought right but found to be otherwise.” -Benjamin Franklin

  7. Carbon Offsets

    A lot of the tips on this web site focus on saving energy. But why is that important? It's great to lower your energy bills and save money, but what's the bigger picture?

    Almost all of the energy we get today comes from fossil fuels, whether it's the gasoline used to move our cars or the coal used to fire our power plants. Burning fossil fuels creates carbon dioxide, the principal greenhouse gas responsible for global warming.

    If you add up all of the carbon dioxide that you're responsible for creating through your energy use, you end up with a number called your “carbon footprint”. Think of it as your personal contribution to climate change.

    The best way to reduce your carbon footprint is by reducing your use of fossil fuels. Driving an alternative-fuel vehicle; insulating your home; switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs; all of these things make a big impact.

    But it's tough to lower your carbon footprint all the way to zero. That's where carbon offsets can help. Carbon offsets are a way of balancing out your carbon footprint by funding reductions in carbon dioxide emissions elsewhere. For example, by putting money toward a wind farm or "cow power" methane digester, you can sponsor an actual reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

    Courtesy of Host link:
    Living With Ed

  8. He's a headcase, go watch the video of him claiming global warming has been proven and is a known fact. He's a nutcase who sees no problem infringing on your rights in order to protect his beliefs.

  9. Dear Oct. 21, 2010 @ 9:24pm,

    Ummm... Global Warming or Climate Change has been proven and is a known fact.

    Denying science to protect or justify ones opinion is ignorant and dangerous.

  10. I have no problem with tools like Ed Begley living like a cave man. Hey, he’s from California…a state full of idiots. I don’t care if he eats tree bark and howls at the moon. But I do mind him and his fellow earth warming liberals telling me I cannot drive my F-250. That’s the problem with libs…they want to control the lives of everyone else. Conservatives want to live and let live. Like I said, I don’t care if Ed Begley, Jr. covers himself with feathers and quacks around the yard…as long as he quacks in California…that’s normal behavior out there. Just leave me alone and don’t make up science. Like I say over and over, don’t pee on my boots and tell me it’s raining. Remember, if Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi and Ed Begley believe something…it HAS to be false!

  11. I look forward to global warming. The Medieval warming period was the most prosperous periods in human history. Finally ending the last Ice Age will bring prosperity once again to the human race!

    The warming IS NOT caused by man. Don;t be so arrogant to think that man can control the weather.

  12. 6:52, please show me where the scientific community agrees that global warming is man caused and not merely the normal cyclical heating and cooling of the earth. Thank you.

    *notes I never get a response*

    He's dangerous because he believes his wild beliefs entitle him to deny others their own freedom of choice. He believes HIS beliefs entitle you to have to change YOUR lifestyle.

    He can live his life as he chooses, this is America, but his rights end when they intrude on mine to live as I wish.

    I'm sorry the concept of freedom is lost on Liberals.

  13. it's too bad that Ed Begley took away your truck. did he at least pay you for it? did you report it stolen?

    get your panties out of a bunch. saving energy saves you money. no one is requiring you to not take steps to save money, but if you prefer to spend in ignorant bliss, by all means.

  14. Sometimes I start my car and let it idle in the driveway for hours, wasting fuel, just cause I can. It's my money.


    Yeah, he sure doesn't look like a whackjob... *dull stare*

    He's a fruitcake and I wouldn't cross the street for him if he paid me. The sooner these idiots like him fade out, the better. He is no different than the earth is freezing kooks who were running around screaming about the next ice age during the 70's.

    Anyone who takes him credible isn't anyone I would listen to.

  16. You may feel as if it is an inalienable right if you so chose to own an over blown, carbon spewing Ford F250, and to run it parked in your driveway needlessly for hours on end. Truth- within the structural nature of the laws and history of the United States as defined by our governing constitution, you have certain rights you may freely express, so long as it does NOT infringe on the rights of another.

    Bearing that thought in mind, by taking the liberty to needlessly squander our natural resources and polluting the air I breathe with your actions- are you not infringing on MY RIGHT to healthful living and freedom from possibly harmful byproducts? By exercising these actions, in my view and in regards to the lack of consideration to my healthy and well being, it is much like me taking bodily excrement, invading your living space and placing it in your evening meal as you are attempting to nourish your body.

    The air I breathe and nutrients I partake of are meant for my betterment and fortification and it shall be my right to enjoy that without your having denied me the fullest of my ability to utilize those elements as a result of your willful need to pollute them. I ask of you- is this no greater infringing on MY liberties than if I had soiled your meal?

    I mean this not as an affront to ANYONE. Your opinions are your inalienable right and mine are no greater than yours. I do wish, however, to invite us all to consider the possibility of having to wear the shoe on the other foot.

    “The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it” –Terry Pratchett

    One can only hope the idea placed forth might be one which serves our gain…

    I wish to explore my thoughts on green energy in this forum once I gather and formulate a more rounded presentation of fact and thought.

    The concept of “Green Energy” runs soo much deeper than the theories revolving around global warming. The economic impact, availability, additional health and environmental repercussions are just a few points of concern and debate. I believe it may benefit us all if more where brought to light.


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