The Greenville Athletic Boosters will be holding their Annual Monte Carlo Night on Saturday, March 19, 2011 at Paw’s Bingo Hall, 848 Martin Street, Greenville , OH, from to In addition to Blackjack, Texas hold ‘em, Craps, and the Horse Races; 50/50 drawings will be held throughout the evening. Tickets are on sale now for $ 15.00 per person (includes start up play money). Great prizes to be given away such as a big screen TV., recliner, & many other items. You can purchase tickets from any Greenville High School Athlete, the Athletic Office (937) 548-4416, Jonie Drew (937) 459-0097 or Ellen Hetzler (937) 459-0099. Come and enjoy the fun & Support your Greenville Student Athletes!! 100% of the proceeds go to the Greenville Athletic Boosters who lend support to our Athletic teams.
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