Is this newsworthy? Who knows - but it's indicative of the mundane choices made by the commissioners on a regular basis. It seems at least as interesting as a horoscope ...................
IN THE MATTER OF QUOTES FOR COPY PAPER FOR COUNTY OFFICES: The Board of Commissioners received the following quotes from Asst. Clerk/Secy. After discussion etc.; Mr. Rhoades moved to approve the low quote from Office Depot, totaling $3,678.44; seconded by Mr. Stegall and all voted YEA. (Paper will be pd. by “Solid Waste” funds).
Citizen KF: Had a question regarding the purchase of copy paper for the county offices. Wondered why a quote was not submitted from any local vendors? Advised him that we buy such a big quantity that there are not any local vendors that carry that much of a supply. We have a local Staples store, but whenever a quote is given from them for copy paper, we need to directly go thru the company for better pricing.
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