Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Over 450 Valentines Sent to Troops

The Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home in Greenville in cooperation with the Veterans and Family Memorial Care program, Woodland Primary School in Greenville, Ansonia “ Kid’s That Care”, Mississinawa Elemetary and St. Mary’s School in Greenville, worked together to show our troops in Iraq, United States and Afghanistan how much we care and support them with “Operation Valentine”.

Joe Floyd, owner of the Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home stated “The objective was to send Valentine Cards to our troops, here and overseas with messages of love, heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the sacrifices they make for all of us every day. The response from our teachers and students was phenomenal with the students making over 450 special Valentine’s for our soldiers.”

“Soldiers are your brothers and sisters, your mothers and fathers, your cousins, friends, aunt and uncles. They are what make this country great. So we wanted to tell them” added Floyd. This year we sent to some of the soldiers that have relatives and family around here that gave us the addresses. Then they can share the cards with members of their troops to help brighten up their day.

Soldiers enjoy getting anything from back home, and heartfelt Valentine cards are greatly appreciated.

We at Oliver-Floyd Funeral Home would like to thank you, all the children and teachers that helped us with “Operation Valentine”, making Valentine Day a special day for them. Our soldiers, who serve and protect our rights and freedom as Americans and deserve our best.

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