The trustees of New Madison Public Library recently voted to put a 1.5 mill library support levy on the May 3 ballot. The library’s state funding has decreased by 24% in the past five years and additional cuts are expected mid-year in 2011. The trustees have eliminated staff positions, cut the book budget, eliminated Wednesday service hours and postponed capital improvements. But these cost saving measures are not enough to make ends meet when the demand for library service has increased by 23% in the same time period. In trying economic times, community residents turn more and more to libraries to provide free educational and recreational resources as well as services like free high-speed internet access and assistance with applying for government benefits. The income generated by the levy will allow the library to restore service hours, programming and the book budget and to address needed capital improvements. The levy will be on the ballot for voters living in the library’s legal service district which includes the villages of Hollansburg, New Madison and Palestine and the rural areas within the boundaries of the Tri-Village School District.
Members of the library’s “levy team” will make appearances at the following public meetings. Questions and comments can be shared at any of these meetings or by contacting library director Ann Riegle-Coursey at 996-1741 or Citizens for New Madison Public Library treasurer Phil Dubbs at 996-5282.
- Monday, March 21- Liberty Township meeting at 7 p.m.
- Monday, March 28- Harrison Township meeting at 5:30 p.m. and Neave Township meeting at 8 p.m.
- Monday, April 4- Palestine Village Council meeting at 7:30 p.m.
- Thursday, April 14- Hollansburg Village Council meeting at 7 p.m.
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