Arcanum Direct Sales Network (ADSN), a local networking group based in Arcanum, sponsored QUARTERS FOR QUENTIN on Friday, March 11, 2011 to benefit Quentin Dieterle, a local 7-year old born with Idiopathic Colon Disease. The auction, held at the Beechwood Golf Course raised over $1300 to help cover Quentin’s medical and travel expenses.
There is no known cure for Idiopathic Colon disease. The condition made it necessary to remove Quentin’s colon, resulting in him needing a colostomy bag for the rest of his life. Quentin is also dependant on a feeding tube which he must take with him wherever he goes.
ADSN wishes to thank all its member and nonmember vendors for their hard work and dedication to making this event a success. Vendor companies represented were: Pampered Chef, Gold Canyon Candles, Usborne Books, Azuli Skye jewelry, Avon, MaryKay, Pure Romance, Tastefully Simple, Lia Sophia, Tupperware, Chartreuse, Nelly Cuddles, and Scentsy.
Donations were collected from a number of area businesses and the event could not have happened without the help of these businesses. ADSN wishes to thank you for your generosity. Businesses that donated: Ace Hardware, The Kitchen-Aid Store, Picnic’s Pizza & Grille, Sutton’s SuperValue, Smith’s Coffeehouse, Fairlawn Steakhouse, Versailles Inn, Greenville Autolube, McBo’s Bowling, Montage, CJ Highmarks, Sweet 101, The Little Italian CafĂ©, Petey’s Pizza, The Rose Post, Deb’s Wildflowers, Belle Fiole, Theresa’s Hair & Tanning, Spirit Transport, Flory Landscaping, Lowe’s, Dave Knapp Ford, Mambo’s, Impressions Salon & Day Spa, Beechwood Golf Course, Hibbet Sports, Papa John’s, Sunoco, Harly Davidson, and Girl Scout Troop 47363-Springboro.
Monetary donations may still be made at any local PNC Bank location in Quentin’s name.
Can an old graduate of 1969 participate?
ReplyDeleteThis good ole boy living in the Who Dat Nation had some very fond memories from up there, soon to be returning home.