Monday, April 11, 2011

Darke County Parks hosts Basket Weaving 101!

This past weekend a full workshop joined Beverly Wiwi as she led first-time weavers through the basket making process. Beverly has been weaving baskets for 20 plus years and loves each and every basket that she completes. She has made a variety of basket sizes anywhere from tiny baskets for wall decorations to large baskets with/without handles. All who gathered for the session on Saturday were taught the proper techniques and materials for making the perfect basket every time. Some created baskets that were a little deeper, some added a few rows of color reeds, and other participants finished their baskets with an oak stain! By the end of the program, all in attendance had completed baskets with their own personal touch.

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Photo Captions:
Top: Before you start weaving a basket it is very important to wet down the stacks of the basket, as this allows for the stacks to bend so you can form a round basket.
Middle: Participants concentrating on weaving their very own 9inch baskets.
Bottom: Showing off their First hand woven basket before getting the basket stained.
Right: Instructor Beverly Wiwi applying the oak stain finished to the baskets.

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