But today, is that such a big deal? What difference does it make? And if I do believe it, why should I be a part of a church, and especially First United Methodist Church? I invite you to come on Sunday, April 24th at 9:30 A.M. to consider three questions:
Why do I need Christ?
Why do I need the Church?
Why do I need THIS church?
I cannot wait to share this Easter message with you.
As much as we enjoy Easter, we will appreciate it all the more when we participate in the services leading up to that day:
April 17th, 9:30, Palm / Passion Sunday. Our Chancel Choir presents the Easter Cantata, Come Walk With Me, by Pepper Choplin. April 21, 6:00 PM. Maundy Thursday. On this night, Jesus gave his community a new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you.” This is a service of Love. We will share a simple supper of soup, followed by a service, and ending with Holy Communion and the traditional stripping of the chancel. Reservations are required. Call 937-548-3075. April 23, 8:30 PM. Easter Vigil. A traditional service since the very beginnings of the Christian Church, we call this The First Service of Easter. We begin outside with the lighting of the New Fire, followed by a procession into the dark sanctuary, led by our new Easter Candle. Once in the sanctuary, we light individual candles as a testimony of the risen Christ in our lives. We will hear the stories of our salvation history from the Old and New Testament. April 24, 9:30 A.M. RESURRECTION! After worship we will have donut holes, coffee, juice, and an indoor Easter Egg Hunt for children. Sunday School is cancelled to allow for family time after Easter.
All are welcome to any and all these happenings. Christ the Lord is Risen!
Rev. Joe Payne
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