Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR Participates in 2011 Darke County Trash Bash

Fort GreeneVille Chapter members participated in the 2011 Darke County Trash Bash. It was a countywide clean up. The chapter volunteered a total of 4 miles of county road to clean up. By separating the recyclables for the trash, the chapter was awarded money for their effort. The money raised will be used for beautification of the Studabaker Schoolhouse.

Left: Back Row - Nehring Family: Jordan, Regent Chris, HoDar Paul, and Taylor
Front Row - Shirley Hughes, Helen Wright, Debbie Nisonger, Lesia Bertram, and HoDar Wayne Bertram (not pictured-Edith Bertram)
Right: Debbie Nisonger, Helen Wright, Chris Nehring, and Lesia Bertram

1 comment:

  1. These folks and all the volunteers statewide deserve a big pat on the back for their efforts.
    BUT... there are currently 32 prisoners at the Darke County Sheriff's office, according to the Dayton Daily News web site, who need to be put to use in one way or the other and this is one way to get them out of the house and contribute to the people who are paying their expenses. I have seen them picking up trash in the past and hope to see them being used more often. I'll even bet Toby turns on the ac for them today!


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