We know of one picture that was in the Dayton Daily News on Sept. 26, 1937.
We will be having an open house on May 28th and would like to display pictures of days-gone-by of the schoolhouse.
The Studabaker Schoolhouse has also been commonly referred to as the Beehive Schoolhouse. From what research so far thats been done, Beehive Schoolhouse was actually located on Eidson Rd. Any info on this misconception would be appreciated also.
Actually, this was called the Beehive School. Check this link.
Frazier Wilson's 1914 book on Darke County is online digitized buy Google and available as a download. There is mention of the Studabaker House and the school. http://books.google.com/books?pg=PP1&lpg=PA185&dq=studebaker%20schoolhouse%20darke%20county%20ohio&sig=bItSwC3pOZ3hAPOArvgtimwX5GI&ei=K22mTfCKLZKw0QH4uJXlCA&ct=result&sqi=2&id=BToVAAAAYAAJ&ots=sgt5_hm8v8&output=text